Reference. Reference for the DocBook DTD

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OrderedList---List in which each entry is marked with a sequentially incremented label


Content Model


This element has common and Role attributes.

Name Value(s) Type Default Value
Continuation (Continues |Restarts)   Restarts
InheritNum (Inherit |Ignore)   Ignore
Numeration (Arabic |Upperalpha |Loweralpha |Upperroman |Lowerroman) #IMPLIED  
Spacing (Normal |Compact) #IMPLIED  

Tag Minimization

Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.


Numbered or lettered list, consisting of ListItems. A ListItem in an OrderedList contains paragraphs and other block-oriented elements, which may in turn contain other lists; an OrderedList may be nested within other lists, too. OrderedList has common, Numeration, InheritNum, Continuation, and Spacing attributes.

Processing Expectations

If no value is supplied for the Numeration attribute, Arabic numbering (1, 2, 3, . . .) is to be used.


These elements contain OrderedList: Appendix, Article, BiblioDiv, Bibliography, BlockQuote, Callout, Caution, Chapter, Dedication, Example, Footnote, GlossDef, GlossDiv, Glossary, Highlights, Important, Index, IndexDiv, InformalExample, LegalNotice, ListItem, MsgExplan, MsgText, Note, Para, PartIntro, Preface, Procedure, RefSect1, RefSect2, RefSect3, RefSynopsisDiv, Sect1, Sect2, Sect3, Sect4, Sect5, SetIndex, Sidebar, SimpleSect, Step, Tip, Warning, and entry.


OrderedList contains ListItem.

In some contexts, additional elements may be allowed by inclusions in parent elements. Similarly, in some contexts, some of these elements may be invalid due to exclusions in parent elements.



Numeration specifies the style of numbering to be used for ListItems. The default is Arabic.


InheritNum specified for a nested list whether the numbering of ListItems should include the number of the ListItem within which they are nested (e.g., 1, 1.a, rather than 1, a); that is the value Inherit. Ignore, the default, indicates that the parent ListItem's number is not to be inherited.


Continuation indicates whether list numbering should begin afresh (Restarts, the default) or continues that of the immediately preceding list (Continues). The default is Restarts.


Spacing indicates whether the vertical space in the list should be compressed.


<PARA>This ListItem will be preceded by a capital A.
<PARA>And this one by a capital B.
<PARA>Use the Continuation attribute to continue a sequence
of ListItem numbering across OrderLists that are separated
by other text.
<PARA>This nested OrderedList will be numbered 1, 2, etc.
<PARA>No list should contain only one member, as a matter of
good style.
<PARA>Don't forget that OrderedList has common attributes.
<PARA>This nested OrderedList will be numbered B.1, B.2, etc.
<PARA>No list should contain only one member, as a matter of
good style.

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