((CalloutList | GlossList | ItemizedList | OrderedList | SegmentedList | SimpleList | VariableList | Caution | Important | Note | Tip | Warning | LiteralLayout | ProgramListing | ProgramListingCO | Screen | ScreenCO | ScreenShot | FormalPara | Para | SimPara | Graphic)+ | (#PCDATA | FootnoteRef | XRef | Abbrev | Acronym | Citation | CiteRefEntry | CiteTitle | Emphasis | FirstTerm | ForeignPhrase | GlossTerm | Footnote | Phrase | Quote | Trademark | WordAsWord | Link | OLink | ULink | Action | Application | ClassName | Command | ComputerOutput | Database | Email | EnVar | ErrorCode | ErrorName | ErrorType | Filename | Function | GUIButton | GUIIcon | GUILabel | GUIMenu | GUIMenuItem | GUISubmenu | Hardware | Interface | InterfaceDefinition | KeyCap | KeyCode | KeyCombo | KeySym | Literal | Markup | MediaLabel | MenuChoice | MouseButton | MsgText | Option | Optional | Parameter | Prompt | Property | Replaceable | ReturnValue | SGMLTag | StructField | StructName | Symbol | SystemItem | Token | Type | UserInput | Anchor | Author | AuthorInitials | CorpAuthor | ModeSpec | OtherCredit | ProductName | ProductNumber | RevHistory | Comment | Subscript | Superscript | InlineGraphic | InlineEquation | Synopsis | CmdSynopsis | FuncSynopsis)+)
This element has common and Role attributes.
Name | Value(s) | Type | Default Value |
align | (left|right|center|justify|char) | #IMPLIED | |
char | CDATA | #IMPLIED | |
charoff | NUTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
colname | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
colsep | NUMBER | #IMPLIED | |
morerows | NUMBER | #IMPLIED | |
nameend | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
namest | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
rotate | NUMBER | #IMPLIED | |
rowsep | NUMBER | #IMPLIED | |
spanname | NMTOKEN | #IMPLIED | |
valign | (top|middle|bottom) | #IMPLIED |
The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.
Entry is a cell in a table. It occurs in a Row, and must have either some assortment of paragraphs, block-oriented elements, and Graphics, or in-line elements. Entry has common and Align, Char, Charoff, Colname, Colsep, Morerows, Nameend, Namest, Rotate, Rowsep, Spanname, and VAlign attributes. Attribute values may be inherited from enclosing elements that share the same attribute. ``An Entry not specified by a SpanSpec gets its defaults from its starting column.''
entry occurs in row.
entry contains these elements: Abbrev, Acronym, Action, Anchor, Application, Author, AuthorInitials, CalloutList, Caution, Citation, CiteRefEntry, CiteTitle, ClassName, CmdSynopsis, Command, Comment, ComputerOutput, CorpAuthor, Database, Email, Emphasis, EnVar, ErrorCode, ErrorName, ErrorType, Filename, FirstTerm, Footnote, FootnoteRef, ForeignPhrase, FormalPara, FuncSynopsis, Function, GUIButton, GUIIcon, GUILabel, GUIMenu, GUIMenuItem, GUISubmenu, GlossList, GlossTerm, Graphic, Hardware, Important, InlineEquation, InlineGraphic, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, ItemizedList, KeyCap, KeyCode, KeyCombo, KeySym, Link, Literal, LiteralLayout, Markup, MediaLabel, MenuChoice, ModeSpec, MouseButton, MsgText, Note, OLink, Option, Optional, OrderedList, OtherCredit, #PCDATA, Para, Parameter, Phrase, ProductName, ProductNumber, ProgramListing, ProgramListingCO, Prompt, Property, Quote, Replaceable, ReturnValue, RevHistory, SGMLTag, Screen, ScreenCO, ScreenShot, SegmentedList, SimPara, SimpleList, StructField, StructName, Subscript, Superscript, Symbol, Synopsis, SystemItem, Tip, Token, Trademark, Type, ULink, UserInput, VariableList, Warning, WordAsWord, and XRef.
Name of the column, which is used to specify the position in a row, or the start or end of a horizontal span of columns (SpanSpec). There is no default. For Entry, omit if SpanName is present; The implied value is either the first column of the Row, or, if already in a Row, the next column after the end of the prior Entry or EntryTbl.
Namest (``Name Start'') is the name of the leftmost column of a span. Names are identified in the ColSpec of the current TGroup. There is no default.
Nameend is the name of the rightmost column of a span. Names are identified in the ColSpec of the current TGroup. There is no default.
Spanname is the name of a horizontal span. There is no default.
Morerows is the number of additional rows in a vertical straddle. The default is 0.
For EntryTbl, if the value of Colsep is 1 (yes), display the internal column rulings to the right of the EntryTbl, except if the EntryTbl falls in the the last column, where the side rule setting applies; if 0 (no), do not display it. There is no default. The value is inherited from the enclosing TGroup.
Rowsep controls the occurance of horizontal rules between table rows. A value of 1 (yes) specifies that a rule should occur. A value of 0 (no) specifies that it should not. Rowsep is inherited from enclosing table elements.
Align controls the horizontal position of text within the column. The value of Align may be Left (quad flush left), Center (centered), Right (quad flush right), Justify (both quad left and right), or Char (align to the left of Char, positioned by Charoff). There is no default except for SpanSpec, where the default is Center. For Entry and EntryTbl, the value may be inherited from ColSpec or SpanSpec.
Specifies the alignment character
Charoff contributes with Char to Align. Charoff is the proportion of the current column width, expressed in percentage, to be allowed before the left edge of the first occurrence of the character given as the value of Char. For Entry, the default is inherited from ColSpec or SpanSpec. For ColSpec and EntryTbl, the default is inherited from the enclosing TGroup. For SpanSpec, the default is inherited from the ColSpec of the column named by Namest.
Rotate governs rotations, which are not additive to those specified in the FOSI. Values may be 1 (yes) or 0 (no). 0 (no) specifies no rotation; 1 (yes) specifies 90 degrees rotation counterclockwise to table orientation. No other values are supported!
VAlign governs the vertical positioning of text within an Entry. Allowed values are Top, Middle, and Bottom (no default).
<TABLE COLSEP="1" FRAME="all" ROWSEP="0" SHORTENTRY="0" TOCENTRY="1" TABSTYLE="decimalstyle" ORIENT="land" PGWIDE="0"> <TITLE>Sample Decimal-Aligned Table</TITLE> <TITLEABBREV>Decimal-Aligned Table</TITLEABBREV> <TGROUP ALIGN="char" CHAROFF="50" CHAR="." COLS="4"> <COLSPEC ALIGN="left" COLNUM="1" COLSEP="0" COLWIDTH="7pc"> <THEAD> <ROW> <ENTRY>Gas Ball</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1940</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1960</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1980</ENTRY> </ROW> </THEAD> <TFOOT> <ROW> <ENTRY>Rating</ENTRY> <ENTRY>3</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1</ENTRY> <ENTRY>2</ENTRY> </ROW> </TFOOT> <TBODY> <ROW> <ENTRY>Diameter</ENTRY> <ENTRY>345.021</ENTRY> <ENTRY>211.02</ENTRY> <ENTRY>221.3</ENTRY> </ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY>Color</ENTRY> <ENTRY>blue</ENTRY> <ENTRY>red</ENTRY> <ENTRY>yellow</ENTRY> </ROW> </TBODY> </TGROUP> </TABLE>
<TABLE FRAME="all"> <TITLE>Table With SpanSpec</TITLE> <TGROUP COLS="5" COLSEP="1" ROWSEP="1"> <COLSPEC COLWIDTH="91*"> <COLSPEC COLNAME="col2" COLWIDTH="91*"> <COLSPEC COLNAME="col3" COLWIDTH="91*"> <COLSPEC COLNAME="col4" COLWIDTH="91*"> <COLSPEC COLNAME="col5" COLWIDTH="92*"> <SPANSPEC NAMEEND="col5" NAMEST="col4" SPANNAME="4to5"> <TBODY> <ROW> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" COLNAME="col2" VALIGN="middle">Software 1</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">Software 2</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">Software 3</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">Software 4</ENTRY></ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">Platform 1</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" MOREROWS="1" VALIGN="middle">25 MB</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">10 MB</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" SPANNAME="4to5" VALIGN="middle">34 MB</ENTRY></ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">Platform 2</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" COLNAME="col3" VALIGN="middle">12 MB</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">30 MB</ENTRY> <ENTRY ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">35 MB</ENTRY></ROW></TBODY></TGROUP> </TABLE>
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