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ModeSpec---Application-specific information necessary for the completion of an OLink


Content Model
  ((#PCDATA | Emphasis | Trademark | Replaceable | Comment
  | Subscript | Superscript
  | InlineGraphic)+)
  -(IndexTerm | BeginPage)


ModeSpec excludes these elements at every level:

  IndexTerm | BeginPage


This element has common and Role attributes.

Name Value(s) Type Default Value
Application (BMP| CGM-CHAR | CGM-BINARY | CGM-CLEAR | DITROFF | DVI | EPS | EQN | FAX | GIF | GIF87a | GIF89a | IGES | PCX | PIC | PS | SGML | TBL | TEX | TIFF | WMF | WPG | linespecific ) NOTATION #IMPLIED

Tag Minimization

Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.


Application-specific information necessary for the completion of an OLink; see OLink. ModeSpec has Application and common attributes.


These elements contain ModeSpec: Application, Attribution, BiblioMisc, BookInfo, BridgeHead, Citation, CiteTitle, Comment, DocInfo, Emphasis, ForeignPhrase, GlossSee, GlossSeeAlso, GlossTerm, LineAnnotation, Link, LiteralLayout, LoTentry, Member, MsgAud, OLink, Para, Phrase, Primary, PrimaryIE, ProductName, ProgramListing, Quote, RefEntryTitle, RefPurpose, RefSect1Info, RefSect2Info, RefSect3Info, RefSynopsisDivInfo, Screen, ScreenInfo, Secondary, SecondaryIE, Sect1Info, Sect2Info, Sect3Info, Sect4Info, Sect5Info, See, SeeAlso, SeeAlsoIE, SeeIE, Seg, SegTitle, SetInfo, SimPara, Subtitle, Synopsis, Term, Tertiary, TertiaryIE, Title, TitleAbbrev, ToCback, ToCentry, ToCfront, ULink, and entry.


ModeSpec contains these elements: Comment, Emphasis, InlineGraphic, #PCDATA, Replaceable, Subscript, Superscript, and Trademark.

In some contexts, some of these elements may be invalid due to exclusions in parent elements.



Application indicates the type of action required for the completion of the links to which the ModeSpec is relevant, in the form of a Notation.


<PARA><MODESPEC ID="mo123" APPLICATION="FAX">usenumericipaddr</MODESPEC>
To warm up, we provide a <ANCHOR ID="proan123"> target in
<PHRASE ID="proan124">the same place</PHRASE>, pretty much.
To go there,
<LINK LINKEND="proan123" TYPE="info">click here</LINK>
and say goodbye.  Or click to go to
<LINK LINKEND="proan123" ENDTERM="proan124"></LINK>.
You may prefer to 
<ULINK URL="" TYPE="alternate">click
here</ULINK> instead.  And if that doesn't work, just
LOCALINFO="noretry" TYPE="desperate">click here</OLINK>
and give up all hope.

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