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Sect1Info---Metainformation for a Sect1


Content Model
  ((Graphic | LegalNotice | ModeSpec | SubjectSet
  | KeywordSet | ITermSet | Abbrev | Abstract | Address
  | ArtPageNums | Author | AuthorGroup | AuthorInitials
  | BiblioMisc | BiblioSet | Collab | ConfGroup | ContractNum
  | ContractSponsor | Copyright | CorpAuthor | CorpName
  | Date | Edition | Editor | InvPartNumber | ISBN | ISSN
  | IssueNum | OrgName | OtherCredit | PageNums
  | PrintHistory | ProductName | ProductNumber | PubDate
  | Publisher | PublisherName | PubsNumber | ReleaseInfo
  | RevHistory | SeriesVolNums | Subtitle | Title
  | TitleAbbrev | VolumeNum | Honorific | FirstName | Surname
  | Lineage | OtherName | Affiliation | AuthorBlurb
  | Contrib)+)


Sect1Info excludes these elements at every level:



This element has common and Role attributes.

Tag Minimization

Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.


Metainformation for a Sect1, in which it may appear. Sect1Info may contain any number, in any order, any member of bibliocomponent.mix, Graphic, LegalNotice, ModeSpec, SubjectSet, or ITermSet. Sect1Info has common attributes.


Sect1Info occurs in Sect1.


Sect1Info contains these elements: Abbrev, Abstract, Address, Affiliation, ArtPageNums, Author, AuthorBlurb, AuthorGroup, AuthorInitials, BiblioMisc, BiblioSet, Collab, ConfGroup, ContractNum, ContractSponsor, Contrib, Copyright, CorpAuthor, CorpName, Date, Edition, Editor, FirstName, Graphic, Honorific, ISBN, ISSN, ITermSet, InvPartNumber, IssueNum, KeywordSet, LegalNotice, Lineage, ModeSpec, OrgName, OtherCredit, OtherName, PageNums, PrintHistory, ProductName, ProductNumber, PubDate, Publisher, PublisherName, PubsNumber, ReleaseInfo, RevHistory, SeriesVolNums, SubjectSet, Subtitle, Surname, Title, TitleAbbrev, and VolumeNum.

In some contexts, additional elements may be allowed by inclusions in parent elements.


<title>A Section</title>
<para>This section was written by Charles V.
<title>A Section</title>
<para>This section was written by Charles IV.
<title>A Section</title>
<para>This section was written by Charles III.
<title>A Section</title>
<para>This section was written by Charles II.
<title>A Section</title>
<para>This section was written by Charles I.

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