(CalloutList | GlossList | ItemizedList | OrderedList | SegmentedList | SimpleList | VariableList | LiteralLayout | ProgramListing | ProgramListingCO | Screen | ScreenCO | ScreenShot | Synopsis | CmdSynopsis | FuncSynopsis | FormalPara | Para | SimPara | Address | BlockQuote | Graphic | GraphicCO | InformalEquation | InformalExample | InformalTable | Equation | Example | Figure | Table | Comment)+ , GlossSeeAlso*
This element has common and Role attributes.
Name | Value(s) | Type | Default Value |
Subject | CDATA | #IMPLIED |
The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.
Definition attached to a GlossTerm in a GlossEntry. It may contain Comments, GlossSeeAlsos, paragraphs, and other block-oriented elements, in any order; it has common and Subject attributes.
GlossDef occurs in GlossEntry.
GlossDef contains these elements: Address, BlockQuote, CalloutList, CmdSynopsis, Comment, Equation, Example, Figure, FormalPara, FuncSynopsis, GlossList, GlossSeeAlso, Graphic, GraphicCO, InformalEquation, InformalExample, InformalTable, ItemizedList, LiteralLayout, OrderedList, Para, ProgramListing, ProgramListingCO, Screen, ScreenCO, ScreenShot, SegmentedList, SimPara, SimpleList, Synopsis, Table, and VariableList.
Subject is a list of keywords for the GlossDef's definition.
<GLOSSARY> <TITLE>Words You Must Know</TITLE> <PARA>These are words you must know to pass the SGML test. </PARA> <GLOSSDIV> <TITLE>Words Pertaining to Markup</TITLE> <GLOSSENTRY SORTAS="RME"> <GLOSSTERM>Reportable Markup Error</GLOSSTERM> <ACRONYM>RME</ACRONYM> <ABBREV>Markerror</ABBREV> <GLOSSDEF> <PARA>A mistake you made.</PARA> </GLOSSDEF> <GLOSSDEF SUBJECT="Errors"> <PARA>A mistake someone else made.</PARA> <GLOSSSEEALSO OTHERTERM="gl123"> </GLOSSDEF> </GLOSSENTRY> </GLOSSDIV> <GLOSSDIV> <TITLE>Words Not Pertaining to Markup So Much</TITLE> <GLOSSENTRY> <GLOSSTERM ID="gl123">Document</GLOSSTERM> <GLOSSDEF> <PARA>A piece of writing; it sounds fancier if you call it a Document.</PARA> </GLOSSDEF> </GLOSSENTRY> <GLOSSENTRY> <GLOSSTERM>Instance</GLOSSTERM> <GLOSSSEE>Document</GLOSSSEE> </GLOSSENTRY> </GLOSSDIV> <BIBLIOGRAPHY> <BIBLIOENTRY> <BOOKBIBLIO> <TITLE>Recursive Tooth Exercises </TITLE> <AUTHORGROUP> <AUTHOR> <FIRSTNAME>George</FIRSTNAME> <SURNAME>Tirebiter</SURNAME> </AUTHOR> </AUTHORGROUP> </BOOKBIBLIO> </BIBLIOENTRY> </BIBLIOGRAPHY> </GLOSSARY>
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