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BlockQuote---Quotation set off from the main text, rather than occurring in-line


Content Model
  Title?, Attribution?,
  (CalloutList | GlossList | ItemizedList | OrderedList
  | SegmentedList | SimpleList | VariableList | Caution
  | Important | Note | Tip | Warning | LiteralLayout
  | ProgramListing | ProgramListingCO | Screen | ScreenCO
  | ScreenShot | Synopsis | CmdSynopsis | FuncSynopsis
  | FormalPara | Para | SimPara | Address | BlockQuote
  | Graphic | GraphicCO | InformalEquation
  | InformalExample | InformalTable | Equation | Example
  | Figure | Table | MsgSet | Procedure | Sidebar | Anchor
  | BridgeHead | Comment | Highlights | Abstract
  | AuthorBlurb
  | Epigraph)+


This element has common and Role attributes.

Tag Minimization

Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.


Quotation set off from the main text, rather than occurring in-line. It may have a Title, followed by block-oriented elements. It has common attributes.


These elements contain BlockQuote: Appendix, Article, BiblioDiv, Bibliography, BlockQuote, Callout, Caution, Chapter, Dedication, Example, Figure, Footnote, GlossDef, GlossDiv, Glossary, Important, Index, IndexDiv, InformalExample, LegalNotice, ListItem, MsgExplan, MsgText, Note, Para, PartIntro, Preface, Procedure, RefSect1, RefSect2, RefSect3, RefSynopsisDiv, Sect1, Sect2, Sect3, Sect4, Sect5, SetIndex, Sidebar, SimpleSect, Step, Tip, and Warning.


BlockQuote contains these elements: Abstract, Address, Anchor, Attribution, AuthorBlurb, BlockQuote, BridgeHead, CalloutList, Caution, CmdSynopsis, Comment, Epigraph, Equation, Example, Figure, FormalPara, FuncSynopsis, GlossList, Graphic, GraphicCO, Highlights, Important, InformalEquation, InformalExample, InformalTable, ItemizedList, LiteralLayout, MsgSet, Note, OrderedList, Para, Procedure, ProgramListing, ProgramListingCO, Screen, ScreenCO, ScreenShot, SegmentedList, Sidebar, SimPara, SimpleList, Synopsis, Table, Tip, Title, VariableList, and Warning.

In some contexts, additional elements may be allowed by inclusions in parent elements. Similarly, in some contexts, some of these elements may be invalid due to exclusions in parent elements.


<PARA>A BlockQuote may appear within a paragraph.
<TITLE>Persian Historians</TITLE>
<para>It is far from being our
opinion, that every thing recorded by the Perfian writers is ftrictly
fact ; that would be to place them not on a level with the beft
hiftorians of other nations, but in a clafs high above them : for what 
people, what kingdom, what republic, can boaft of fuch a faultlefs 
feries of hiftory ? or why fhould we expect a greater degree of
clearnefs in the hiftory of Perfia, as written by Oriental authors, 
than we find in the hiftory of Greece, though written by Greeks, who
were fo proud of their own abilities, that they ftiled all the reft of
the world barbarians ?
And, of course, the paragraph may continue afterward.</PARA>

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