Reference. Reference for the DocBook DTD

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Dedication--- Section prefatory to main text of a Book that contains a tribute to something in connection with the Book.


Content Model
  (Title, TitleAbbrev?)?,
  (CalloutList | GlossList | ItemizedList | OrderedList
  | SegmentedList | SimpleList | VariableList | Caution
  | Important | Note | Tip | Warning | LiteralLayout
  | ProgramListing | ProgramListingCO | Screen | ScreenCO
  | ScreenShot | FormalPara | Para | SimPara
  | BlockQuote)+


This element has common and Role attributes.

Name Value(s) Type Default Value

Tag Minimization

The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.


Dedication is a section prefatory to the main text of a Book that contains a tribute to something (frequently someone) in connection with the composition or publication of the Book. It may begin with a Title and TitleAbbrev, and may be composed of lists, paragraphs, admonitions, BlockQuotes, and LiteralLayouts. It has Status and common attributes. Status imay be uses to hold a string indicating the editorial or publication status of the Dedication.


Dedication occurs in Book.


Dedication contains these elements: BlockQuote, CalloutList, Caution, FormalPara, GlossList, Important, ItemizedList, LiteralLayout, Note, OrderedList, Para, ProgramListing, ProgramListingCO, Screen, ScreenCO, ScreenShot, SegmentedList, SimPara, SimpleList, Tip, Title, TitleAbbrev, VariableList, and Warning.

In some contexts, additional elements may be allowed by inclusions in parent elements.



Editorial or publication status ofthe element it applies to, such as "in review" or "approved for distribution." There is no default.


<TITLE>Optional Title</TITLE>
<PARA>To my cat Fluffy:</PARA>
<LISTITEM><PARA>Who always took care of me</PARA>
<LISTITEM><PARA>Who left pawprints on my scanner</PARA>

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