(MsgLevel | MsgOrig | MsgAud)*
This element has common and Role attributes.
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
Information about the Msg that contains it. It may have any number of MsgLevels, MsgOrigs, and MsgAuds, in any order, and has common attributes.
MsgInfo occurs in MsgEntry.
MsgInfo contains these elements: MsgAud, MsgLevel, and MsgOrig.
<MSGENTRY> <MSG> <MSGMAIN> <MSGTEXT> <PARA>Auto removal: Token-ring lobe </PARA> </MSGTEXT> </MSGMAIN> <MSGSUB> <TITLE>Failure </TITLE> <MSGTEXT> <PARA>Local token-ring adapter </PARA> <PARA>Local access unit </PARA> <PARA>Local lobe cables </PARA> </MSGTEXT> </MSGSUB> <MSGREL> <TITLE>NetWare message: </TITLE> <MSGTEXT> <PARA>TOKEN-NW-237-Adapter <REPLACEABLE>number</REPLACEABLE>> -board <REPLACEABLE>number</REPLACEABLE> : The adapter is beaconing. </PARA> <PARA>Ring status = <REPLACEABLE>code</REPLACEABLE> . </PARA> </MSGTEXT> </MSGREL> </MSG> <MSGINFO> <MSGAUD>Site manager </MSGAUD> <MSGORIG>NetView for NetWare </MSGORIG> <MSGLEVEL>Informative </MSGLEVEL> </MSGINFO> <MSGEXPLAN> <TITLE>Explanation: </TITLE> <PARA>Adapter left the ring as part of the beacon automatic recovery process. </PARA> </MSGEXPLAN> <MSGEXPLAN> <TITLE>Action: </TITLE> <PARA>Ask the LAN administrator to review the link data. </PARA> </MSGEXPLAN> </MSGENTRY>
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