Title?, MsgMain, (MsgSub | MsgRel)*
This element has common and Role attributes.
The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.
Error message and its subparts, along with explanatory text, in a MsgEntry. A Msg has a required MsgMain, followed by any number of MsgSubs and MsgRels, in any order. It has common and Label attributes.
Msg occurs in MsgEntry.
Msg contains these elements: MsgMain, MsgRel, MsgSub, and Title.
<MSGENTRY> <MSG> <MSGMAIN> <MSGTEXT> <PARA>Auto removal: Token-ring lobe </PARA> </MSGTEXT> </MSGMAIN> <MSGSUB> <TITLE>Failure </TITLE> <MSGTEXT> <PARA>Local token-ring adapter </PARA> <PARA>Local access unit </PARA> <PARA>Local lobe cables </PARA> </MSGTEXT> </MSGSUB> <MSGREL> <TITLE>NetWare message: </TITLE> <MSGTEXT> <PARA>TOKEN-NW-237-Adapter <REPLACEABLE>number</REPLACEABLE>> -board <REPLACEABLE>number</REPLACEABLE> : The adapter is beaconing. </PARA> <PARA>Ring status = <REPLACEABLE>code</REPLACEABLE> . </PARA> </MSGTEXT> </MSGREL> </MSG> <MSGINFO> <MSGAUD>Site manager </MSGAUD> <MSGORIG>NetView for NetWare </MSGORIG> <MSGLEVEL>Informative </MSGLEVEL> </MSGINFO> <MSGEXPLAN> <TITLE>Explanation: </TITLE> <PARA>Adapter left the ring as part of the beacon automatic recovery process. </PARA> </MSGEXPLAN> <MSGEXPLAN> <TITLE>Action: </TITLE> <PARA>Ask the LAN administrator to review the link data. </PARA> </MSGEXPLAN> </MSGENTRY>
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