Chapter 2. Overview of the DocBook DTD

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2.6 DocBook Entities

DocBook relies heavily on internal parameter entities (substitution-string mechanisms that work somewhat like programming macros) to achieve consistency, ease maintenance, and encourage appropriate customization. Unfortunately, the density of entity references can make it difficult to read the actual element and attribute declarations. The major entities used inside these declarations are described briefly here.

There are two special kinds of entities that are used to group elements: classes and mixtures. Class entities are used to group elements that are very similar, such as ``all the list elements.'' Mixture entities are used to group whole element classes (and sometimes individual elements as well) that are all supposed to be allowed in a particular set of contexts. Classes and mixtures are described in more detail below.

Patterns of Entity Naming and Usage

Example 2.1 shows a synopsis of the kinds of parameter entities that are used in the definition of most elements in DocBook.Example 2-1: Parameter Entity Synopsis

<!ENTITY % element.content.module "INCLUDE">     aggregate module entity
<!ENTITY % element.module "INCLUDE">             simple module entity
<!ENTITY % subelement.module "INCLUDE">          simple module entity
<!ENTITY % class1.class "elem1|elem2">        class entity
<!ENTITY % class2.class "elem3|elem4">        class entity
<!ENTITY % mixture1.mix "%class1.class;|%class2.class;"  mixture entity
<!ENTITY % mixture2.mix "%class1.class;">                  mixture entity
<![ %element.content.module; [                   aggregate module entity reference
<![ %element.module' [                           simple module entity reference
<!ENTITY % local.element.attrib "">              local attribute entity
<!ELEMENT element - - (subelement, (%mixture1.mix;)+)>
<!ATTLIST element
        %common.attrib;                            common attribute entity reference
        %local.element.attrib;                   local attribute entity reference
<!--end of element.module-->]]>
<![ %subelement.module' [                        simple module entity reference
<!ENTITY % local.subelement.attrib "">           local attribute entity
<!ELEMENT subelement - - ((%mixture2.mix;)+)>  content with mixture entity reference
<!ATTLIST subelement
        %common.attrib;                            common attribute entity reference
        %local.subelement.attrib;                local attribute entity reference
<!--end of subelement.module-->]]>
<!--end of element.content.module-->]]>

Previous and Current Parameter Entities

Table 2.1 shows the equivalences between the parameter entities in V2.2.1 and the versions starting with V2.3, in approximately the order that the original entities appear in DocBook V2.2.1. If you are new to reading DocBook, you don't need to read this table. (Note that many new entities have been added; these don't appear in the table.)

Table 2-1: Parameter Entity Equivalences
Original Entity New Entity Comments
notationtypes notation.class  
commonatts common.attrib  
yesorno yesorno.attvals  
yes yes.attval  
no no.attval appendix.class book.class chapter.class index.class partcontent.mix ndxterm.class xref.char.class link.char.class base.char.class No #PCDATA directly in entity Removed in V2.4 In V2.3, was phrase.char.mix (other.char.class + base.char.class + link.char.class) setinfo.char.mix Now contains ModeSpec; omission was an oversight docinfo.char.class word.char.class cptr.char.class cptr.char.mix (cptr.char.class + other.char.class + base.char.class + link.char.class) Removed in V2.4; see para.char.mix In V2.3, was inline.char.mix equation.content No more local.equations table.content No more local.tables list.class admon.class linespecific.class synop.class (informal.class + linespecific.class + synop.class) No single replacement entity para.class formal.class component.mix, divcomponent.mix, refcomponent.mix (genobj.class + descobj.class + admon.class + formal.class + list.class + informal.class + linespecific.class + synop.class + para.class + compound.class) refclass.char.mix nav.class para.char.mix (inline.char.mix + inlineobj.char.class + synop.class) bookcomponent. content In V2.3, was sect1.content ubiq.mix  
primsee (none)  
secsee (none)  
argchcatt (none)  
grpchcatt (none)  
repatt (none)  

Marked Section Entities

All of DocBook's element and attribute declaration pairs are surrounded by marked sections (regions that work somewhat like programming ``ifdefs'') whose status keywords are stored in entities. Some marked sections surround groups of related elements. In reading the DTD, you can simply ignore all the lines that look as follows:

<![ %name.content.module; [
<![ %name.module; [
<!--end of name.module-->]]>
<!--end of name.content.module-->]]>

Class (xxx.class) Entities

Class entities are used to build mixture entities and, in some cases, are used directly in element and attribute declarations in various capacities. Table 2.2 lists all the class entities and their contents in alphabetical order.

Table 2-2: Class Entities and Contents
Class Entity Contents
admon.class Caution, Important, Note, Tip, Warning
appendix.class Appendix
article.class Article
base.char.class Anchor
book.class Book
chapter.class Chapter
compound.class MsgSet, Procedure, Sidebar
cptr.char.class Action, Application, ClassName, Command, ComputerOutput, Database, Email, ErrorName, ErrorType, Filename, Function, GUIButton, GUIIcon, GUILabel, GUIMenu, GUIMenuItem, GUISubmenu, Hardware, Interface, InterfaceDefinition, KeyCap, KeyCode, KeyCombo, KeySym, Literal, Markup, MediaLabel, MenuChoice, MouseButton, MsgText, Option, Optional, Parameter, Property, Replaceable, ReturnValue, SGMLTag, StructField, StructName, Symbol, SystemItem, Token, Type, UserInput
descobj.class Abstract, AuthorBlurb, Epigraph
docinfo.char.class Author, AuthorInitials, CorpAuthor, ModeSpec, OtherCredit, ProductName, ProductNumber, RevHistory
formal.class Equation, Example, Figure, Table
genobj.class Anchor, BridgeHead, Comment, Highlights
index.class Index, SetIndex
informal.class Address, BlockQuote, Graphic, GraphicCO, InformalEquation, InformalExample, InformalTable
inlineobj.char.class InlineGraphic, InlineEquation
linespecific.class LiteralLayout, ProgramListing, ProgramListingCO, Screen, ScreenCO, ScreenShot
link.char.class Link, OLink, ULink
list.class CalloutList, GlossList, ItemizedList, OrderedList, SegmentedList, SimpleList, VariableList
nav.class ToC, LoT, Index, Glossary, Bibliography
ndxterm.class IndexTerm
notation.class BMP, CGM-CHAR, CGM-BINARY, CGM-CLEAR, DITROFF, DVI, EPS, EQN, FAX, GIF, IGES, PCX, PIC, PS, TBL, TEX, TIFF, WMF, WPG, linespecific (this is the only class entity that contains not element names, but non-SGML notation names)
other.char.class Comment, Subscript, Superscript
para.class FormalPara, Para, SimPara
refentry.class RefEntry
synop.class Synopsis, CmdSynopsis, FuncSynopsis
word.char.class Abbrev, Acronym, Citation, CiteTitle, CiteRefEntry, Emphasis, FirstTerm, ForeignPhrase, GlossTerm, Footnote, Phrase, Quote, Trademark, WordAsWord
xref.char.class FootnoteRef, XRef

Mixture (xxx.mix) Entities

Mixture entities combine various class entities and individual elements for use in repeatable-OR content model groups.

Table 2.3 shows the pattern of class entities used to build the object-level mixture entities that are used directly in content models. An ``X'' means that all elements in the indicated class are allowed.

Table 2-3: Object-Level (xxx.mix) Mixture Entities and Contents
  list adm line syn para inf form cmpd gen desc
admon.mix X   X X X X X a b  
component.mix X X X X X X X X X X
divcomponent. mix X X X X X X X X X X
example.mix X   X X X X        
figure.mix     X X   X        
footnote.mix X   X X X X        
glossdef.mix X   X X X X   c    
highlights.mix X X     X          
indexdiv. component.mix d   X X X X     e  
legalnotice.mix X X X   X f        
para.mix X   X X   X        
refcomponent. mix X X X X X X X X X X
sidebar.mix X X X X X X X g X  
tabentry.mix X X X   X h        

a: Procedure
and Sidebar only.
b: Anchor, BridgeHead, and Comment only.
c: Comment only.
d: ItemizedList, OrderedList, VariableList, and SimpleList only.
e: Anchor and Comment only.
f: BlockQuote only.
g: Procedure only.
h: Graphic only.


lst: list.class
adm: admon.class
line: linespecific.class
syn: synop.class
para: para.class
inf: informal.class
form: form.class
cmpd: compound.class
gen: genobj.class
desc: descobj.class


Table 2.4 shows the pattern of class entities used to build the inline-level mixture entities that are used directly in content models. An ``X'' means that all elements in the indicated class are allowed.

Table 2-4: Inline-Level (xxx.char.mix) Mixture Entities and Contents
  #P X W L C B D O I
cptr.char.mix X     X X X   X a
docinfo.char.mix X   c   b     X a
ndxterm.char.mix X X X X X X X X a
para.char.mix (also contains synop.class) X X X X X X X X X
refinline.char.mix X X X X X X X X  
refname.char.mix X       X        
smallcptr.char.mix X       b       a
title.char.mix X X X X X X X X X
word.char.mix X   c X   X   X a

a: InlineGraphic
b: Replaceable only.
c: Emphasis and Trademark only.


X: xref.char.class
W: word.char.class
L: link.char.class
C: cptr.char.class
B: base.char.class
D: docinfo.char.class
O: other.char.class
I: inlineobj.char.class


A few miscellaneous mixtures are also defined:

Content Model Fragment (xxx.content) Entities

Table 2.5 alphabetically lists the entities containing non-mixture fragments of content models, the contexts in which they are typically used, and their contents.

Table 2-5: Content Model Fragment Entities, Contexts, and Contents
Entity Contexts Contents
bookcomponent.content Chapter-level elements, PartIntro, and Article A divcomponent mixture followed by either Sect1s, RefEntries, or SimpleSects
bookcomponent.title.content Chapter-level divisions, ToC, LoT, Part, Reference, Bibliography, Glossary, Index, SetIndex An optional DocInfo, followed by Title, followed optionally by TitleAbbrev
div.title.content Set, Book, PartIntro, DocInfo, SeriesInfo, ArtHeader Title followed optionally by TitleAbbrev
equation.content Equation, InformalEquation One or more Graphics
formalobject.title.content Formal objects, Procedure, Sidebar, SegmentedList, VariableList Title followed optionally by TitleAbbrev
inlineequation.content InlineEquation One or more Graphics
programlisting.content ProgramListing A mixture of CO, LineAnnotation and inline.char.mix
refsect.title.content Reference entry sections Title followed optionally by TitleAbbrev
screen.content Screen A mixture of CO, LineAnnotation and inline.char.mix
sect.title.content Sections Title followed optionally by TitleAbbrev

Attribute (xxx.attrib) Entities

Table 2.6 lists the entities that define individual attributes and groupings of attributes.

Attribute placeholder entities with the naming pattern are defined in every ELEMENT/ATTLIST pair's marked section. You can ignore these entity declarations.

Table 2-6: Attribute Entities
Entity Attribute name(s) Declared value Default value
arch.attrib Arch CDATA #IMPLIED
common.attrib id.attrib, lang.attrib, remap.attrib, role.attrib, xreflabel.attrib, revisionflag.attrib, effectivity.attrib    
effectivity.attrib arch.attrib, os.attrib, revision.attrib, userlevel.attrib, vendor.attrib    
graphics.attrib All attributes related to specifying graphics    
id.attrib Id ID #IMPLIED
idreq.attrib Id ID #REQUIRED
idreq.common.attrib idreq.attrib, lang.attrib, remap.attrib, role.attrib, xreflabel.attrib    
label.attrib Label CDATA #IMPLIED
lang.attrib Lang CDATA #IMPLIED
linespecific.attrib Format NOTATION linespecific linespecific
linkend.attrib Linkend IDREF #IMPLIED
linkendreq.attrib Linkend IDREF #REQUIRED
linkends.attrib Linkends IDREFS #IMPLIED
linkendsreq.attrib Linkends IDREF #REQUIRED
mark.attrib Mark CDATA #IMPLIED
moreinfo.attrib MoreInfo (RefEntry| None) None
pagenum.attrib PageNum CDATA #IMPLIED
remap.attrib Remap CDATA #IMPLIED
revision.attrib Revision CDATA #IMPLIED
revisionflag.attrib RevisionFlag (Changed |Added |Deleted) #IMPLIED
role.attrib Role CDATA #IMPLIED
userlevel.attrib UserLevel CDATA #IMPLIED
vendor.attrib Vendor CDATA #IMPLIED
xreflabel.attrib XRefLabel CDATA #IMPLIED

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