
  Annex C (informative)

  Compatibility                                         [diff]


1 This Annex summarizes the evolution of C++ since the first edition  of
  The  C++  Programming  Language and explains in detail the differences
  between C++ and C.  Because the C language as described by this Inter­
  national  Standard differs from the dialects of Classic C used up till
  now, we discuss the differences between C++ and ISO C as well  as  the
  differences between C++ and Classic C.

2 C++  is based on C (K&R78) and adopts most of the changes specified by
  the ISO C standard.  Converting programs among C++, K&R C, and  ISO  C
  may  be subject to vicissitudes of expression evaluation.  All differ­
  ences between C++ and ISO C can be diagnosed by a processor.  With the
  exceptions  listed in this Annex, programs that are both C++ and ISO C
  have the same meaning in both languages.

  C.1  Extensions                                               [diff.c]

1 This subclause summarizes the major extensions to C provided by C++.

  C.1.1  C++ features available in 1985                     [diff.early]

1 This subclause summarizes the extensions to C provided by C++  in  the
  1985 version of its manual:

2 The types of function parameters can be specified (_dcl.fct_) and will
  be  checked  (_expr.call_).   Type  conversions  will   be   performed
  (_expr.call_).  This is also in ISO C.

3 Single-precision  floating  point  arithmetic  may  be  used for float
  expressions; _basic.fundamental_ and _conv.double_.  This is  also  in
  ISO C.

4 Function names can be overloaded; _over_.

5 Operators can be overloaded; _over.oper_.

6 Functions can be inline substituted; _dcl.fct.spec_.

7 Data objects can be const; _dcl.type_.  This is also in ISO C.

8 Objects   of   reference   type   can   be   declared;  _dcl.ref_  and

9 A free store is provided by the new and delete operators;  _expr.new_,

10Classes  can provide data hiding (_class.access_), guaranteed initial­
  ization (_class.ctor_), user-defined conversions  (_class.conv_),  and
  dynamic typing through use of virtual functions (_class.virtual_).

11The name of a class or enumeration is a type name; _class_.

12A  pointer  to  any  non-const  and  non-volatile  object  type can be
  assigned to a void*; _conv.ptr_.  This is also in ISO C.

13A pointer to function can be assigned to a void*; _conv.ptr_.

14A declaration within a block is a statement; _stmt.dcl_.

15Anonymous unions can be declared; _class.union_.

  C.1.2  C++ features added since 1985                        [diff.c++]

1 This subclause summarizes the major extensions of C++ since  the  1985
  version of this manual:

2 A  class  can  have  more than one direct base class (multiple inheri­
  tance); _class.mi_.

3 Class members can be protected; _class.access_ .

4 Pointers to class  members  can  be  declared  and  used;  _dcl.mptr_,

5 Operators  new  and delete can be overloaded and declared for a class;
  _expr.new_, _expr.delete_, _class.free_.  This allows the  "assignment
  to this" technique for class specific storage management to be removed
  to the anachronism subclause; _diff.this_.

6 Objects can be explicitly destroyed; _class.dtor_.

7 Assignment and initialization are defined as memberwise assignment and
  initialization; _class.copy_.

8 The  overload  keyword was made redundant and moved to the anachronism
  subclause; _diff.anac_.

9 General expressions are allowed as initializers  for  static  objects;

10Data objects can be volatile; _dcl.type_.  Also in ISO C.

11Initializers are allowed for static class members; _class.static_.

12Member functions can be static; _class.static_.

13Member functions can be const and volatile; _class.this_.

14Linkage  to  non-C++  program  fragments  can  be explicitly declared;

15Operators ->, ->*, and , can be overloaded; _over.oper_.

16Classes can be abstract; _class.abstract_.

17Prefix and postfix application of ++ and -- on a user-defined type can
  be distinguished.

18Templates; _temp_.

19Exception handling; _except_.

20The bool type (_basic.fundamental_).

  C.2  C++ and ISO C                                          [diff.iso]

1 The  subclauses of this subclause list the differences between C++ and
  ISO C, by the chapters of this document.

  C.2.1  Clause _lex_: lexical conventions                    [diff.lex]

  Subclause _lex.trigraph_

1 Change: C++ style comments (//) are added
  A pair of slashes now introduce a one-line comment.
  Rationale: This style of comments is a useful  addition  to  the  lan­
  Effect  on  original feature: Change to semantics of well-defined fea­
  ture.  A valid ISO C expression containing a  division  operator  fol­
  lowed  immediately  by  a C-style comment will now be treated as a C++
  style comment.  For example:
              int a = 4;
              int b = 8 //* divide by a*/ a;
  Difficulty of converting: Syntactic transformation.   Just  add  white
  space after the division operator.
  How widely used: The token sequence //* probably occurs very seldom.

  Subclause _lex.key_

2 Change: New Keywords
  New keywords are added to C++; see _lex.key_.
  Rationale:  These  keywords  were  added in order to implement the new
  semantics of C++.
  Effect on  original  feature:  Change  to  semantics  of  well-defined

  feature.   Any ISO C programs that used any of these keywords as iden­
  tifiers are not valid C++ programs.
  Difficulty of converting: Syntactic  transformation.   Converting  one
  specific  program  is  easy.  Converting a large collection of related
  programs takes more work.
  How widely used: Common.

  Subclause _lex.ccon_

3 Change: Type of character literal is changed from int to char
  Rationale: This is needed for improved  overloaded  function  argument
  type matching.  For example:
          int function( int i );
          int function( char c );

          function( 'x' );
  It  is  preferable that this call match the second version of function
  rather than the first.
  Effect on original feature: Change to semantics of  well-defined  fea­
  ture.  ISO C programs which depend on
          sizeof('x') == sizeof(int)
  will not work the same as C++ programs.
  Difficulty of converting: Simple.
  How  widely  used: Programs which depend upon sizeof('x') are probably

  C.2.2  Clause _basic_: basic concepts                     [diff.basic]

  Subclause _basic.def_

1 Change: C++ does not have "tentative definitions" as in C
  E.g., at file scope,
          int i;
          int i;
  is valid in C, invalid in C++.  This makes  it  impossible  to  define
  mutually  referential  file-local  static objects, if initializers are
  restricted to the syntactic forms of C.  For example,
          struct X { int i; struct X *next; };

          static struct X a;
          static struct X b = { 0, &a };
          static struct X a = { 1, &b };
  Rationale: This  avoids  having  different  initialization  rules  for
  built-in types and user-defined types.
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined fea­
  Difficulty of converting: Semantic transformation. In  C++,  the  ini­
  tializer  for  one  of a set of mutually-referential file-local static
  objects must invoke a function call to achieve the initialization.
  How widely used: Seldom.

  Subclause _basic.scope_

2 Change: A struct is a scope in C++, not in C
  Rationale: Class scope is crucial to C++, and a struct is a class.
  Effect on original feature: Change to semantics of  well-defined  fea­
  Difficulty of converting: Semantic transformation.
  How  widely  used: C programs use struct extremely frequently, but the
  change is only noticeable  when  struct,  enumeration,  or  enumerator
  names  are  referred  to  outside  the struct.  The latter is probably

  Subclause _basic.link_ [also _dcl.type_]

3 Change: A name of file scope that is explicitly  declared  const,  and
  not  explicitly  declared  extern, has internal linkage, while in C it
  would have external linkage
  Rationale: Because const objects can be used as compile-time values in
  C++,  this  feature  urges programmers to provide explicit initializer
  values for each const.  This feature allows  the  user  to  put  const
  objects in header files that are included in many compilation units.
  Effect  on  original feature: Change to semantics of well-defined fea­
  Difficulty of converting: Semantic transformation
  How widely used: Seldom

  Subclause _basic.start_

4 Change: Main cannot be called recursively and cannot have its  address
  Rationale: The  main  function may require special actions.
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined fea­
  Difficulty of converting: Trivial:  create  an  intermediary  function
  such as mymain(argc, argv).
  How widely used: Seldom

  Subclause _basic.types_

5 Change: C allows "compatible types" in several places, C++ does not
  For example, otherwise-identical struct types with different tag names
  are "compatible" in C but are distinctly different types in C++.
  Rationale: Stricter type checking is essential for C++.
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined fea­
  Difficulty  of converting: Semantic transformation The "typesafe link­
  age" mechanism will find many, but not all, of such  problems.   Those
  problems not found by typesafe linkage will continue to function prop­
  erly,  according  to  the  "layout  compatibility   rules"   of   this

  International Standard.
  How widely used: Common.

  Subclause _conv.ptr_

6 Change: Converting void* to a pointer-to-object type requires casting
          char a[10];
          void *b=a;
          void foo() {
          char *c=b;
  ISO  C  will  accept this usage of pointer to void being assigned to a
  pointer to object type. C++ will not.
  Rationale: C++ tries  harder  than  C  to  enforce  compile-time  type
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined fea­
  Difficulty of converting: Could  be  automated.   Violations  will  be
  diagnosed  by the C++ translator. The fix is to add a  cast. For exam­
          char *c = (char *) b;
  How widely used: This is fairly widely used but it is good programming
  practice to add the cast when assigning pointer-to-void to pointer-to-
  object. Some ISO C translators will give a warning if the cast is  not

  Subclause _conv.ptr_

7 Change:  Only  pointers  to  non-const and non-volatile objects may be
  implicitly converted to void*
  Rationale: This improves type safety.
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined fea­
  Difficulty  of converting: Could be automated.  A C program containing
  such an implicit conversion from  (e.g.)   pointer-to-const-object  to
  void*  will receive a diagnostic message.  The correction is to add an
  explicit cast.
  How widely used: Seldom.

  C.2.3  Clause _expr_: expressions                          [diff.expr]

  Subclause _expr.call_

1 Change: Implicit declaration of functions is not allowed
  Rationale: The type-safe nature of C++.
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined fea­
  ture.   Note: the original feature was labeled as "obsolescent" in ISO
  Difficulty of converting: Syntactic  transformation.   Facilities  for
  producing   explicit   function  declarations  are  fairly  widespread

  How widely used: Common.

  Subclause _expr.sizeof_, _expr.cast_

2 Change: Types must be declared in declarations, not in expressions
  In C, a sizeof expression or cast expression may create  a  new  type.
  For example,
          p = (void*)(struct x {int i;} *)0;
  declares a new type, struct x .
  Rationale:  This prohibition helps to clarify the location of declara­
  tions in the source code.
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of  a  semantically  well-defined
  Difficulty of converting: Syntactic transformation.
  How widely used: Seldom.

  C.2.4  Clause _stmt.stmt_: statements                      [diff.stat]

  Subclause _stmt.switch_, _stmt.goto_ (switch and goto statements)

1 Change:  It is now invalid to jump past a declaration with explicit or
  implicit initializer (except across entire block not entered)
  Rationale: Constructors used in initializers  may  allocate  resources
  which  need  to be de-allocated upon leaving the block.  Allowing jump
  past initializers would require complicated run-time determination  of
  allocation.  Furthermore, any use of the uninitialized object could be
  a disaster.  With this simple compile-time rule, C++ assures  that  if
  an  initialized  variable is in scope, then it has assuredly been ini­
  Effect on original feature: Deletion of semantically well-defined fea­
  Difficulty of converting: S>

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