/* * module: pip/java/packing -- Strategy objects for converting * Java objects to and from stored data. * class: QuotedVectorPacking -- Vectors of Strings packed in a Perl- * style format * * Copyright (C) 1997 Pharos IP Pty Ltd * $Id: QuotedVectorPacking.java,v 1.3 1997-10-21 13:53:20+10 mbp Exp $ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package au.com.pharos.packing; import java.util.Vector; // FIXME: Escape bad characters! -- mbp // TODO: Write a more formal definition of the encoding system // TODO: More documentation // XXX: Perhaps the strategy for encoding characters should be in a // separate class used by this class? They would have to // interact to make sure that separator chatacters were decoded // properly. Probably not worth worrying about, as this class // is only a compatibility measure in any case. /** Stores Vectors of strings, packed into a single string, as used by * some Perl code. The encoding format is similar to that used in * Unix databases like * /etc/passwd, except that * it uses escape sequences to represent characters that would * normally not be allowed. * *

The strings within the vector are separated by separator characters, * which default to colons. * *

The resulting packed string is UTF encoded after escaping * control-characters, so non-ASCII characters should be passed through * unchanged. * *

Certain characters are escaped as quoted-printable strings. * These characters include colon, equals, and escape characters. The * encoding accepts and interprets any hex escape when reading data. * *

If any elements of the vector are null, they are stored as empty * strings. On unpacking, empty strings are returned as such. * *

An example of a vector encoded in this manner is: *

oC7okz059wGnQ:vf:Peter Barnes%2c Pharos Business Solutions
* * @author Martin Pool * @version $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 1997-10-21 13:53:20+10 $ * * @see java.util.Vector **/ public class QuotedVectorPacking extends Packing implements java.io.Serializable { private char hexEscape; private char separator; /** Constructs a QuotedVectorPacking using the default separator * character ':' and escape character '%'. **/ public QuotedVectorPacking() { this('%', ':'); } /** Constructs a QuotedVectorPacking with specified separator and * hex-escape characters. * * @param hexEscape the character used to begin a three-character * hex escape * * @param separator the character used to separate elements in the * vector. **/ public QuotedVectorPacking(char hexEscape, char separator) { if (hexEscape == separator) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("hexEscape and separator characters are the same"); this.hexEscape = hexEscape; this.separator = separator; } /** Convert a Vector of Strings to a QuotedVector represented as an * array of bytes. * * @param obj the Vector to encode; or null. * * @returns an array of bytes containing a packed representation of * obj; or null if obj is null. * * @exception java.lang.ClassCastException if obj is not a Vector * or null; or if any element of obj is not a String or * null. **/ public byte[] toBytes(Object obj) { if (obj == null) return null; Vector vec = (Vector) obj; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Object elem; for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(separator); elem = vec.elementAt(i); sb.append((elem == null) ? "" : encodeString((String) elem)); } return sb.toString().getBytes(); } /** Perform hex-escapes on a string. * @returns from encoded as a quoted-printable string **/ private String encodeString(String from) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(from.length()); char[] chars = from.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { char ch = chars[i]; if (ch == separator || ch == hexEscape || Character.isISOControl(ch) || (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && Character.isWhitespace(ch))) { buf.append(hexEscape); // XXX: This will truncate high Unicode characters, but I // don't know what else we can do with them. -- mbp buf.append(Character.forDigit((ch>>4) & 0xf, 16)); buf.append(Character.forDigit(ch & 0xf, 16)); } else { buf.append(ch); } } return buf.toString(); } /** Interprets raw as a packed quoted Vector, and * returns the unpacked Vector of strings. */ public Object fromBytes(byte[] raw) { if (raw == null) return null; Vector result = new Vector(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < raw.length; i++) { char ch = (char) raw[i]; if (ch == separator) { result.addElement(sb.toString()); sb.setLength(0); } else if (ch == hexEscape && i < (raw.length - 2)) { byte[] hexBytes = new byte[2]; hexBytes[0] = raw[++i]; hexBytes[1] = raw[++i]; String hex = new String(hexBytes); ch = (char)Integer.parseInt(hex, 16); sb.append(ch); } else { sb.append(ch); } } result.addElement(sb.toString()); return result; } }