/* * Copyright (C) 1997 Pharos IP Pty Ltd * Confidential. All rights reserved. * $Id: Closeable.java,v 3.1 1997-10-28 16:49:06+10 mbp Exp $ */ package au.com.pharos.gdbm; import java.io.IOException; /** A Closeable object is one having a connection to an underlying * data store that may be flushed or closed. * *

This interface is intended to complement the Dictionary and * Collection interfaces by reflecting the fact that many such objects * may be closed. * * @author Martin Pool * @version $Revision: 3.1 $ **/ public interface Closeable { /** Write outstanding changes to the underlying database, and * break the connection, freeing any associated resources or * locks. This generally does not imply that the data will be * lost, merely that it will be released. If this is not * meaningful for a particular Closeable object, then it should be * a no-op. * * @exception java.io.IOException passed up from the underlying * database. **/ public void close() throws IOException; /** Write outstanding changes to the underlying database, but * leave the database open. If this is not meaningful for a * particular Closeable object, then it should be a no-op. * * @exception java.io.IOException passed up from the underlying * database. **/ public void sync() throws IOException; }