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Configuring the CareVue Host


There are certain preparations necessary in order to run the CareVue interface application correctly that are summarized here:

  1. Edit the file `/usr/hl7/etc/carevuehost' to contain one line of text, specifying the host which is to be connected for access to CareVue's tools and databases.
  2. Edit the file `/usr/hl7/etc/carevue' to contain one line of text, specifying the login name and the host which is to be connected for access to CareVue's tools and databases. Use the notation of a simple ARPA domain e-mail address, e.g. `login@host'.
  3. Edit the file `/usr/hl7/etc/admin' to contain one line of text, specifying the e-mail address of an administrator who will receive error and warning reports by mail.
  4. Make sure the user who runs the ProtoGen interface programs may log into the CareVue account specified in the file `/usr/hl7/etc/carevue'. You might need an `.rhosts' entry in the home directory of that account.
  5. Copy the file `new_wt_ht_bsa' to the home directory of the CareVue account and make it executable. This can be used to test the functionality of the account, by copying with rcp(1).
    rcp new_wt_ht_bsa `cat /usr/hl7/etc/carevue`:
  6. Configure the `/usr/hl7/etc/hl7hosts' file to match the minimal set of users of the HL7 services.
  7. Configure the FSISERVER and FSICLIENT of the CareVue system using the following dbload script:
    INSERT AsyncLinkCfg
        EntityId = ASNYC_ENTITY
        type = "ASYNC",             flowCtrlEnabled = NULL,
        maxRcvMsgQSize = NULL,      devicepath = "/dev/fsiad",
        primaryStation = "TRUE",    binaryMode = "FALSE",
        bccType = "LRC",            crcFormat = "HEX",
        baudRate = "9600",          stopBits = "1",
        dataBits = "8",             blocksize = 1024,
        responseTimeout = 0,        receiveTimeout = 0,
        grossTimeout = 0,           bidRespTimeout = 0,
        bidRetries = 60,            blockRetries = 3,
        blockNumEnabled = "FALSE",  bidACKN = "FALSE",
        blockACKN = "FALSE";
    INSERT HL7ProtoCfg             |    INSERT HL7ProtoCfg            
        EntityId = ADT_ENTITY      |        EntityId = CLI_ENTITY     
      WITH VALUES                  |      WITH VALUES                 
        type = "HL7",              |        type = "HL7",             
        applServiceCode = "ADT",   |        applServiceCode = "CLI",  
        localApplEndPoint = NULL,  |        localApplEndPoint = NULL, 
        localApplSystemId = NULL,  |        localApplSystemId = NULL, 
        version = NULL,            |        version = NULL,           
        remoteAppl = NULL,         |        remoteAppl = NULL,        
        remoteFacility = NULL,     |        remoteFacility = NULL,    
        inhibitACK = "FALSE",      |        inhibitACK = "FALSE",     
        responseTimeout = 60,      |        responseTimeout = 60,     
        retries = 60,              |        retries = 60,             
        retryDelay = 60,           |        retryDelay = 60,          
        nmdXmtEnabled = "FALSE",   |        nmdXmtEnabled = "FALSE",  
        nmdRcvExpected = "FALSE",  |        nmdRcvExpected = "FALSE", 
        nmdPeriod = 0,             |        nmdPeriod = 0,            
        xmtNmdForSystem = "FALSE", |        xmtNmdForSystem = "FALSE",
        maxZdmFields = 15;         |        maxZdmFields = 15;        
    INSERT FsiConfig
        EntityId = C958E1:1
        linkProtocol = ASYNC_ENTITY,
        applProtocols[0] = ADT_ENTITY,
        applProtocols[1] = CLI_ENTITY;
  8. If you are going to use ADT application configure the ZDM segment as described in section The ADT Application.
  9. If you are going to use CLI results reporting configure the file `LabEventInfo.tab' and issue the following commands:
    LabEventInfoMgr -c LabEventInfo.tab
    LabEventInfoMgr -M > LabEventMap.idb
    Use an editor in order to prepend the three lines of idb commands to the file `LabEventMap.idb' and remove the invalid INSERT statements for the ADT observations as described in section Managing the Results Mapping.
  10. Activate the changes made to the CareVue system
  11. Set up the services to be started by init(8) in the background using `/etc/ttys' or `/etc/inittab'. `/etc/ttys':
    # 1. CareVue FSI Interface
    carevuefsi "/usr/hl7/bin/llpdrv -yaIt /dev/cuaa0 -i discard%localhost -i" unknow
    n on
    # 2. CareVue HL7 Gateway
    060_IOP "/usr/hl7/bin/cvgateway carevuehl7 carevuefsi localhost" unknown on
    # 3. Serial lines to the ABL625
    ttyd1   "/usr/hl7/bin/radioshell 6 -" unknown on
    # 3. Serial lines to the ABL300
    ttyd2   "/usr/hl7/bin/radioshell 3 -" unknown on
  12. Ensure that the service names of the services you used above in the file `/etc/services' are defined in accordance with other remote hosts that will use these services. `/etc/services':
    carevuehl7    99999/tcp
    carevuefsi    99998/tcp
  13. Set up the ProtoGen user's crontab(5) to perform regular jobs like hl7tocv.
    */1 * * * * hl7tocv batch

See Also

rcp(1), init(8), ttys(5), cron(8), crontab(1), crontab(5).

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