Tix 4.1a3

Released on April 23, 1996

Subject: [Announce] Tix version 4.1a3 is available

I am pleased to announce the availability of Tix version 4.1a3, the third alpha release. This version of Tix supports the Unix and Microsoft Windows platforms.

Tix 4.1 is the commercial version of Tix 4.0. It contains more widgets and works under MS Windows. Please read the file license.terms first inside the distribution tar file or from the WWW at http://www.xpi.com/tix/license.terms.41a3.txt


Unix Platforms

Tix 4.1a3 works with the following combinations of Tcl/Tk/ITcl/ET:

Windows Platforms

Tix 4.1a3 requires the final release of Tcl 7.5 and Tk 4.1 (no alpha or beta versions). Many things currently does not work under Windows, including:

Getting The Tix Package

Tix 4.1a3 is available at

What's New Since Tix 4.1a2 (the last release)


New feature: New tool unix-et-tk4.0/makescript.tcl. It includes the Tix script library into a ET application in the correct order. If A.tcl depends on B.tcl, then B.tcl is loaded first.


New feature: Now the -default option of the Tix mega widget classes are inherited from their superclasses.

New feature: New option -expand for the panes in PanedWindow

Bug Fixed: ScrolledHList didn't calculate the size of the hlist subwidget correctly, resulting in scrollbars not appearing even if the hlist widget is not big enough to display all of its contents.


New feature: New method setsize for PanedWindow.


New feature: New widget tixMeter, can be used to display the progress of work.

Bug Fixed: HList multiple and extended selectMode now work with TixTree.


Bug Fixed: HList "see" method sometimes doesn't display the specified element correctly.

New widgets: New widgets CheckList, Grid, ScrolledGrid, TList and ScrolledTList added to the Tix 4.1 distribution.

New feature: New option -postcmd for PopupMenu widget.

Last modified Fri Jan 17 22:52:55 EST 1997 --- Serial 853731293