Chapter 2. User's Guide for the DocBook DTD

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2.7 Figures and Graphics


[Graphic: Figure from the text]

Figure contains a Title, an Optional TitleAbbrev, and a mixture containing one or more object-level elements from the %figure.mix; mixture and object-level elements from the %link.char.mix; mixture, in any order. Figure has an optional Float attribute, which indicates whether the Figure is allowed to float in the output, and an optional Label attribute.


[Graphic: Figure from the text]

The Graphic element offers three different ways to provide graphic data:

Graphic also has the optional attributes Format (for the notation of the data) and SrcCredit.

GraphicCO contains AreaSpec, Graphic, and any number of CalloutList elements.


[Graphic: Figure from the text]

InlineGraphic contains CDATA. InlineGraphic has the following optional attributes Entityref, Fileref, Format and SrcCredit.

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