Chapter 2. User's Guide for the DocBook DTD

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2.5 Callout Structures

TBS: callout lists, *CO and CO elements, Areas, etc.

AreaSpec contains a mixture of one or more Area or AreaSet elements, in any order. AreaSpec has an optional Units attribute, which contains the global unit of measure in which coordinates in this Spec are expressed; an optional LineRange attribute, which indicates whole lines from startline to endline in ``linespecific'' content; and an optional OtherUnits attribute, which contains an implementation-specific keyword for the units of measure used in this AreaSpec.

The Area element is declared to be EMPTY. It has a Label attribute, a required Coords attribute, and an optional Units attribute, which indicates the units of measure in which coordinates in this Area are expressed; this attribute's value is inherited from AreaSet and AreaSpec if not supplied.

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