Chapter 1. User's Guide for the DocBook DTD

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1.5 Document Navigational Information

Tables of Contents and Lists of Titles

DocBook offers markup to store navigation information such as tables of contents and indices. This information can be handcrafted, or it can be generated, organized into SGML form, and used to populate an SGML document (a process sometimes known as augmentation).

A ToC, or table of contents, can be a Book component on its own or can occur within other Book components. ToC is subdivided to follow the structure of a Book: following an optional DocInfo, Title, and TitleAbbrev, a ToC may have any number of ToCfronts, which are the entries for the front matter. Following the ToCfronts, if any, a ToC must have either one or more ToCparts (entries for Parts) or ToCchaps (entries for Chapters and Appendices), and may have any number of ToCbacks (entries for back matter). A ToCpart begins with one or more ToCentries (a wrapper for the actual table of contents entry), then contains any number of ToCchaps. ToCentry has a PageNum attribute, which may have the value of a physical page number. A ToCchap begins with one or more ToCentries, then may have any number of ToClevel1s, which are entries for Sect1s. A ToClevel1 begins with one or more ToCentries, then may have any number of ToClevel2s, and so on down to ToClevel5, which may have only one or more ToCentries. Thus if you have a Table of Contents that shows section headings, the second-level entries are nested within the first-level entries, and so on. You could make a link of all or part of the contents of a ToCentry.

<title>Table of Contents</title>
<tocentry>How to Get the DocBook DTD Online</tocentry>
<tocentry>Development of the DocBook DTD</tocentry>

An LoT is like a ToC except that it is used for lists of tables, figures, or the like, and has no hierarchy. An LoT contains LoTentries, which could contain links, just like ToCentries. LoTentries have a PageNum attribute and a SrcCredit attribute, the latter for providing a credit for the source of, e.g., an illustration.

Index and SetIndex

Index and SetIndex descriptions and graphics TBS.


[Graphic: Figure from the text]

Bibliography contains an optional DocInfo, Title and TitleAbbrev, any number of object-level elements from the %component.mix; mixture, and either one or more BiblioDiv or one or more BiblioEntry elements.

BiblioDiv contains a Title, an optional TitleAbbrev, any number of object-level elements from the %component.mix; mixture, and one or more BiblioEntry elements.

BiblioEntry contains an optional BiblioMisc, followed by an ArtHeader, BookBiblio, or SeriesInfo, followed by an optional BiblioMisc.


Glossary description and graphic TBS.

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