Chapter 1. User's Guide for the DocBook DTD

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1.2 General-Purpose Sections

Five levels of normal section are available: Sect1, Sect2, Sect3, Sect4, and Sect5. These must be nested in proper order. In addition, SimpleSect can be used within any of the numbered levels, and BridgeHead can be used to simulate a section structure. For example, the same information might be organized as:






Graphic for numbered sections TBS.Sections

The section elements (Sect1 through Sect5) contain, in fixed order, a Title, an optional TitleAbbrev, any number of %nav.class; elements, any number of object-level elements from the %divcomponent.mix; mixture, and optionally either a group of the next lower level of section (in the case of Sect1 through Sect4), a group of RefEntries, or a group of SimpleSects, followed by any number of %nav.class; elements. A section must contain at least some object-level or subsection content.

The section elements have an optional Label attribute and an optional Renderas attribute, which indicates the desired appearance of the section's Title (Sect1 through Sect5).Graphic for SimpleSect TBS.SimpleSect

SimpleSects are atomic (``leaf-level'') sections that cannot contain subsections, although they may contain BridgeHeads.

SimpleSect contains a Title, an optional TitleAbbrev, and one or more object-level elements from the %divcomponent.mix; mixture.Graphic for bridging heads TBS.

BridgeHead provides a Title for a particular spot in the text without changing the document hierarchy. BridgeHeads should not appear in a table of contents.

BridgeHead contains one or more elements from the %title.char.mix; mixture.

BridgeHead has an optional Renderas attribute, which indicates the desired appearance of the Bridgehead's content (Sect1 through Sect5).

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