(colspec*,row+) -(entrytbl)
tfoot excludes these elements at every level:
This element has common and Role attributes.
Name | Value(s) | Type | Default Value |
valign | (top|middle|bottom) | #IMPLIED |
The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.
TFoot is a optional part of TGroup (part of Table), identifying the footer information in a Table, which is displayed after the TBody and also at the bottom of any TBody Rows before a page break. TFoot must have one or more Rows. It has common and VAlign attributes.
tfoot occurs in tgroup.
tfoot contains these elements: colspec, and row.
VAlign governs the vertical positioning of text within an Entry. Allowed values are Top, Middle, and Bottom (no default).
<TABLE COLSEP="1" FRAME="all" ROWSEP="0" SHORTENTRY="0" TOCENTRY="1" TABSTYLE="decimalstyle" ORIENT="land" PGWIDE="0"> <TITLE>Sample Decimal-Aligned Table</TITLE> <TITLEABBREV>Decimal-Aligned Table</TITLEABBREV> <TGROUP ALIGN="char" CHAROFF="50" CHAR="." COLS="4"> <COLSPEC ALIGN="left" COLNUM="1" COLSEP="0" COLWIDTH="7pc"> <THEAD> <ROW> <ENTRY>Gas Ball</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1940</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1960</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1980</ENTRY> </ROW> </THEAD> <TFOOT> <ROW> <ENTRY>Rating</ENTRY> <ENTRY>3</ENTRY> <ENTRY>1</ENTRY> <ENTRY>2</ENTRY> </ROW> </TFOOT> <TBODY> <ROW> <ENTRY>Diameter</ENTRY> <ENTRY>345.021</ENTRY> <ENTRY>211.02</ENTRY> <ENTRY>221.3</ENTRY> </ROW> <ROW> <ENTRY>Color</ENTRY> <ENTRY>blue</ENTRY> <ENTRY>red</ENTRY> <ENTRY>yellow</ENTRY> </ROW> </TBODY> </TGROUP> </TABLE>
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