(#PCDATA | Emphasis | Trademark | Replaceable | Comment | Subscript | Superscript | InlineGraphic)+
This element has common and Role attributes.
Both the start- and end-tags are required for this element.
Telephone number in an Address. It contains plain text and has common attributes.
Phone occurs in Address.
Phone contains these elements: Comment, Emphasis, InlineGraphic, #PCDATA, Replaceable, Subscript, Superscript, and Trademark.
<PARA>Contact information for Fig Tree Books is: <ADDRESS> <STREET>456 Fig Tree Lane</STREET> <CITY>Sebastopol</CITY>, <STATE>Calif</STATE> <POSTCODE>95472</POSTCODE> <COUNTRY>USA</COUNTRY> <PHONE>888-666-9999</PHONE> <FAX>888-666-9998</FAX> <EMAIL>figs@figbooks.com</EMAIL> <POB>321</POB> <CITY>Sebastopol</CITY>, <STATE>Calif</STATE> <POSTCODE>95472</POSTCODE> <OTHERADDR>Second house from the left as you approach from the south</OTHERADDR> </ADDRESS> Note that Address is to be rendered as a block; this may be an unexpected processing expectation for some users.</PARA>
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