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BiblioMixed--- Entry in a Bibliography


Content Model
  ((Abbrev | Abstract | Address | ArtPageNums | Author
  | AuthorGroup | AuthorInitials | BiblioMisc | BiblioSet
  | Collab | ConfGroup | ContractNum | ContractSponsor
  | Copyright | CorpAuthor | CorpName | Date | Edition | Editor
  | InvPartNumber | ISBN | ISSN | IssueNum | OrgName
  | OtherCredit | PageNums | PrintHistory | ProductName
  | ProductNumber | PubDate | Publisher | PublisherName
  | PubsNumber | ReleaseInfo | RevHistory | SeriesVolNums
  | Subtitle | Title | TitleAbbrev | VolumeNum | Honorific
  | FirstName | Surname | Lineage | OtherName | Affiliation
  | AuthorBlurb | Contrib | BiblioMSet
  | #PCDATA)+)
  -(IndexTerm | BeginPage)


BiblioMixed excludes these elements at every level:

  IndexTerm | BeginPage


This element has common and Role attributes.

Tag Minimization

The start-tag is required for this element. The end-tag is optional, if your SGML declaration allows minimization.


Entry in a Bibliography. BiblioMixed, new as of version 3.0, allows plain text to be interspersed among the subelements allowed by BiblioEntry: aside from that, both elements may contain any number, in any order, of the contents of bibliocomponent.mix, as well as ArtHeader, BookBiblio, and SeriesInfo. BiblioMixed allows the construction of bibliographic entries in which only some data is marked up, with punctuation and other text outside that markup. BiblioMixed has common attributes.


These elements contain BiblioMixed: BiblioDiv, and Bibliography.


BiblioMixed contains these elements: Abbrev, Abstract, Address, Affiliation, ArtPageNums, Author, AuthorBlurb, AuthorGroup, AuthorInitials, BiblioMSet, BiblioMisc, BiblioSet, Collab, ConfGroup, ContractNum, ContractSponsor, Contrib, Copyright, CorpAuthor, CorpName, Date, Edition, Editor, FirstName, Honorific, ISBN, ISSN, InvPartNumber, IssueNum, Lineage, OrgName, OtherCredit, OtherName, #PCDATA, PageNums, PrintHistory, ProductName, ProductNumber, PubDate, Publisher, PublisherName, PubsNumber, ReleaseInfo, RevHistory, SeriesVolNums, Subtitle, Surname, Title, TitleAbbrev, and VolumeNum.


<!-- an example of the use of BiblSet, raw -->
<TITLE>A Bibliography Showing Three Entries for the Same Work
<TITLE>The First Hundred Years</TITLE>
<PUBLISHERNAME>The University of Wisconsin Press</PUBLISHERNAME>
<ADDRESS>Madison, Milwaukee, and London</ADDRESS><!-- sic on t.p. -->
<HOLDER>Regents of the University of Wisconsin</HOLDER>
<BIBLIOSET RELATION=previousedition>
<PUBLISHERNAME>University of Pennsylvania Press</PUBLISHERNAME>
<HOLDER>University of Pennsylvania Press</HOLDER>
<BIBLIOSET RELATION=parent-set> <!-- could use SeriesInfo, instead,
but SeriesInfo probably should go away -->
<TITLE>A History of the Crusades</TITLE>
<CONTRIB>General Editor</CONTRIB>
<VOLUMENUM role=allvols>1-6</VOLUMENUM>
<!-- the same, cooked -->
<TITLE>A History of the Crusades</TITLE>, 
<TITLE>The First Hundred Years</TITLE>,
<EDITION>second edition</EDITION>,
<ADDRESS>Madison, Wisconsin</ADDRESS>,
<PUBLISHERNAME>University of Wisconsin Press</PUBLISHERNAME>,
<CONTRIB>General Editor</CONTRIB> of series
<BIBLIOMSET RELATION=previousedition>
(<EDITION>first edition</EDITION> published
<PUBLISHERNAME>University of Pennsylvania Press</PUBLISHERNAME>,
<!-- the same, simplified (the use I forsee in practice) -->
<TITLE>A History of the Crusades</TITLE>,
vol. 1,
<TITLE>The First Hundred Years</TITLE>,
2nd <abbrev>ed</abbrev>,
Madison, Wisconsin,
General Editor of series
(1st <abbrev>ed</abbrev> published
Philadelphia, 1955.

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