Chapter 2. Overview of the DocBook DTD

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2.4 Using DocBook with Specific Tools

Following are some notes on using DocBook with SGML-aware software applications.

DTD Validation Warnings

The content model of the Entry element uses nonrecommended mixed content. Most parsers (for example, nsgmls and Mark-It) report a warning for this content model, but the model is valid.

ADEPT[o]Editor and Document[o]Architect

You may need to reduce the capacities in the DocBook SGML declaration in order to compile DocBook under Document[o]Architect for use with ADEPT[o]Editor. The following capacities should be sufficient for most documents:

	TOTALCAP       500000
	ATTCAP         350000
	ATTCHCAP       350000
	AVGRPCAP       350000
	ELEMCAP        350000
	ENTCAP         350000
	ENTCHCAP       350000
	GRPCAP         350000
	IDCAP          350000
	IDREFCAP       350000

If you put IDs on all your elements, you may need to increase IDCAP.

Normalizing Documents with nsgmls

TBS: Description of how to normalize documents if you have turned OMITTAG on.


RulesBuilder issues a warning about the Set element being defined but not referenced. Set is properly not referenced in any other content models because it is the topmost element. This warning may be due to the fact that the top-level driver file contains no ELEMENT declarations.

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