Object-Orientation FAQ

Total ORDB

Cincom Systems, Inc. produce Total ORDB, a integrated set of object
technology software products and services.  Features include an
object-relational data model, ANSI SQL with object-oriented extensions.
Cost ranges from $2,400-$60,000 depending in usage.
The TOTAL ORDB that CINCOM markets is a re-badged version of the UniSQL
product, but there is a long-term technology agreement betwen the two
organizations that will allow improvements made by one to the product
to be shared with the other.
Cincom Systems also produce TOTAL FrameWork, a business application
development environment that integrates an object-relational database,
object develoment tools and workflow automation tehncology.
Cincom Systems, Inc.
Cincinnati, OH
Voice: (513) 662-2300
Email: info@cincom.com
Web:   http://www.cincom.com/

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