Object-Orientation FAQ


Illustra Information Technologies Ltd.
Illustra is an Object-Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS).  It
supports SQL-3 and standard relational syntax and operations on tables.
In addition, programmers may define new classes and methods inside the
database server, and use them from client programs.  Customers may build
their own class extensions, or purchase extensions called DataBlades
from Illustra and its partners.  Illustra offers a wide collection of
DataBlade modules, including time series support, spatial data handling,
web publishing, document management, video and image support, and others.
Illustra originated from Postgres.
NOTE: Can use with Visual Basic.
Illustra Information Technologies, Inc.
1111 Broadway Suite 2000
Oakland, CA  94607
Voice: (510) 652 8000
Fax:   (510) 869 6388
Email: info@illustra.com
Web:   http://www.illustra.com    Note: This web server uses Illustra
                                        OODBMS for backend.
Ftp:   ftp://ftp.illustra.com
Illustra Information Technologies Ltd.
150 Minories
London  EC3N 1LS
United Kingdom
Voice: 0171-264-2185
Fax:   0171-264-2193
Email: 100436.1264@compuserve.com

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