Object-Orientation FAQ

Odapter/OpenODB (Hewlett-Packard)

Odapter is HP's new object/relational adapter which
enables object-oriented developers to share a common
object model stored in the ORACLE7 relational database
management system (RDBMS).  Odapter is also available with
HP's ALLBASE/SQL RDBMS.  The combination of Odapter
and ALLBASE/SQL is called OpenODB.
Technical Data
Object/Relational Adapter
A Productivity Tool for Scalable Object-Oriented
Odapter is a tool for developers writing scalable
object-oriented applications requiring the
integration of new objects and legacy information.
Odapter is valuable because it:
* accelerates application development
* reduces the cost of keeping applications current
* enables applications to scale
Odapter delivers the productivity of object
technology while adhering to your data management
Consider Odapter if you need to be able to do one
or more of the following:
* develop object-oriented applications and
store objects in a relational database
* easily access legacy data and existing
applications from your new system
* support a large number of end-users who will
be simultaneously accessing information
* store large amounts of  complex information
The following are examples of applications well-
suited for Odapter:
* a customer billing application written in
Smalltalk combining data stored in DB2 with new
objects. (Telecommunications)
* a network management application written in C
using Odapter as the object manager, able to scale
to millions of objects (Manufacturing)
* a complex Oil and Gas industry standard model
automatically generated from an Express analysis
and design tool.
(Oil & Gas)
* a medical application using Odapter to
combine heterogeneous components of patient
records. (Healthcare)
Odapter provides authorized access to sharable
objects, including existing data and business
processes. By bringing object-oriented capabilities
to heterogeneous systems environments, Odapter
delivers increased functionality while leveraging
the stability of existing RDBMSs and legacy
Odapter Object Model
The Odapter object model is based on three key
concepts - objects, types and functions.
* Objects are a combination of data and
behavior (functions). Figure 2 is an example of an
* Types are dynamic templates allowing you to
group together similar components or objects.
* Functions define the attributes,
relationships and behavior of objects. Odapter
supports four types of user-defined functions:
Stored functions define attributes and
relationships that are stored in the database. In
Figure 2, flightno is a stored function. The
functions aircraft and crew are also stored
functions with user-defined results.
SQL-based functions allow you to access existing
relational tables with Odapter's object-oriented
model. In Figure 2, citypair is an SQL-based
function accessing values from an existing
relational table.
OSQL-based functions define attributes and
relationships that are derived or calculated with
OSQL statements. In Figure 2, delay and depart are
OSQL-based functions. Delay calculates changes in
arrival and departure times based upon events that
disrupt the schedule; depart handles the update of
functions related to departure and transitions the
flight from OnGround to InAir.
External functions are a reference to code or data
stored outside of Odapter. In Figure 2, cancel is
an external function that executes code outside of
Odapter to free up resources no longer assigned to
the flight.
Odapter Language
The Odapter language can be combined with functions
implemented in C++, Smalltalk or C. You create and
manipulate objects, types and functions using
Odapter's object-oriented structured query language
(OSQL). OSQL is a functional language that is a
semantic superset of SQL, the structured query
language for relational databases. OSQL is a
computationally complete language with statements
allowing you to define and manipulate information
in your Odapter enhanced relational database,
specify authorization for individuals or groups,
define transactions, embed program logic within
functions, and administer the database.
OSQL includes programming flow statements, such as
IF/THEN/ELSE, FOR and WHILE. This procedural
language allows Odapter functions to model complex
behavior, simplifying your application code. By
decoupling behavior from the applications, multiple
applications can share information with benefits
such as consistency, security and integrity. See
Table 5 for a list of all OSQL statements.
Odapter Object Storage
Odapter objects are stored in the developer's
choice of relational databases. Odapter interfaces
to the underlying RDBMS through an SQL command
interface. Currently, developers can choose to
store their objects in ORACLE7 or HP ALLBASE/SQL.
The choice of RDBMS is made when a particular
database is created. The users are only limited by
the number of Odapter concurrent user licenses
purchased. This flexibility allows database
administrators to continue using their existing
administration procedures and keeps the group from
having to choose yet another database management
During the initial development of an application,
developers can make rapid progress without
knowledge of the underlying relational database.
Optimization of the objects and how they are stored
in the underlying relational database is best
done during the deployment phase.
Odapter Development Environments
Odapter developers have a choice of development
environments. Whether Smalltalk, C++ or more
traditional C and C-linkable languages are used,
Odapter enables object storage in a scalable and
robust relational database. In fact, objects can be
shared between different applications, allowing
different projects to employ the best tools for the
Odapter and Smalltalk
Odapter provides Smalltalk developers with
transparent access to information stored in the
underlying relational database.
Odapter's Smalltalk Class Builder utility
automatically generates ParcPlace Smalltalk
compatible classes and methods based upon an
Odapter object model. The developer can select
specific Odapter types and functions, resulting in
a corresponding set of Smalltalk classes and
methods. Once the Smalltalk schema is generated,
the Smalltalk developer can transparently access
the underlying relational database, as shown in
Figure 3.
   allFlightObject:=Flight allObjects.
   AllFlightObjects do: [:aFlight|
      Transcript show :aFlight flightno value; cr].
Figure 3
Figure 3 shows how to access the flight objects
shown in Figure 2 through Smalltalk. This example
retrieves all flight object identifiers and prints
the flight# for each one of the flight objects.
All Smalltalk classes and methods which result in
the access of Odapter structures are italicized.
Flight is a Smalltalk class that corresponds to the
Odapter type Flight. The Smalltalk methods
allObjects and flightno map to Odapter calls that
access data from the relational database storage
Odapter and C++
For C++ developers, once the corresponding C++
model is created, Odapter provides the abilility to
manage C++ objects stored in the underlying
relational database, as shown in Figure 4.
void printFlight()
   int i;
   ODBType Flight ("Flight");
   ODBBag allFlights=Flight.allObjects();
   ODBFunc flightno("flighno");
Figure 4
Figure 4 shows a C++ version of the Smalltalk
example in Figure 3. That is, Figure 4 shows how to
access all the flight objects shown in Figure 2 and
prints the flight number associated with each
flight object.
The Odapter C++ library includes a set of classes
(e.g. ODBType, ODBClass, ODBFunc, ODBBag) and
corresponding member functions (e.g. allObjects).
User-defined classes (Flight) and member functions
(flightno) are also shown. In Figure 4, all Odapter
calls are in italics.
Odapter and C-linkable Languages
For traditional developers using C, or any
languages linkable with C, the object-oriented
features are provided by Odapter. Odapter objects
are manipulated by embedding OSQL statements in the
C program, similar to the db.execosql call shown in
Figure 4. In addition, the C interface requires the
conversion of data types from Odapter to C.
By embedding Odapter calls in a C program, the C
language becomes object-oriented.
Features and Benefits
Accelerates Application Development
Odapter accelerates application development by
integrating with familiar development environments
and by providing a robust object-oriented model.
Odapter's choice of development environments
includes those which support the Smalltalk, C++ and
C languages.
Odapter's robust object model enables the
integration of legacy data and business processes
in the context of one sharable business object
model, shielding the developer from the data
storage complexity.
The following Odapter features accelerate
application development:
Automatic mapping of objects to relational
The application developer is shielded from the task
of converting complex object models to two
dimensional relational tables.
Smalltalk Class Builder
Once an OSQL schema is created, whether using
available analysis and design tools or manually,
Odapter's Smalltalk Class Builder can generate
corresponding Smalltalk classes and methods. The
developer can select the relevent part of the
Odapter schema to generate. As the Odapter object
model changes, developers can also incrementally
update the Smalltalk classes.
Object Identity
Each object manipulated by Odapter has a unique,
system-provided handle called an object identifier
(OID). OIDs eliminate the need for creating unique
keys to identify stored information. Additionally,
OIDs reduce duplication of information when several
attributes would be needed to uniquely identify
information in the database. OIDs are also a
powerful way to tune data access and performance.
Odapter objects can use functions defined on parent
types in the type hierarchy. For example, as shown
in Figure 5, a subtype of Employee called Pilot
could inherit functions from Employee like hire and
name, while defining unique functions like
hoursflown and status.
Multiple Inheritance
Functions defined on a type can be inherited by one
or more subtypes. In Figure 5, functions accessible
by the type ManagingPilot are inherited from its
parents, namely all functions defined on Employee,
Pilot and Manager. By inheriting rather than
redefining functions, you can easily add
functionality to your application.
If you already know SQL, you can quickly be
productive using Odapter's OSQL. Both query
languages are set-based, that is they retrieve sets
of information based upon queries. Thus, OSQL does
not require users to navigate through the database
chasing pointers or object references.
Odapter protects end-user applications from changes
to the internal definition of objects. Since
Odapter only allows access to data through
functions with well defined arguments and results,
your applications are protected from changes to the
function body and you have control over how
information is used.
Aggregate Types
Aggregates are used to represent collections, such
as crew members (maybe several pilots, flight
attendants and a mechanic) for a particular flight,
or the employees reporting to a particular manager.
Aggregates are not required to have a predetermined
size. Odapter manages the memory associated with
aggregates, relieving your application of this
User-defined Data Types
You can construct user-defined data types in
Odapter, such as a type called Flight, Employee or
Aircraft, as shown in Figure 6. Functions defined
on these types can manipulate data stored within
the current object, within other related objects or
outside of Odapter. User-defined types maximize
flexibility and lead to more manageable, clearer
Complex Objects
With Odapter you can construct complex objects from
simpler objects. For example, Figure 6 shows the
relationships between the types Flight, Aircraft
and Employee.  Complex objects relieve applications
from managing such relationships.
Reduces the Cost of Keeping Applications Current
Odapter supports a server-centric business model
which means the business logic and associated data
is sharable by multiple applications. By separating
out business objects (data and processes), from the
application development environment, your company's
business can be modified without impacting the
applications. These changes can be immediately
leveraged by the calling applications without
The following features make applications easier to
keep current:
External Functions
Using external functions, you can access
distributed data and code stored outside of the
relational database used by Odapter for storage,
regardless of location or data format. Examples of
external data sources include IMS, DB2 as well as
custom databases and flat files. Odapter acts as an
integrator so your application can manipulate
information as recognizable business objects. This
not only allows transparent migration of data over
time, it accelerates developer productivity by
hiding the complexity of a diverse data storage
Overloaded Functions
Multiple functions can have the same name with
different implementations. An application calls a
function (e.g. salary) and Odapter determines at
run-time which code (salary for Manager or salary
for Pilot) to execute, based upon the type of the
object against which the function is invoked. The
application is simplified since the conditional
logic for determining which function to execute is
now in Odapter.
Dynamic Schema Modification
Odapter object models can be modified while the
database is running. Developers can add new
functions and types, as well as change the
implementation of functions. This capability is
particularly valuable to applications with high
availability requirements.
Dynamic Typing
You can change the type of an object without
destroying and recreating the object. An object can
also belong to more than one type. As shown in
Figure 7, once a Flight leaves the ground, it would
change state from being an OnGround to an InAir
Flight. OnGround functions such as maintenancecrew
and availableseats would no longer be needed. An
InAir object would need certain functions like
bestroute and delay to calculate the most time
efficient route and to calculate a projected delay
based current weather conditions. Dynamic Typing
allows you to represent an object in Odapter which
transforms itself over time and, therefore, changes
capabilities and attributes.
Late Binding
Odapter supports functions that are resolved at
runtime. Late binding allows you more flexibility
in application development and gives you the full
power of overloaded functions as described earlier.
On the other hand, Odapter will precompile or do
early binding to improve performance. However, when
types and functions changes at runtime, impacting a
particular function, late binding occurs and the
application automatically takes advantage of the
new implementation of the function when it is
Referential Integrity
Since Odapter manages the relationships between
objects, it can manage referential integrity on
your behalf. That is, if an object referenced by
other objects is deleted, the system removes all
dependencies.  Your application code is simplified
since Odapter is able to keep the logical business
model intact automatically.
Odapter allows you to manage large, unformatted
data in binary format and treat that data as an
attribute of an object. For example, you may want
to create a function called diagram to show the
sections and seating for an Aircraft object.
Multimedia information can include graphics, images
and voice. You can also define functions in Odapter
to manipulate this multimedia information. For
example, you can create a function called showexits
that adds information to the diagram. Thus, various
applications can share these complex functions.
Import Facility
The Odapter Import facility allows developers to
update existing Odapter functions with data from
external files such as spreadsheets or other
databases. This is an object-oriented version of
the relational "bulk load" functionality.
Enables Applications to Scale
Odapter makes applications more scalable by storing
objects in a choice of RDBMSs, like ORACLE7. As a
result, applications can access large volumes of
data, be used by a large numbers of users, and
perform on-line backup. In addition, Odapter
protects against unauthorized access from users in
a distributed environment.
Odapter, with the help of the underlying relational
storage manager, ensures the integrity and security
of your data while maximizing the availability of
that data for end users.
The following features enable applications to
Indexes are automatically generated when you create
types and functions in Odapter. You can also define
your own indexes using B-tree and hashing
algorithms. Indexes make end user access to
information faster.
Related functions and objects which have the same
value for a function can be stored close to each
other. This ability to influence how objects are
stored allows you to tune the performance of the
database based on how the information will be
accessed by applications.
Transaction Management
Odapter ensures the logical and physical integrity
of your database by giving you complete control
over the unit of work to be performed within a
single transaction. With this control, you can save
or rollback a transaction (throw away temporary
work) at your discretion. Savepoints are also
supported so that you can rollback parts of a
Multi-user Concurrency Control
Odapter is designed to support hundreds of users
accessing the same information while guaranteeing
the integrity of that information.
You can control access to an Odapter enhanced
database at the database and function levels based
on individuals or groups of users. For example,
authorization statements can provide read access to
a large group of users while limiting write or
delete access.
High Availability
Because Odapter actually stores objects in an
RDBMS, Odapter can leverage RDBMS features to
maximize the availability of your information by
* on-line backup of the database, to backup the
database while it is being accessed
* dual logging, to ensure the integrity of your
log file
* switch log, to automatically switch to a
second log file if the original log file becomes
* dynamic file expansion, to expand the size of
your database as it becomes full
Odapter will also take advantage of other available
features of the underlying relational database
management system such as replication or "warm
Odapter uses the robust logging and recovery
facilities of the RDBMS. In case of a failure, you
can rollback work or perform rollforward recovery
to a particular time, using the log file to
recreate saved work.
Odapter  Software Components
Odapter uses a client/server architecture, enabling
you to efficiently utilize your computing power.
Clients use the object application call interface
(OACI) to communicate with the server over the
network. The clients and server components can also
reside on the same machine.
Odapter is bundled with the following client and
server components, as shown in Figure 8:
Client Components
* Interactive Object-Oriented SQL (IOSQL)
This interface allows you to interactively enter
all Object-oriented SQL (OSQL) statements,
facilitating rapid prototyping and testing. IOSQL
provides query, administration and editing
* Graphical Browser (GOSQL)
The Graphical Browser is a tool that allows you to
graphically explore your database schema and
contents, and execute any OSQL statement. This tool
is designed to assist application developers by
making it easier to view and manipulate your object
model stored in Odapter.
* Windows OSQL (WINOSQL)
This PC-based interactive interface to OSQL allows
you to interactively enter all OSQL statements.
* Object Application Call Interfaces (OACI)
Odapter provides client interface libraries for the
Smalltalk and C++ object-oriented programming
languages, allowing these languages to be tightly
coupled with Odapter.
You can also write Odapter applications using any
programming language that can be linked with C
(such as Ada, COBOL, FORTRAN and Pascal). The
programmatic interface is similar to a "Dynamic
SQL" interface, and passes strings representing
OSQL statements to the Odapter server. No
preprocessors are required.
Server Components
* Odapter Object Manager
The Object Manager executes OSQL calls made by the
Odapter clients. The Object Manager processes
requests, and accesses data and code stored in the
Odapter enhanced relational data storage manager or
passes the request to a subsystem outside of
Odapter using Odapter External Functions.
* External Functions
External functions allow you to access data and
code stored outside of Odapter, regardless of data
format or location. External functions can
automatically link to specific data sources using
the Odapter EDA-Objects class library and the
EDA/SQL product from Information Builder's, Inc.
(IBI). External functions can also be implemented
by you as subroutines written in general-purpose
programming languages and compiled outside of
Odapter. External functions can be called by any
OSQL statement, allowing you to manipulate this
remote data and application code like any other
Odapter object. For example, Figure 9 shows how
Odapter integrates diverse heterogeneous
information in an Oil and Gas environment.
* EDA-Objects
HP and IBI have jointly developed an external
function library called EDA-Objects. Coupled with
IBI's EDA/SQL product, EDA-Objects provides
connections to over 50 commonly used databases on
35 different platforms. The external function
library to connect to EDA/SQL is shipped with
Odapter; however, you must purchase other EDA/SQL
components from IBI directly to use the product.
EDA-Objects is one way to integrate external data
from multiple servers into a single business model
managed by Odapter. This is done without physically
moving the data or changing the applications which
are dependent on the data in its current form.
Additional Products
* Development Environments and Tools
Odapter allows you to use your favorite development
environments for application development. Some
tools are more tightly coupled with Odapter than
others. HP has recruited tools partners to address
all aspects of application development including
application design and analysis, data model
manipulation, fourth generation language
application development, report writing and legacy
data access.
* Relational Database
Odapter uses a relational database as its storage
manager for the storage of Odapter objects. The
relational database performs physical file
management and database functions such as multi-
user concurrency, transaction management, and
recovery. The relational database allows you to
perform on-line backup and recovery, manage
physical distribution of files, maximize
availability and change database parameters.
COMPASS is a consulting product which includes the
Hewlett-Packard implementation of the
Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation (POSC)
Software Integration Platform (SIP) specification.
The SIP specification defines a data model and an
interface which allow users and applications to
access exploration and production data, independent
of the database engine technology.
The COMPASS package is an add-on to Odapter and
* COMPASS specific consulting/training (1 day)
* POSC-based DAE interface library and documentation
* Interactive user interface called ixpres
* Archived copy of a pre-loaded Odapter
enhanced database with sample reference data
* Scripts for building a POSC-based Odapter
enhanced database
* Contributed software library (data loaders,
demonstration programs)
COMPASS gives developers a 'jump start' on building
applications focused on petroleum exploration and
production. Other industries will find COMPASS an
inexpensive and useful approach for building
geographic information systems (GIS) and other
applications which can re-use of the cartography
(mapmaking) and geometric objects defined in the
POSC is a not-for profit organization created to
lower the costs associated with accessing and
integrating exploration and production data for the
oil and gas industry.
System Environment
Hardware       Operating    Memory      Disk Space
platform       System       (minimum)   (minimum)*
HP 9000 S700   HP-UX 8.07   32MB        10MB +
S800           or later                 necessary
                                        swap space
Sun            Solaris 1.0  32MB        10MB +
               (SunOS 4.3);             necessary
               Solaris 2.0              swap space
               (SunOS 5.2)
IBM RS/6000    AIX 3.2.5    32MB        10MB +
                                        swap space
X Terminal                  6MB         none
IBM PC         DOS 5.0,     4MB         1MB
compatible     MS-Windows
               3.1 or later
Table 1:  Odapter Client Environments
* Swap space needed will depend on the complexity
of the application and the number of concurrent
users. Swap space will significantly increase the
necessary disc space.
Hardware       Operating    Memory      Disk Space
platform       System       (minimum)   (minimum)*
HP 9000 S700   HP-UX 9.0    64MB        15MB +
S800           or later                 necessary
                                        swap space
Table 2:  Odapter Server Environment
* Additional memory may be required. Swap space
will significantly increase the necessary disc
space. The amount of memory and swap space depends
on the complexity of the application and the number
of concurrent users.
Odapter Software Requirements
To use Odapter, you will need one of the RDBMSs
listed below, TCP/IP transport and ARPA Berkeley
Services (for Unix systems), HP LAN Manager or
Microsoft LAN Manager (for the PC client) software.
To use the Odapter Graphical Browser, you will need
X11 X-Window support.
Table 3: Relational Databases
            Version          Memory      Disk Space
                             (minimum)   (minimum)
ORACLE7     7.0.13 or later  refer to    refer to
            with "procedural Oracle      Oracle
            option" (PL/     manuals     manuals
            SQL), Pro*C,
            SQL*Plus & Oracle
            common libraries and
ALLBASE/SQL shipped with     64MB A/SQL  10MB
            OpenODB          and Odapter
* ALLBASE/SQL is included with the Odapter
software. The combination of Odapter and
ALLBASE/SQL is known as OpenODB.
Ordering Information
Software, training, consulting and support can be
purchased separately, as well as in bundles.
Pricing for the stand-alone software is based on
the number of user processes accessing a single
database server at the same time. Any number of
user licenses can be ordered. You must also order
the Odapter Media & Manuals product when ordering
the Developer's Bundle or the Concurrent User
License. HP standard support options are available
for all Odapter license and media products.
The OpenODB and Odapter products are sold together.
OpenODB is the combination of Odapter and
ALLBASE/SQL. You are only limited by the number of
concurrent licenses purchased for Odapter.
Product Number and Product Description
B3767BB  Odapter/OpenODB Concurrent User License
Software license only. Must order B3768BA to
receive software and manuals. Must specify number
of users.
B3768BA  Odapter/OpenODB Media and Manuals  Must
choose media option. Includes software and one set
of manuals. Requires prior or concurrent purchase
of software license.
B2470BA  Odapter/OpenODB Developer's Bundle
Includes 8 user software license, 5 days of on-
your-site consulting, one year of on-line support
and 2 passes to the Odapter/OpenODB Training Class.
Must order B3768BA to receive software and manuals.
B3179A  Odapter/OpenODB Evaluator's Bundle
Includes a 40 user software license for 3 months,
media, documentation, 3 months of on-line support,
and 1 pass to the Odapter/OpenODB Training Class.
B3184S  Odapter/OpenODB Training Class (5 days)
B3185A  Odapter/OpenODB Reference Manuals  Includes
the Odapter/OpenODB Reference Manual and the
Odapter/OpenODB System Functions Manual.
B3186A  Odapter/OpenODB Consulting  Customized
consulting in any of the following areas: COMPASS,
object-oriented analysis and design, schema design
and review, authorization/security design and
review, performance tuning, advanced usage,
Odapter/OpenODB application development planning
and review and implementation of access to legacy
data sources.
To order these products, please contact your local
HP sales representative or one of the offices on
the back page of this document.
Table 5. Odapter Features
Aggregates (BAG, LIST, SET, TUPLE)
Complex Objects
Dynamic Schema Modification
Dynamic Typing
External Functions
Functions (Stored Code or Methods)
Late Binding
Multiple Inheritance
Object Identity (OID)
Overloaded Functions
Type (Class) Hierarchy
User-defined Data Types
Versioning Primitives
Graphical Browser (GOSQL)
Interactive OSQL
Object Application Call Interfaces (OACI):
  C-linkable languages  (Ada, COBOL, FORTRAN,
Smalltalk Class Builder
Windows OSQL
Add/Remove Type To/From Object
Add/Remove User
Begin/Commit/Rollback Work
Call Function
Change Owner
Change Password
Create/Delete Function
Create/Delete Index
Create/Delete Object
Create/Delete Type
Create/Delete User/Group
Declare/Delete variables
If/Then/Else, While, For
Implement/Modify Function
Open/Fetch/Close Cursor
Raise Error
Security On/Off
Floating Point
Small Integer
Sales Offices
For more information, call you local sales office
listed in your telephone directory or an HP
regional office listed below for the location of
your nearest sales office.
United States:
1-800-637-7740, extension 8521
Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
6877 Goreway Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L4V 1M8
(416) 678-9430
Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
15-7, Nishi Shinjuku 4 Chome
Tokyo 160, Japan
(03) 5371-1351
Latin America:
Latin American Region
5200 Blue Lagoon
Suite 950
Miami, FL 33126
(305) 267-4220
Australia New Zealand:
Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd.
31-41 Joseph Street
Blackburn, Victoria 3130
Australia (A.C.N. 004 394 763)
(03) 895 2805
Asia Pacific:
Hewlett-Packard Asia Ltd.
22/F Bond Centre, West Tower
89 Queensway
Central, Hong Kong
(852) 848-7777
Europe/Africa/Middle East:
Hewlett-Packard S.A.
150, Route du Nant-d'Avril
CH-1217 Meyrin 2
Geneva, Switzerland
(22) 780 81 11
Technical information in this document is subject
to change without notice.
All brand and product names appearing herewith are
registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective holders.
` Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1994.  All
rights reserved.  Reproduction , adaptation, or
translation without prior written permission is
prohibited except as allowed under the copyright
Printed in USA 7/94
For more information, please send a message to
odapter@cup.hp.com with the subject of "index" or
"help".  If you would like to speak with someone
in person, please leave a voice mail message at
the Odapter Support, Training and Consulting number,
(408) 447-5051 and someone will get back to you
as soon as possible.

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