Xcc Software Technology Transfer offer OBST+, a full-featured, language independant OODBMS with a C++-Interface and a Tcl/Tk binding. It's multiuser, supports schema evolution, check-in/check-out, full access to the Meta-DB and is available on several Unix-Platforms, and a Win NT port is underway. A GNU-version is available. (archie search: OBST3-4.3.tar.gz)
Xcc Software Technology Transfer Durlacher Allee 53 D-76131 Karlsruhe Germany
Voice: 49-721-96179-0 Fax: 49-721-96179-79
email: obst@xcc-ka.de
Web: http://www.xcc-ka.de/OBST/OBST.html http://www.fzi.de/divisions/dbs/projects/OBST.html
Ftp: ftp://ftp.fzi.de/pub/OBST/current ftp://ftp.xcc-ka.de/pub/OBST
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