Object-Orientation FAQ


UniSQL, Inc. produce a unified object-relational database systems that let
users move to an object-oriented paradigm while perserving existing investments in SQL-based applications.  Supports a while range of languages, databases
and platforms.  Prices start at $3,995.
UniSQL offers a state-of-the-art suite of integrated object-oriented database
systems and application development products which can be used separately or
together to support complex development projects which use object-oriented
development techniques, integrate sophisticated multimedia data, and require
true multidatabase access to relational and object-oriented databases. The
UniSQL product suite includes:
        UniSQL/X Database Management System;
        UniSQL/M Multidatabase System; and
        UniSQL/4GE Application Development Environment
        User interfaces include: C++, C, Object SQL, SmallTalk, and ODBC
        Database interfaces include: Ingres, Oracle, Sybase, UniSQL/X, and EDA/SQL
UniSQL offers:
- A wide selection of user interfaces including C++, SmallTalk, C, Microsoft's
  ODBC, both embedded (static and dynamic) and interactive Object SQL, and UniSQL
  and 3rd-party development tools.
- Mission-critical database features such as a high-level query language
  (SQL/X), cost-based query optimization, automatic transaction management,
  automatic concurrency control, dynamic schema evolution, dynamic authorization,
  physical disk structuring options, and installation tuning parameters.
- The UniSQL Multimedia Framework which provides natural and uniform database
  system support for all types of large unstructured data objects. The Multimedia
  Framework also provides for seamless integration of multimedia devices such as
  fax machines, CD jukeboxes, satellite feeds, image compression boards, etc.
- The UniSQL/M Multidatabase System enables developers to manage a collection
  of multi-vendor databases -- Ingres, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, UniSQL/X, and others
  -- as a single federated database system with full object-oriented
The majority of UniSQL customers use UniSQL database products for
mission-critical applications which require object-oriented, multimedia,
post-relational, and heterogeneous database capabilities.
A typical UniSQL customer is a Fortune 500 company, a commercial software
developer, or government organization that is using UniSQL database products
- support mission-critical application development projects which are being
  developed using object-oriented programming languages and development
- support applications which must integrate many different types of corporate
  data -- text and documents, tabular data, images and audio, engineering
  drawings, GIS data, procedural data (programs), etc. -- into a single
  application context.
- support the full object-oriented development paradigm using existing
  relational database systems such as Ingres, Oracle, Sybase, and DB2.
- logically integrate one or more relational and object-oriented databases to
  form a single, homogenized database server which supports both relational and
  object-oriented facilities.
UniSQL was founded in May 1990 by Dr. Won Kim, President and CEO, delivering
the UniSQL/X DBMS in March of 1992. With its world-class database research and
architectural team, UniSQL has perfected what the database industry has sought
since the mid-1980s: a fully object-oriented data model that is a natural
conceptual outgrowth of the popular relational model. Both the UniSQL/X DBMS
and the UniSQL/M Multidatabase System represent the first of a powerful new
generation of client-server database systems that support the full
object-oriented paradigm yet retain all of the strengths and capabilities of
relational database systems including support for ANSI-standard SQL.
For more information, contact:
UniSQL, Inc.
8911 N. Capital of Texas Hwy
Suite 2300
Austin, Texas 78759-7200
Voice:  1-800-451-3267
	(512) 343 7297
Fax:    (512) 343 7383
Email:  info@unisql.com

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