Object-Orientation FAQ

3.7) What Are The Current Object-Oriented Methodologies?

Here is a list of OOSE Methodologies:
  Berard                        [Berard 93]
  BON                           [Nerson 92]
  Booch                         [Booch 94]
  Coad/Yourdon                  [Coad 91]
  Colbert                       [Colbert 89]
  de Champeaux                  [de Champeaux 93]
  Embley                        [Embley 92]
  EVB                           [Jurik 92]
  FUSION                        [Coleman 94]
  HOOD                          [HOOD 89]
  IBM                           [IBM 90,91]
  Jacobson                      [Jacobson 92]
  Martin/Odell                  [Martin 92]
  Reenskaug (OOram, was OORASS) [Reenskaug 91]
  ROOM                          [Selic 94]
  Rumbaugh et al.               [Rumbaugh 91]
  Shlaer and Mellor             [Shlaer 88 and 92]
  Wasserman                     [Wasserman 90]
  Winter Partners (OSMOSYS)     [Winter Partners]
  Wirfs-Brock et al.            [Wirfs-Brock 90]
Further Ideas And Techniques:
  Meyer                         [Meyer 88]
  Stroustrup                    [Stroustrup 91]
See APPENDIX D for CASE systems supporting these methodologies (several from
the originators themselves).
See also section 1.21 for a discussion on OOA/OOD and etc.
Summaries and comparisons will be provided in future FAQs.  Suggestions for
inclusion of other major or new methodologies should be sent to the FAQ author.
Here are some comparison studies posted to the net:
Arnold, P., Bodoff, S., Coleman, D., Gilchrist, H., Hayes, F., An Evolution of
Five Object Oriented Development Methods, Research report, HP Laboratories,
June 1991
de Champeaux, Dennis and Faure, Penelope. A comparative study of object-
oriented analysis methods. Journal of Object Oriented Programming (JOOP), pp
21-32.  Vol.5, No. 1, 3/4-92
Fichman R.G. & Kemerer C.F.  OO and Conventional Analysis and Design
Methodologies.  Computer, Oct 1992, Vol 25, No. 10, p 22-40
Fichman, Robert and Kemerer, Chris. Object-Oriented and Conventional Analysis
and Design Methods - Comparison and Critique.  IEEE-Comp, Oct, 1992, pp 22-39.
OOA, OOD, conventional analysis, conventional design, DeMarco SA, Yourdon SA,
Bailin OO requirements specification, Coad-Yourdon OOA, Shlaer-Mellor OOA,
Yourdon-Constantine SD, Martin information engineering design, Wasserman OOSD,
Booch OOD, Wirfs-Brock responsibility-driven design.
The following 2 reports are out of print. 
[van den Goor et.al., 1992]
G. van den Goor, S. Hong and S. Brinkkemper,
A Comparison of Six Object-oriented Analysis and Design Methods. Report
Center of Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente,
the Netherlands, and Computer Information Systems Department, Georgia
State University, Atlanta, USA, 1992, 163 pages.
[Hong et.al. 1992]
S. Hong, G. van den Goor, S. Brinkkemper, A Formal Approach to the
Comparison of Object Oriented Analysis and Design Methodologies, Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (IEEE Computer Society
Press, Hawaii) 1993, Vol. IV, pp. 689-698.
 [From Shuguang...] readers may download the paper if they want, though they
 may continue to request hard copies.  We are currently extending the paper
 to compare ten OO methods and should be available shortly.
 My URL is: http://cis.gsu.edu/~shong
  *  Shuguang Hong, Ph.D.                    cisssh@gsusgi2.gsu.edu *
  *  Computer Information Systems Dept.      Tel: (404)651-3887     *
  *  College of Business Administration      Fax: (404)651-3842     *
  *  Georgia State University                                       *
  *  Atlanta, GA 30302-4015         www: http://cis.gsu.edu/~shong/ *
Monarchi, David and Puhr, Gretchen I. A Research Typology for Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design.  CACM/September 1992/Vol.35, No.9, pp35.
[Wilkie 93] summarizes, compares, and provides examples of Booch, Wirfs-Brock,
Hood, Coad and Yourdon, Winter Partners, Shlaer and Mellor, Jacobson,
Wasserman et al, Rumbaugh, Reenskaug et al, and Colbert.
Wirfs-Brock, R.J. and Johnson, R.E., "Surveying Current Research in Object-
Oriented Design," The Communications of ACM, (33, 9) Sept. 1990, pp. 104-1124.
Fowler, M.  "Describing and Comparing Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
Methods," In Object Development Methods, Carmichael, A. ed., SIGS Books,
(1994), pp.79-109.
A new version is going to be published soon.  Contact the author
<100031.3311@compuserve.com> for details on its availability'. 
Also commercially available:
An Evaluation of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodologies (9)
J. Cribbs, C Roe, S. Moon
SIGS Books
(212) 274-0640
Object-Oriented Methodology Comparison Study (10 methodologies)
Berard, Booch, Coad/Yourdon, Colbert, Embley, IBM, Martin/Odell, Rumbaugh,
Shlaer/Mellor, Wirfs-Brock.  Also contains refs to several previous studies.
Berard Software Engineering
101 Lakeforest Blvd., Suite 360, Gaithersburg, MD 20877
Contact Person: Jim Youlio
Phone:        301-417-9884
Fax:          301-417-0021
email:        info@bse.com
[Hong et.al. 1992], [van den Goor et.al., 1992]
The authors have prepared a revision (See above) that includes the following OO
Booch, G. - Object-oriented analysis and design with applications, 1994.
Champeaux, D. de - Object-oriented system development, 1993.
Coad, P., and Yourdon, E. - Object-oriented analysis (2nd edition), 1991a.
Coad, P., and Yourdon, E. - Object-oriented design, 1991b.
Coleman, D. - Object-oriented development, the Fusion method, 1994.
Henderson-Sellers, B. and Edwards, J.M. - Methodology for Object-oriented
Engineering of Systems, draft manuscript, 1994.
Jacobson, I. - Object-oriented software engineering, 1993.
Martin, J., Odell, J. - Object-oriented analysis and design, 1992.
Martin, J., Odell, J. - Principles of object-oriented analysis and design,
Rumbaugh, J. et.al. - Object-oriented modeling and design, 1991.
Shlaer, S., Mellor, S.J. - Object-oriented systems analysis: Modeling the
world in states, 1992.
Wirfs-Brock, R. et.al. - Designing object-oriented software, 1990.
We are currently approaching publishers for the publication of this report
as a book. This book should be out in the spring of 1995.
If you are interested in obtaining this book you can send an e-mail to
Sjaak Brinkkemper (sjbr@cs.utwente.nl), which we will forward to the
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