MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. This framework was originally adopted in Smalltalk to support Graphical User Interfaces. Views support graphical interfacing, controllers handle interaction, and models are the application objects. See [Krasner 88] and [LaLonde 90b].
From: Carl Petter Swensson <> Prof. Trygve Reenskaug is generally cited as being the creator of the MVC concept. He worked with the Smalltalk group at Xerox PARC as a visiting scientist in 78/79. During this stay at Xerox PARC he developed the MVC. I know him well and have talked to him about this. He confirms it, although stating that it was a collaborative effort at Xerox PARC.
The implementation of MVC in Smalltalk-80 has since been further developed by ParcPlace Systems.
He has worked with Smalltalk in a commercial and research environments since then. His group at the Centre for Industral Research in Oslo (now part of the SINTEF group) had the only Smalltalk-78 implementation outside Xerox PARC. He is now working with Taskon AS.
The ideas that initially gave MVC has been developed further and is the basis of the work Trygve is currently doing on the OOram methodology.
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