Object-Orientation FAQ

Written Material

Berard, Edward.  Essays on Object-Oriented Software Engineering.
	Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. $35.
	This book has two chapters on testing of object-oriented software,
	focusing on how to do it.
Berard, Edward.  Project Management Handbook.  Must be purchased
	direct from Berard Software Engineering, Ltd., 902 Wind River
	Lane, Suite 203, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878.  $225.
	The book focuses on the management of OOP projects.  It
	includes one chapter on testing OO software and one chapter
	on quality assurance.
Bezier, Boris, "Software Testing Techniques", 2nd edition, Van Nostrand
	Reinhold, 1990, 503pp, $43, ISBN 0-442-20672-0.  While this is
	not specifically about testing of OOP, it is mentioned so often
	by so many people as a definitive software testing work, that
	I have to mention it anyway.
Cheatham Thomas J., and Lee Mellinger, "Testing Object-Oriented
	Software Systems",  Proceedings of the 18th ACM Annual Computer
	Science Conference, ACM, Inc., New York, NY, 1990, pp. 161-165.
Doong, Roong-Ko and Phyllis G. Frankl, "Case Studies on Testing
	Object-Oriented Programs", Proceedings of the 4th Symposium on
	Testing, Analysis, and Verification (TAV4), 1991, ACM, Inc.,
	New York, NY, 1991, pp. 165-177.
Fiedler, Steven P., "Object-Oriented Unit Testing", Hewlett-Packard
	Journal, April, 1989, pp. 69-74.
Firesmith, D.G., "Testing Object-Oriented Software", Proceedings
	of 11th. TOOLS USA Conference, Santa Barbara, Aug 1993, pp 407-426.
Frankl, Phyllis G. and Roong-Ko Doong, "Tools for Testing
	Object-Oriented Programs", Proceedings of the 8th Pacific
	Northwest Conference on Software Quality, 1990, pp. 309-324.
	One author can be reached at pfrankl@polyof.poly.edu.
Graham, J.A., Drakeford, A.C.T., Turner, C.D. 1993. The Verification,
	Validation and Testing of Object Oriented Systems, BT Technol
	J.  Vol 11, No 3. One author's email address is
Harrold, Mary Jean, John D. McGregor, and Kevin J. Fitzpatrick,
	"Incremental Testing of Object-Oriented Class Structures",
	International Conference on Software Engineering, May, 1992,
	ACM, Inc., pp. 68 - 80.
Hoffman, Daniel and Paul Strooper.  A Case Study in Class Testing.
	To be Presented at the IBM Center for Advanced Studies Fall
	Conference, October 1993, Toronto.  Email addresses for authors
	are dhoffman@csr.uvic.ca and pstropp@cs.uq.oz.au.  Describes an
	approach to testing which the authors call Testgraphs.  An
	example is worked out in C++ which tests a commercial class.
Hoffman, D. M.  A CASE Study in Module Testing.  In Proc. Conf. Software
	Maintenance, pp. 100-105. IEEE Computer Society, October 1989.
Hoffman, D.M. and P.A. Strooper.  Graph-Based Class Testing.  In
	7th Australian Software Engineering Conference (to appear), 1993.
Klimas, Edward "Quality Assurance Issues for Smalltalk Based Applications",
	The Smalltalk Report, Vol. 1, No. 9, pp.3-7.  The author's
	email address is "ac690@cleveland.freenet.edu".
Lakos, John S.  "Designing-In Quality in Large C++ Projects" Presented
	at the 10th Annual Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference,
	Portland, Oregon, October 21, 1993.  Abstract:
		The focus of this paper is on ensuring quality by
		designing software that avoids acyclic component
		dependencies.  This in-turn permits incremental,
		hierarchical testing.  The importance of good physical
		design becomes a key factor only for large and very
		large projects.  Intuition gained from smaller projects
		leads to errors in large designs.  Compile-coupling
		("Insulation") is also discussed.
	Copies of the postscript file can be obtained by sending email
	to "john_lakos@warren.mentorg.com".
Leavens, G. T., "Modular Specification and Verification of
	Object-Oriented Programs", IEEE Software, July 1991, pp. 72-80.
Love, Tom.  Object Lessons.  SIGS Books, 588 Broadway #604, New York, NY
	10012. $49.
	This book eloquently elucidates the need for testing of object-
	oriented code and has a chapter on how it was done at Stepstone
	during the first release of their initial class library.
Marick, Brian.  The Craft of Software Testing, Prentice-Hall, in press.
	Makes the argument that testing of object-oriented software is
	simply a special case of testing software which retains state
	and which is reused.  The author can be reached at
Narick, Brian. "Testing Software that Reuses", Technical Note 2, Testing
	Foundations, Champaign, Illinois, 1992. Copies may be obtainable
	via email. The author can be reached at info@testing.com.
Murphy, G.C., Wong, P. 1992, Towards a Testing Methodology for
	Object Oriented Systems, M.P.R Teltech Ltd. A poster at the
	Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems, Languages
	and Applications ACM. Copies of this paper can be obtained
	through townsend@mprgate.mpr.ca.
Murphy, G. and P. Wong.  Object-Oriented Systems Testing Methodology: An
	Overview.  Techical Report TR92-0656, MPR Teltech Ltd., October
Perry, D.E. and G.E. Kaiser, "Adequate Testing and Object-Oriented
	Programming", Journal of Object-Oriented Programming,
	2(5):13-19, Jan/Feb 1990.
Purchase, Jan A. and Russel L. Winder, "Debugging tools for
	object-oriented programming", Journal of Object-Oriented
	Programming, June, 1991, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 10 - 27.
Smith, M. D. and D. J. Robson, " A Framework for Testing Object-Oriented
	Programs", JOOP, 5(3):45-53, June 1992.
	Describes ways in which the usual approach to software testing
	could be adapted for object-oriented software.
	This paper, or one with the same title and authors, is
	available by anonymous ftp from vega.dur.ac.uk as
Smith, M. D. and D. J. Robson, "Object-Oriented Programming - the
	Problems of Validation",  Proceedings of the 6th International
	Conference on Software Maintenance 1990, IEEE Computer Society
	Press, Los Alamitos, CA., pp. 272-281.
Taylor, David. "A quality-first program for object technology", Object
	Magazine, Vol. 2, No. 2, July-August 1992, pp17-18. SIGs
	Publications.  The article talks some about why testing is
	important for OOP and describes one quality program.
Theilen, David.  "No Bugs.  Delivering error free code in C and C++.",
	Addison-Wesley, 1992, ISBN:0-201-60890-1.
Turner, C. D. and D. J. Robson, "The Testing of Object-Oriented Programs",
	Technical Report TR-13/92, Computer Science Division, School of
	Engineering and Computer Sciences (SECS), University of Durham,
	Includes a survey of existing literature on testing of OO
	programs.  Testing of OOP is compared with traditional software
	testing.  A state-based approach is described.
	This paper is available by anonymous ftp from vega.dur.ac.uk in
	/pub/papers. Get "toop.ps.Z" for A4 paper and "toopus.ps.Z" for
	US letter paper formatting.
Turner, C. D. and D. J. Robson, "A Suite of Tools for the State-Based
	Testing of Object-Oriented Programs", Technical Report
	TR-14/92, Computer Science Division, School of Engineering and
	Computer Science (SECS), University of Durham, Durham,
	England.  Describes a series of tools for the generation and
	execution of test cases for OOP.  These tools assume a
	state-based testing approach.
	This paper is available by anonymous ftp from vega.dur.ac.uk in
	/pub/papers.  Get "tools.ps.Z" for A4 paper formatting or get
	"toolsus.ps.Z" for US letter formatting.
Turner, C. D. and D. J. Robson, "Guidance for the Testing of Object-
	Oriented Programs", Technical Report TR-2/93, Computer Science
	Division, School of Engineering and Computer Science (SECS),
	University of Durham, Durham, England.  Discusses different
	methods of making class declarations and the implications of
	those methods for testing.
	This paper is available by anonymous ftp from vega.dur.ac.uk in
	/pub/papers.  Get "guide.ps.Z" for A4 paper formatting or get
	"guideus.ps.Z" for US letter formatting.
Turner, C. D. and D. J. Robson, "State-Based Testing and Inheritance",
	Technical Report TR-1/93, Computer Science Division, School of
	Engineering and Computer Science (SECS), University of Durham,
	Durham, England.
	Discusses the implications of inheritance for testing,
	particularily incremental testing.
	This paper is available by anonymous ftp from vega.dur.ac.uk in
	/pub/papers.  Get toopinht.ps.Z" for A4 paper formatting or get
	"toopinhtus.ps.Z" for US letter formatting.
Wong, P. Automated Class Exerciser (ACE) User's Guide.  Technical
	Report TR92-0655, MPR Teltech Ltd., September 1992.
> Courses
Berard Software Engineering, Inc. teaches a seminar on Testing of
Object-Oriented Software (TOOS).  The next one scheduled that I know of
is November 8-12, in Washington.  Call 301-417-9884 for details.
Quality Fractals, Inc. has a course called "Testing Object-Oriented
Software".  Contact: 508-359-7273 (Box 337, Medfield, MA 02052).  The
course is taught by Shel Siegel of YESS!, Inc.  Contact: 916-944-1032.

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