1. What covariance and contravariance serve for.
2. Why covariance and contravariance are not opposing views but both *must* be integrated in a *type-safe* formalism. I.e.: don't choose just one of them.
3. Where the "objects as records" analogy hides covariance.
4. How to type binary methods in the models based on the analogy "objects as records" (i.e. how to have ColorPoint < Point even if they respond to a message "equal")
5. How to have multiple dispatch when objects are modeled by (recursive) records.
6. Why all the previous points are strictly related one to each other. ABSTRACT
In type theoretic research on object-oriented programming the ``covariance versus contravariance issue'' is a topic of continuing debate. In this short note we argue that covariance and contravariance appropriately characterize two distinct and independent mechanisms. The so-called contravariance rule correctly captures the {\em substitutivity\/}, or subtyping relation (that establishes which sets of codes can replace {\em in every context\/} another given set). A covariant relation, instead, characterizes the {\em specialization\/} of code (i.e.\ the definition of new code that replaces the old one {\em in some particular cases\/}). Therefore, covariance and contravariance are not opposing views, but distinct concepts that each have their place in object-oriented systems and that both can (and should) be type safely integrated in an object-oriented language.
We also show that the independence of the two mechanisms is not characteristic of a particular model but is valid in general, since covariant specialization is present also in record-based models, but is hidden by a deficiency of all calculi that realize this model.
As an aside, we show that the lambda&-calculus can be taken as the basic calculus both for an overloading-based and for a record-based model. In that case, one not only obtains a more uniform vision of object-oriented type theories but, in the case of the record-based approach, one also gains multiple dispatching, which is not captured by the existing record-based models.
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