Object-Orientation FAQ

78 Meta-Case Info

From: Ian Ferguson <ian.ferguson@sunderland.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.software-eng
Subject: metacase home page available on www
Date: 28 Nov 1994 11:50:36 GMT
Organization: University of Sunderland
ANNOUNCEMENT - please forward as appropriate
MetaCASE on the World Wide Web
======== == === ===== ==== ===
I am developing an new World Wide Web Home-Page on the subject of MetaCASE.  Its URL is :-
It contains information on MetaCASE tools, standards, conferences, suppliers, researchers, mailing lists, products, ftp sites etc.
I am, however, still looking for information.  If you have any information that you think should be included, please let me know and I
will be glad to give you full credit when that information is displayed.
Ian Ferguson
Research Associate
University of Sunderland
School of Computing and Information Systems
Priestman Building
Green Terrace
Sunderland              Email : ian.ferguson@sunderland.ac.uk
Tyne/Wear               Tel   : (+44) 0191-515-2754
SR1 3SD                 Fax   : (+44) 0191-515-2781
United Kingdom          Web   : http://osiris.sunderland.ac.uk/rif/welcome.html

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