Object-Orientation FAQ

56 Teaching Intro to OO Slides, T. Budd

From: budd@daimi.aau.dk (Tim Budd)
Subject: Re: Slides on OOP or OMT wanted
Date: 8 Nov 1993 07:46:08 GMT
Organization: DAIMI, Computer Science Dept. at Aarhus University
I also have a series of slides that I have developed for use with my
text ``an introduction to object-oriented programming'' (timothy budd,
addison-wesley publishers).  These can be found at cs.orst.edu
directory pub/budd/oopintro/slides/*, or there is a mail server
called almanac@cs.orst.edu and if you say
	send oopintro slides chapter1
and so on you can get them via e-mail.  Warning, it yields a lot of
e-mail, so do it one at a time.

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