From: (Geoff Lee) Subject: "MindFrame for Windows" (freeware) application is available for ftp Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1993 21:07:28 GMT
MindFrame for Windows 1.0 Release Note ====================================== (MindFrame for Windows) is available for anonymous ftp on It is currently in /pub/pc/win3/uploads.
"MindFrame for Windows" is a freeware application developed to teach an object modeling approach presented in the book: "Object-Oriented GUI Application Development" Geoff Lee, Prentice-Hall, 1993, ISBN 0-13-363086-2.
This application is useful in many other areas as well, for example, in Bible studying (metaphors, parables, prophecies, types), neural modeling, ecological modeling, and task modeling. There are 20 sample applications covering these areas. There are also description of each of the sample application in the on-line Help. Read "About MindFrame..." help topic for more information.
This is a copyrighted software, but you can freely redistribute if you keep the release intact.
The following is the content of mdnframe.txt file in the .zip file:
1. Installation Procedure: DOS> mkdir MndFrame DOS> cd MndFrame DOS> copy (or where you kept the file) DOS> unzip -d (extract files into subdirectories) DOS> copy grid.vbx \windows\systems (your local Windows system directory)
2. Running the application: . In Windows, open your "File Manager" . Go to \MndFrame directory . Find the MndFrame.exe file . Drag the MndFrame.exe file icon into a "Program Manager" window . Open the MndFrame.exe program
3. Sample applications: Once you are in the MindFrame application, open files in the \MndFrame\Samples subdirectories. There are 20 sample files organized according to areas of application (e.g., object modeling, neural modeling, bible studying). You can also find description of each of these samples in the On-Line Help file.
4. On-line help: Use the "About MindFrame..." menu item in the "Help" menu to learn more about this application. There is an on-line help provided for this application. Read through the help topics to learn about using this application.
5. Files in this release: mndframe.txt:this file. mdnframe.exe:the executable file of "MindFrame for Windows" freeware. mndframe.hlp:the on-line help file for "MindFrame for Windows". PostScript file of help text on using this application to study metaphors, parables, types, and prophecies in the Holy Bible. grid.vbx:the visual basic grid control that is necessary to run this application. It must be copied into your local "system" directory for Windows (\windows\system in most cases). samples\*: in this directory, there are 20 samples (*.frm files) in the subdirectories for each application area (e.g., objmodel, ecology, neural, parable).
New MindFrame anonymous FTP Directory:
It has been moved to a more permanent directory: /pub/pc/win3/programr.
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