Object-Orientation FAQ

52 GTE Distrib Reports

From: em02@gte.com (Emon)
Subject: Reports Available From The Distributed Object Computing Department
Date: 5 Nov 93 18:10:15 GMT
Organization: GTE Laboratories, Inc.
                        REPORTS AVAILABLE FROM
                        40 Sylvan Road, M/S 62
                     Waltham, Massachusetts 02254
For over six years, the primary focus of the Distributed Object Computing
Department within GTE Laboratories has been the Distributed Object
Management (DOM) project. The DOM project conducts research into
object-oriented technology for integrating heterogeneous, autonomous,
distributed (HAD) computer systems/resources. Major research areas include:
interoperable object models; interoperable, distributed object
architectures; heterogeneous, extended transaction models; and information
requests in HAD environments. We are experimenting in these areas using our
prototype DOM system which we have developed over the past five years. This
technology is based on ideas from a number of technical areas including
distributed, object-oriented, databases, multi-database systems, operating
systems, and programming languages.
Permission is granted at this time for the operations and uses listed
below. However, this permission is non-transferable and is subject to
revocation on a report-by-report basis, due to possible copyright transfers
that are normal in the publication process. Any additional copyright
restrictions are noted in the reports themselves. Default permissions are
for anonymous ftp, electronic viewing, and single-copy printing.
Permissible uses are research and browsing. Specifically prohibited are
SALES of any copy, whether electronic or hardcopy, of any of these reports
for any purpose. Also prohibited is copying, excerpting or extensive
quoting of any report in another work without the written permission of one
of the report's authors.
Reports marked with a "*" can be retrieved in postscript(ascii) form via
anonymous ftp from ftp.gte.com ( in the "pub/dom" subdirectory.
 >>>>>>>>> 1994
[GEOR94a]*   Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz, and W. Litwin,
"Chronological Scheduling of Transactions with Temporal Dependencies," to
appear in the VLDB journal, January 1994 (submitted in December 1990). 
[GEOR94b]*   Georgakopoulos, D., M. Hornick, P. Krychniak, and F. Manola,
"Specification and Management of Extended Transactions in a Programmable
Transaction Environment," to appear in the Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference on Data Engineering, Houston, Texas, February
1994. Also published as TC-0207-02-93-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated,
February 1993.
 >>>>>>>>> 1993
[BROD93a]*   Brodie, M.L., "The Promise of Distributed Computing and the
Challenge of Legacy Information Systems," in Hsiao, D., E.J. Neuhold, and
R. Sacks-Davis (eds), Proc. IFIP TC2/WG2.6 Conference on Semantics of
Interoperable Database Systems, Lorne, Australia, November 1992, Elsevier
North Holland, Amsterdam 1993.
[BROD93b]*   Brodie, M.L. and M. Stonebraker, "DARWIN: On the Incremental
Migration of Legacy Information Systems," DOM Technical Report,
TR-0222-10-92-165, GTE Laboratories Inc., March 1993.
[GEOR93a]*   Georgakopoulos, D., M. Hornick, and P. Krychniak, "An
Environment for Specification and Management of Extended Transactions in
DOMS," to appear in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on
Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, Vienna, Austria, April 1993.
[GEOR93c]*   Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz and A. Sheth, "Using
Ticket-based Methods to Enforce the Serializability of Multidatabase
Transactions," to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge
Engineering December 1993 (submitted in February 1992).
[GEOR93e]*   Georgakopoulos, D., M. Hornick, F. Manola, M. Brodie, S.
Heiler, F. Nayeri, and B. Hurwitz, "An Extended Transaction Environment for
Workflows in Distributed Object Computing," in IEEE Data Engineering, pp.
24-27, vol. 16, no. 2, June 1993.
[MANO93a]   Manola, F., "The Need for Object Model Interoperability,"
Workshop Report, Workshop on Application Integration Architectures, Dallas,
Texas, February 1993
[MANO93c]*   Manola, F. and S. Heiler, "A 'RISC' Object Model for Object
System Interoperation: Concepts and Applications," TR-0231-08-93-165, GTE
Laboratories, Inc., August 1993.
[MITC93a]   Mitchell, G., "Extensible Query Processing in an
Object-Oriented Database," PhD Thesis, Brown University Technical Report
No. CS-93-16, May 1993. Available in hard copy from Brown University,
Computer Science Department, and postscript format via anonymous ftp from
wilma.cs.brown.edu as file techreports/93/cs93-16.ps.Z
[NAYE93c]*   Nayeri, F., and B. Hurwitz, "Experiments with Dispatching in a
Distributed Object System," GTE Laboratories, Inc., TR-0236-09-93-165, July
[NAYE93d]*   Nayeri, F., "Addressing Component Interoperability in the OMG
Object Model," position paper submitted to ORB Implementors' Workshop, San
Francisco, June 1993.
[NICO93a]   Nicol, J., T. Wilkes, and F. Manola, "Object Orientation in
Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Systems," IEEE Computer, pp. 57-67,
Vol. 26, No.6, June 1993.
[VENT93]*   Ventrone, V. and S. Heiler, "Some Practical Advice for Dealing
with Semantic Heterogeneity in Federated Database Systems," Submitted to
 >>>>>>>>> 1992
[BGR92]*   Batra, R., D. Georgakopoulos, and M. Rusinkiewicz, "A
Decentralized Deadlock-free Concurrency Control Method for Multidatabase
Transactions," in Proceedings of 12th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, June, 1992.
[BRO92b]*   Brodie, M.L. and J. Mylopoulos , "Artificial Intelligence and
Databases: Dawn, Midday, or Sunset?," Canadian Information Processing
/Informatique Canadienne, July/August 1992.
[BROD92c]*   Brodie, M.L. and S. Ceri, "On Intelligent and Cooperative
Information Systems," in International Journal of Intelligent and
Cooperative Information Systems 1, 2 September 1992. 
[BUCH92]   Buchmann, A.P., M.T. Ozsu, M. Hornick, D. Georgakopoulos, F.A.
Manola, "A Transaction Model for Active Distributed Object Systems," in
Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications, A.K. Elmagarmid,
(ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, Spring 1992.
[GEOR92]*   Georgakopoulos, D., "A Framework for Dynamic Specification of
Extended Multidatabase Transactions and Interdatabase Dependencies,"
Proceedings of Third Workshop on Heterogeneous Databases and Semantic
Interoperability, Boulder, February, 1992.
[HEIL92]   Heiler, S., S. Haradhvala, B. Blaustein, A. Rosenthal, and S.
Zdonik, "A Flexible Framework for Transaction Management in Engineering
Environments," in Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications,
A.K. Elmagarmid (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, Spring 1992.
[MANO92]*   Manola, F., S. Heiler, D. Georgakopoulos, M. Hornick, M.
Brodie, "Distributed Object Management," International Journal of
Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems 1, 1 March 1992.
[MANO92a]*   Manola, F. and S. Heiler, "An Approach To Interoperable Object
Models," Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Object
Management, Edmonton, Canada, August 1992 (also in Distributed Object
Management, M.T. Ozsu, U. Dayal, and P. Valduriez (eds.), Morgan Kaufmann,
San Mateo, CA, 1993).
 >>>>>>>>> 1991
[BROD91]   Brodie, M., "Distributed Object Management Research,"
Proceedings of the Second Telecommunications Information Networking
Architecture (TINA) Workshop, pp. 297-303, Chantilly, France, March 1991.
[BROD91a]*   Brodie, M. and M. Hornick, "An Interoperability Development
Environment For Intelligent Information Systems," Proceedings of the
International Workshop on the Development of Intelligent Information
Systems, Niagara-on-the-Lake, April 1991.
[BUCH91]*   Buchmann, A.P., M. Tamer Ozsu, and D. Georgakopoulos, "Towards
a Transaction Management System for DOM," TR-0146-06-91-165, GTE
Laboratories Incorporated, June 1991.
[GEOR91a]*   Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz, and A. Sheth, "On
Serializability of Multidatabase Transactions Through Forced Local
Conflicts," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Data
Engineering, Kobe, Japan, April 1991.
[GEOR91b]*   Georgakopoulos, D., "Multidatabase Recoverability and
Recovery," Proceedings of the First International Workshop on
Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, Kyoto, Japan, April 1991.
[GRL91]   Georgakopoulos, D., M. Rusinkiewicz, and W. Litwin,
"Chronological Scheduling of Transactions with Temporal Dependencies," in
the VLDB journal, available draft also as a Technical Report from the
Department of Computer Science at the University of Houston, UH-CS-91-03,
February, 1991.
[HEIL91]*   Heiler, S., "Extended Data Type Support in Distributed DBMS
Products: A Technology Assessment and Forecast," TR-170-12-91-165. GTE
Laboratories Incorporated, December 1991.
[HORN91]*   Hornick, M.F., J.D. Morrison, and F. Nayeri, "Integrating
Heterogeneous, Autonomous, Distributed Applications Using the DOM
Prototype," TR-0174-12-91-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated, December
[MANO91]   Manola, F. and U. Dayal, "An Overview of PDM: An Object-Oriented
Data Model," in K.R. Dittrich, U. Dayal, and A.P. Buchmann (eds.), On
Object-Oriented Database Systems, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
[MANO91a]*   Manola, F., "Object Data Language Facilities for Multimedia
Data Types," TR-0169-12-91-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated, December
[MANO91b]   Manola, F., "The Third-Generation/OODBMS Manifesto, Commercial
Version," SIGMOD Record, Vol. 20, No. 4, December 1991.
[RUSI91]   Rusinkiewicz, M. and D. Georgakopoulos, "Multidatabase
Transactions: Impediments and Opportunities," Compcon Spring '91 Digest of
Papers, San Francisco, February 1991.
[VENT91]   Ventrone, V. and S. Heiler, "Semantic Heterogeneity as a Result
of Domain Evaluation," SIGMOD Record Special Issue: Semantic Issues in
Multidatabase Systems, Vol. 20, No. 4, December 1991.
 >>>>>>>>> 1990
[BREI90]   Breitbart, Y., D. Georgakopoulos, and M. Rusinkiewicz, A.
Silberschatz, "Rigorous Scheduling in Multidatabase Systems," Proceedings
of Workshop in Multidatabases and Semantic Interoperability, Tulsa, pp.
658-667, November 1990.
[BROD90]*   Brodie, M.L., F. Bancilhon, C. Harris, M. Kifer, Y. Masunaga,
E.D. Sacerdoti, K. Tanaka, "Next Generation Database Management Systems
Technology," in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, W. Kim, J-M
Nicolas, S. Nishio, (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990.
[HEIL90]   Heiler, S., F. Manola and S. Zdonik, "An Object-Oriented
Database Approach to Federated Systems," (unpublished paper), 1990.
[MANO90]   Manola, F., "Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases," AI Expert, 5(3),
5(4), March and April 1990.
[MANO90a]*   Manola, F. and A. Buchmann "A Functional/Relational
Object-Oriented Model for Distributed Object Management: Preliminary
Description" TM-0331-11-90-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated, December
[MANO90b]*   Manola, F., M. Hornick, and A. Buchmann "Object Data Model
Facilities for Multimedia Data Types" TM-0332-11-90-165, GTE Laboratories
Incorporated, December 1990.
[MYLO90]*   Mylopoulos, J. and M. Brodie, "Knowledge Bases and Databases:
Current Trends and Future Directions," Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 474: Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Integration
Aspects, D. Karagiannia, (ed.), Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990.
[RUSI90]   Rusinkiewicz, M., D. Georgakopoulos, and R. Thomas, "RDS: A
Primitive for the Maintenance of Replicated Data Objects," Proceedings of
Second IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Dallas, pp.
658-667, December 1990.
[SILB90]   Silberschatz, A., M. Stonebraker, and J.D. Ullman (eds.), M.L.
Brodie, P. Buneman, M. Carey, A. Chandra, H. Garcia-Molina, J. Gray, R.
Fagin, D. Lomet, D. Maier, M.A. Niemat, A. Silberschatz, M. Stonebraker, I.
Traiger, J. Ullman, G. Wiederhold, C. Zaniolo, and M. Zemankova, P.A.
Bernstein, W. Kim, H.F. Korth, and A. van Tilborg, (co-authors), "Database
Systems: Achievements and Opportunities," ACM SIGMOD Record, 19, 4,
December 1990; also appeared in Communications of the ACM, Vol. 34, No.10,
pp. 110-120, October 1991.
[STON90]   Stonebraker, M. , L.A. Rowe, B. Lindsay, J. Gray, M. Carey, M.L.
Brodie, P. Bernstein, and D. Beech, "Third-Generation Data Base System
Manifesto," ACM SIGMOD Recored 19, 3, September 1990.
[ZERT90]   Zertuche, D.R. and A.P. Buchmann, "Execution Models for Active
Database Systems: A Comparison," TM-0238-01-90-165, GTE Laboratories
Incorporated, January 1990.
 >>>>>>>>> 1989
[BROD89]   Brodie, M., D. Bobrow, V. Lesser, S. Madnick, D. Tsichritzis,
and C. Hewitt, "Future Artificial Intelligence Requirements for Intelligent
Database Systems" Expert Database Systems: Proceedings From the Second
International Conference, L. Kerschberg (ed.), Benjamin/Cummings, Menlo
Park, CA, 1989.
[BROD89a]   Brodie, M. , J. Mylopoulos, "Future Intelligent Information
Systems: AI and Database Technologies Working Together," in M. Brodie, J.
Mylopoulos, (eds. and contributors), Readings in Artificial Intelligence
and Databases, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, 1989.
[MANO89]*   Manola, F., "Applications of Object-Oriented Database
Technology in Knowledge-Based Integrated Information Systems," GTE
Laboratories Incorporated, April 1989.
[MANO89a]*   Manola, F., "Object Model Capabilities For Distributed Object
Management," TM-0149-06-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated, June 1989.
[MANO89b]*   Manola, F., "An Evaluation of Object-Oriented DBMS
Developments," TR-0066-10-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated, October
[WELC89]   Welch, J.L. and A.P. Sistla, "Object-Based Concurrency Control
and Recovery Mechanisms," TM-0150-06-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated,
June 1989.
 >>>>>>>>> 1988
[MANO88]*   Manola, F., "Distributed Object Management Technology,"
TM-0014-06-88-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated, June 1988.
 >>>>>>>>> 1987
[MANO87]   Manola, F., "A Personal View of DBMS Security," Database
Security: Status and Prospects, C.E. Landwehr (ed.), Elsevier Science
Publishers B.V., North Holland, 1988, 23-34; TN CS1.1, GTE Laboratories
Incorporated, December 1987.
_[GEOR94a]* _[GEOR94b]*
_[BROD93a]* _[BROD93b]* _[GEOR93a]* _[GEOR93c]* _[GEOR93e]*
_[MANO93a]  _[MANO93c]* _[NAYE93c]* _[NAYE93d]* _[NICO93a]
_[BGR92]    _[BRO92b]*  _[BROD92c]* _[BUCH92]   _[GEOR92]*
_[HEIL92]   _[MANO92]*  _[MANO92a]*
_[BROD91]   _[BROD91a]* _[BUCH91]*  _[GEOR91a]* _[GEOR91b]*
_[GRL91]    _[HEIL91]*  _[HORN91]*  _[MANO91]   _[MANO91a]*
_[MANO91b]  _[RUSI91]   _[VENT91]
_[BREI90]   _[BROD90]*  _[HEIL90]   _[MANO90]   _[MANO90a]*
_[MANO90b]* _[MYLO90]*  _[RUSI90]   _[SILB90]   _[STON90]
_[BROD89]   _[BROD89a]  _[MANO89]*  _[MANO89a]* _[MANO89b]*

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