What: Alcool-90 Release 0.40.3 From: rouaix@inria.fr (Francois Rouaix) Date: 18 May 92 09:36:22 GMT
Alcool-90 is an experimental extension of ML with run-time overloading and a type-based notion of modules, functors and inheritance.
New constructs have been added: * Overloaded symbols (overload). * Local definition of abstract values (overload in). * Implementations and parametric functors (pack to). * Extension functors (overload with). * Class-based Dynamics (dynamic).
This version of Alcool is based on the CAML Light implementation (release 0.4) of the ML language, but this release is autonomous.
Alcool-90 is available by anonymous FTP from ftp.inria.fr:
host: ftp.inria.fr ( directory: lang/alcool files: README Copyright information. alcool270492.tar.Z Sources for Un*x machines (Apr 27 1992 Release). alcooldoc.dvi.tar.Z DVI for the Alcool-90 report draft.
For questions, comments, bug reports, please e-mail to Francois.Rouaix@inria.fr
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