FAQ's are cross-posted to news.answers and are archived on anonymous ftp from:
rtfm.mit.edu:/pub/usenet (also usenet-by-hierarchy, etc.)
rtfm archives several FAQs pertinent to OO (alternative/original sites are listed).
comp.lang.ada ajpo.sei.cmu.edu:public/comp-lang-ada/cla-faq[12] comp.lang.beta ftp.daimi.aau.dk:pub/beta/faq/beta-language-faq.txt comp.lang.c++ sun.soe.clarkson.edu:pub/C++/FAQ [] comp.lang.clos comp.lang.eiffel ftp.cm.cf.ac.uk:/pub/eiffel/eiffel-faq comp.lang.modula3 comp.lang.oberon comp.lang.objective-c http://www.marble.com/people/dekorte/Objective-C/objc.html comp.lang.sather ftp.ICSI.Berkeley.EDU:pub/sather [not on rtfm] comp.lang.scheme ftp.think.com:/public/think/lisp/scheme-faq.text comp.lang.smalltalk xcf.Berkeley.EDU:misc/smalltalk/FAQ/SmalltalkFAQ.entire comp.object zaphod.uchicago.edu:/pub/CompObj8.faq(.Z) (also www) comp.object.logic ftp.cs.cmu.edu:(2)prg_1.faq,prg_2.faq [] comp.software-eng
Notes: 1) xcf.Berkeley.EDU is 2) /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/ai-repository/ai/pubs/faqs/prolog/ 3) BETA FAQ www (most current): http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~beta/FAQ http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~beta/info Email: info@mjolner.dk with body: send BETA beta-faq 4) Modula-3: ftp.vlsi.polymtl.ca:pub/m3/m3-faq.ps. http://froh.vlsi.polymtl.ca/m3/m3-faq.html. Archives: gatekeeper.dec.com:pub/DEC/Modula-3/comp.lang.modula3 Newsgroup relay mailing list; message to m3-request@src.dec.com 5) comp.lang.eiffel archive: http://www.cm.cf.ac.uk/CLE/archive_index.html
See APPENDIX E:60 for a CDROM with Internet FAQs.
A new C++ libraries FAQ is posted monthly to comp.lang.c++ and should be on rtfm soon. Contact cpplibs@trmphrst.demon.co.uk. It contains anonymous ftp sites and commercial libraries and may be merged with this FAQ eventually.
Many FAQs are also available from mail-servers, however most can be accessed by the rtfm mail-server. Mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with help and index in the body with no leading spaces and on separate lines for more information.
Example Unix Command (will retrieve this FAQ in about 26 pieces (and growing)): mail mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu Subject: send usenet/comp.object/*
There is also a great ftp site for sci.virtual-worlds on: stein.u.washington.edu ( - home of sci.virtual-worlds, huge faq w/ great info! - if unable to use try ftp.u.washington.edu /public/virtual-worlds
[While VR may not be directly related to comp.object, it is most interesting! - The Author]
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