Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking : I want to enable IP multicast support on my FreeBSD box, how do I do it? (Alternatively: What the heck IS multicasting and what applications make use of it?)
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10.10. I want to enable IP multicast support on my FreeBSD box, how do I do it? (Alternatively: What the heck IS multicasting and what applications make use of it?)

Multicast host operations are fully supported in FreeBSD 2.0 by default. If you want your box to run as a multicast router, you will need to load the ip_mroute_mod loadable kernel module and run mrouted.

For more information:

Product		Description		Where
--------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------------------
faq.txt		Mbone FAQ
imm/immserv	IMage Multicast
		for jpg/gif images.
nv		Network Video.
vat		LBL Visual Audio Tool.
wb		LBL White Board.
mmcc		MultiMedia Conference
		Control program		/confctrl/mmcc/mmcc-intel.tar.Z
rtpqual		Tools for testing the
		quality of RTP packets.
vat_nv_record	Recording tools for vat
		and nv.

Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Networking : I want to enable IP multicast support on my FreeBSD box, how do I do it? (Alternatively: What the heck IS multicasting and what applications make use of it?)
Previous: I'm having problems with my NeXTStep machines and other FreeBSD ones accross PPP
Next: Serial Communications