Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Commercial Applications : Are there any Database systems for FreeBSD?
Previous: Are there any commercial X servers for some of the high-end graphics cards like the Matrox or #9 I-128, or offering 8/16/24 bit deep pallettes?
Next: Any other applications I might be interested in?

5.3. Are there any Database systems for FreeBSD?

Yes! Conetic Software Systems has ported their C/base and C/books datebase systems to FreeBSD 2.0.5 and higher.

For more information

Conetic Software Systems

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Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 2.X : Commercial Applications : Are there any Database systems for FreeBSD?
Previous: Are there any commercial X servers for some of the high-end graphics cards like the Matrox or #9 I-128, or offering 8/16/24 bit deep pallettes?
Next: Any other applications I might be interested in?