/* * This file is automatically Generated by ProtoGen r1.3. * Do not edit it. * * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Gunther Schadow. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef HL7_SOUOFSPECODE_H_ #define HL7_SOUOFSPECODE_H_ #pragma interface #include /* * CODE * * SouOfSpeCode(hl7_standard) -- source of specimen */ class SouOfSpeCode : public LinearCode { public: enum Value { invalid = LinearCode::invalid, not_present = LinearCode::not_present, null = LinearCode::null, first = LinearCode::first, BloodArt = first + 0, ABLDval = first + 0,//blood arterial Abc = first + 1, ABSval = first + 1,//abcess AmnFluid = first + 2, AMNval = first + 2,//amniotic fluid Asp = first + 3, ASPval = first + 3,//aspirate BloodBag = first + 4, BBLval = first + 4,//blood bag Bone = first + 5, BONval = first + 5,//bone Bas = first + 6, BPHval = first + 6,//basophils Burn = first + 7, BRNval = first + 7,//burn Bro = first + 8, BROval = first + 8,//bronchial Bre = first + 9, BRTHval = first + 9,//breath Cal = first + 10, CALCval = first + 10,//calculus Col = first + 11, CBLDval = first + 11,//colostrum CarMus = first + 12, CDMval = first + 12,//cardiac muscle CordBlood = first + 13, CNJTval = first + 13,//cord blood Can = first + 14, CNLval = first + 14,//cannula Cer = first + 15, COLval = first + 15,//cervix CerSpi = first + 16, CSFval = first + 16,//cerebral spinal CatTip = first + 17, CTPval = first + 17,//catheter tip ConJun = first + 18, CURval = first + 18,//conjunctiva Fluid = first + 19, CVMval = first + 19,//fluid CerMucus = first + 20, CVXval = first + 20,//cervical mucus Cur = first + 21, CYSTval = first + 21,//curettageputum Cyst = first + 22, DRNval = first + 22,//cyst Drain = first + 23, EARval = first + 23,//drain Ear = first + 24, ELTval = first + 24,//ear Ele = first + 25, ENDCval = first + 25,//electrode EndoCar = first + 26, ENDMval = first + 26,//endocardium EndoMet = first + 27, EOSval = first + 27,//endometrium Ery = first + 28, FIBval = first + 28,//erythrocytes Fil = first + 29, FISTval = first + 29,//filter Fib = first + 30, FLTval = first + 30,//fibroblasts Fis = first + 31, FLUval = first + 31,//fistula BodyFluidUnsp = first + 32, GASTval = first + 32,//body fluid, unsp GasFluid = first + 33, GENval = first + 33,//gastric fluid Gen = first + 34, GENCval = first + 34,//genital GenCer = first + 35, GENLval = first + 35,//genital, cervix GenLoc = first + 36, GENVval = first + 36,//genital lochia GenVagHair = first + 37, HARval = first + 37,//genital vaginal hair IntTube = first + 38, ITval = first + 38,//intubation tube Lam = first + 39, LAMval = first + 39,//lamella Line = first + 40, LNval = first + 40,//line LineArt = first + 41, LNAval = first + 41,//line arterial LineVen = first + 42, LNVval = first + 42,//line venous Lym = first + 43, LYMval = first + 43,//lymphocytes Mac = first + 44, MACval = first + 44,//macrophages Mar = first + 45, MARval = first + 45,//marrow MenBlood = first + 46, MBLDval = first + 46,//menstrual blood Mec = first + 47, MECval = first + 47,//meconium BreMilk = first + 48, MILKval = first + 48,//breast milk Milk = first + 49, MLKval = first + 49,//milk Nail = first + 50, NAILval = first + 50,//nail NoseNasalPas = first + 51, NOSval = first + 51,//nose (nasal passage) Other = first + 52, ORHval = first + 52,//other Asc = first + 53, PERval = first + 53,//ascites Pla = first + 54, PLASval = first + 54,//placenta Plasma = first + 55, PLBval = first + 55,//plasma PeriTon = first + 56, PLCval = first + 56,//peritoneum PlasmaBag = first + 57, PLRval = first + 57,//plasma bag PleFluidThoFld = first + 58, PMNval = first + 58,// pleural fluid (thoracentesis fld) PeriTonFluid = first + 59, PRTval = first + 59,//peritoneal fluid PolNeu = first + 60, PUSval = first + 60,//polymorphonuclear neutrophils Eos = first + 61, RBCval = first + 61,//eosinophils Pus = first + 62, SALval = first + 62,//pus Sal = first + 63, SEMval = first + 63,//saliva SemFluid = first + 64, SERval = first + 64,//seminal fluid Skin = first + 65, SKMval = first + 65,//skin Serum = first + 66, SKNval = first + 66,//serum SkeMus = first + 67, SPRMval = first + 67,//skeletal muscle Spe = first + 68, SPTval = first + 68,//spermatozoa Spu = first + 69, SPTCval = first + 69,//sputum SpuCou = first + 70, SPTTval = first + 70,//sputum coughed Leu = first + 71, WBCval = first + 71,//leucocytes last = 71, size = last - first + 1 }; SouOfSpeCode(); SouOfSpeCode(Value val); SouOfSpeCode(const char *s); operator Value () const; private: static const char *_table[size]; }; inline SouOfSpeCode::SouOfSpeCode() : LinearCode(_table,(size_t)size) {} inline SouOfSpeCode::SouOfSpeCode(Value val) : LinearCode((int)val,_table,(size_t)size) {} inline SouOfSpeCode::SouOfSpeCode(const char *s) : LinearCode(s,_table,(size_t)size) {} inline SouOfSpeCode::operator SouOfSpeCode::Value () const { return (Value)(LinearCode::operator int()); } #endif /* ! HL7_SOUOFSPECODE_H_ */