/* * This file is automatically Generated by ProtoGen r1.3. * Do not edit it. * * Copyright (c) 1995, 1996 Gunther Schadow. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef HL7_OBRSEG_H_ #define HL7_OBRSEG_H_ #pragma interface #include /* * SEGMENT * * obr(ord) -- observation request */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class OBRseg : public Segment { public: SItyp SetIdObsReq; //set id observation request CMtyp PlaOrderNum; //placer order number CMtyp FilOrderNum; //filler order number CEtyp UniSerId; //universal service id IDtyp PriNotUsedIn22; //priority - not used in 2.2 TStyp ReqDateTimeNotUsed; //requested date/time - not used TStyp ObsDateTime; //observation date/time TStyp ObsEndDateTime; //observation end date/time CQtyp ColVol; //collection volume repfield ColIde; //collector identifier SpeActCode SpeAct; //specimen action code CEtyp DanCode; //danger code STtyp RelCliInfo; //relevant clinical info. TStyp SpeRecDateTime; //specimen received date/time CMtyp SpeSou; //specimen source CNtyp OrdPro; //ordering provider repfield OrderCalPhoneNum; //order callback phone number STtyp PlaField1; //placer field 1 STtyp PlaField2; //placer field 2 STtyp FilField1; //filler field 1 STtyp FilField2; //filler field 2 TStyp ResRptStaChngDateTime; //results rpt/status chng - date/time CMtyp ChaToPra; //charge to practice DiaGnoSerSecIdCode DiaGnoServSectId; //diagnostic serv sect id ResStatusCode ResStatus; //result status CMtyp ParRes; //parent result repfield QuaTim; //quantity/timing repfield ResCopTo; //result copies to CMtyp ParNum; //parent number TransPorModeCode TransPorMode; //transportation mode repfield ReaForStudy; //reason for study CMtyp PriResInt; //principal result interpreter repfield AssResInt; //assistant result interpreter repfield Tec; //technician repfield TransCri; //transcriptionist TStyp SchDateTime; //scheduled date/time static fielddesc fieldtab[36]; public: OBRseg(); const SItyp& getSetIdObsReq() const; const CMtyp& getPlaOrderNum() const; const CMtyp& getFilOrderNum() const; const CEtyp& getUniSerId() const; const IDtyp& getPriNotUsedIn22() const; const TStyp& getReqDateTimeNotUsed() const; const TStyp& getObsDateTime() const; const TStyp& getObsEndDateTime() const; const CQtyp& getColVol() const; const repfield& getColIde() const; const SpeActCode& getSpeAct() const; const CEtyp& getDanCode() const; const STtyp& getRelCliInfo() const; const TStyp& getSpeRecDateTime() const; const CMtyp& getSpeSou() const; const CNtyp& getOrdPro() const; const repfield& getOrderCalPhoneNum() const; const STtyp& getPlaField1() const; const STtyp& getPlaField2() const; const STtyp& getFilField1() const; const STtyp& getFilField2() const; const TStyp& getResRptStaChngDateTime() const; const CMtyp& getChaToPra() const; const DiaGnoSerSecIdCode& getDiaGnoServSectId() const; const ResStatusCode& getResStatus() const; const CMtyp& getParRes() const; const repfield& getQuaTim() const; const repfield& getResCopTo() const; const CMtyp& getParNum() const; const TransPorModeCode& getTransPorMode() const; const repfield& getReaForStudy() const; const CMtyp& getPriResInt() const; const repfield& getAssResInt() const; const repfield& getTec() const; const repfield& getTransCri() const; const TStyp& getSchDateTime() const; void setSetIdObsReq(const SItyp &x); void setPlaOrderNum(const CMtyp &x); void setFilOrderNum(const CMtyp &x); void setUniSerId(const CEtyp &x); void setPriNotUsedIn22(const IDtyp &x); void setReqDateTimeNotUsed(const TStyp &x); void setObsDateTime(const TStyp &x); void setObsEndDateTime(const TStyp &x); void setColVol(const CQtyp &x); void setColIde(const repfield &x); void setSpeAct(const SpeActCode &x); void setDanCode(const CEtyp &x); void setRelCliInfo(const STtyp &x); void setSpeRecDateTime(const TStyp &x); void setSpeSou(const CMtyp &x); void setOrdPro(const CNtyp &x); void setOrderCalPhoneNum(const repfield &x); void setPlaField1(const STtyp &x); void setPlaField2(const STtyp &x); void setFilField1(const STtyp &x); void setFilField2(const STtyp &x); void setResRptStaChngDateTime(const TStyp &x); void setChaToPra(const CMtyp &x); void setDiaGnoServSectId(const DiaGnoSerSecIdCode &x); void setResStatus(const ResStatusCode &x); void setParRes(const CMtyp &x); void setQuaTim(const repfield &x); void setResCopTo(const repfield &x); void setParNum(const CMtyp &x); void setTransPorMode(const TransPorModeCode &x); void setReaForStudy(const repfield &x); void setPriResInt(const CMtyp &x); void setAssResInt(const repfield &x); void setTec(const repfield &x); void setTransCri(const repfield &x); void setSchDateTime(const TStyp &x); }; #ifndef OUTLINE # include #endif #endif /* ! HL7_OBRSEG_H_ */