UUNNIIXX UUsseerr''ss SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy DDooccuummeennttss ((UUSSDD)) 44..44 BBeerrkkeelleeyy SSooffttwwaarree DDiissttrriibbuuttiioonn June, 1993 This volume contains documents which supplement the manual pages in _T_h_e _U_n_i_x _U_s_e_r_'_s _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e _M_a_n_u_a_l for the 4.4BSD system as distributed by U.C. Berkeley. GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd Unix for Beginners - Second Edition USD:1 An introduction to the most basic uses of the sys- tem. Learn - Computer-Aided Instruction on UNIX (Second EditiUoSnD):2 Describes a computer-aided instruction program that walks new users through the basics of files, the editor, and document prepararation software. BBaassiicc UUttiilliittiieess An Introduction to the UNIX Shell USD:3 Steve Bourne's introduction to the capabilities of _s_h_, a command interpreter especially popular for writing shell scripts. An Introduction to the C shell USD:4 This introduction to _c_s_h_, (a command interpreter popular for interactive work) describes many com- monly used UNIX commands, assumes little prior knowledge of UNIX, and has a glossary useful for beginners. USD Contents DC - An Interactive Desk Calculator USD:5 A super HP calculator, if you do not need floating point. BC - An Arbitrary Precision Desk-Calculator Language USD:6 A front end for DC that provides infix notation, control flow, and built-in functions. CCoommmmuunniiccaattiinngg wwiitthh tthhee WWoorrlldd Mail Reference Manual USD:7 Complete details on one of the programs for send- ing and reading your mail. The Rand MH Message Handling System USD:8 This system for managing your computer mail uses lots of small programs, instead of one large one. TTeexxtt EEddiittiinngg A Tutorial Introduction to the Unix Text Editor USD:9 An easy way to get started with the line editor, _e_d_. Advanced Editing on Unix USD:10 The next step. An Introduction to Display Editing with Vi USD:11 The document to learn to use the _v_i screen editor. Ex Reference Manual (Version 3.7) USD:12 The final reference for the _e_x editor. USD Contents Vi Reference Manual USD:13 The definitive reference for the _n_v_i editor. Jove Manual for UNIX Users USD:14 Jove is a small, self-documenting, customizable display editor, based on EMACS. A plausible alternative to _v_i_. SED - A Non-interactive Text Editor USD:15 Describes a one-pass variant of _e_d useful as a filter for processing large files. AWK - A Pattern Scanning and Processing Language (SeconUdSDE:d1i6tion) A program for data selection and transformation. DDooccuummeenntt PPrreeppaarraattiioonn Typing Documents on UNIX: Using the -ms Macros with TroUfSfD:a1n7d Nroff Describes and gives examples of the basic use of the typesetting tools and ``-ms'', a frequently used package of formatting requests that make it easier to lay out most documents. A Revised Version of -ms USD:18 A brief description of the Berkeley revisions made to the -ms formatting macros for nroff and troff. Writing Papers with _n_r_o_f_f using -me USD:19 Another popular macro package for _n_r_o_f_f_. -me Reference Manual USD:20 The final word on -me. USD Contents NROFF/TROFF User's Manual USD:21 Extremely detailed information about these docu- ment formatting programs. A TROFF Tutorial USD:22 An introduction to the most basic uses of _t_r_o_f_f for those who really want to know such things, or want to write their own macros. A System for Typesetting Mathematics USD:23 Describes _e_q_n_, an easy-to-learn language for high- quality mathematical typesetting. Typesetting Mathematics - User's Guide (Second Edition)USD:24 More details about how to use _e_q_n_. Tbl - A Program to Format Tables USD:25 A program for easily typesetting tabular material. Refer - A Bibliography System USD:26 An introduction to one set of tools used to main- tain bibliographic databases. The major program, _r_e_f_e_r_, is used to automatically retrieve and for- mat the references based on document citations. Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the UNIX SysteUmSD:27 Mike Lesk's paper describes the _r_e_f_e_r programs in a somewhat larger context. BIB - A Program for Formatting Bibliographies USD:28 This is an alternative to _r_e_f_e_r for expanding citations in documents. Writing Tools - The STYLE and DICTION Programs USD:29 These are programs which can help you understand and improve your writing style. USD Contents AAmmuusseemmeennttss A Guide to the Dungeons of Doom USD:30 An introduction to the popular game of _r_o_g_u_e, a fantasy game which is one of the biggest known users of VAX cycles. Star Trek USD:31 You are the Captain of the Starship Enterprise. Wipe out the Klingons and save the Federation.