TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn Rick Macklem _U_n_i_v_e_r_s_i_t_y _o_f _G_u_e_l_p_h AABBSSTTRRAACCTT The 4.4BSD implementation of the Network File System (NFS)1 is intended to interoperate with other NFS Version 2 Protocol (RFC1094) implementations but also allows use of an alternate protocol that is hoped to provide better perfor- mance in certain environments. This paper will informally discuss these various protocol features and their use. There is a brief overview of the implementation followed by several sections on various problem areas related to NFS and some hints on how to deal with them. Not Quite NFS (NQNFS) is an NFS like protocol designed to maintain full cache consistency between clients in a crash tolerant manner. It is an adaptation of the NFS proto- col such that the server supports both NFS and NQNFS clients while maintaining full consistency between the server and NQNFS clients. It borrows heavily from work done on Spritely-NFS [Srinivasan89], but uses Leases [Gray89] to avoid the need to recover server state information after a crash. 11.. NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn The 4.4BSD implementation of NFS and the alternate pro- tocol nicknamed Not Quite NFS (NQNFS) are kernel resident, but make use of a few system daemons. The kernel implemen- tation does not use an RPC library, handling the RPC request and reply messages directly in _m_b_u_f data areas. NFS inter- faces to the network using sockets via. the kernel interface available in _s_y_s_/_k_e_r_n_/_u_i_p_c___s_y_s_c_a_l_l_s_._c as _s_o_s_e_n_d_(_)_, _s_o_r_e_- _c_e_i_v_e_(_)_,... There are connection management routines for support of sockets for connection oriented protocols and timeout/retransmit support for datagram sockets on the client side. For connection oriented transport protocols, such as TCP/IP, there is one connection for each client to server mount point that is maintained until an umount. If the connection breaks, the client will attempt a reconnect with a new socket. The client side can operate without any daemons running, but performance will be improved by running ____________________ 1Network File System (NFS) is believed to be a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems Inc. SSMMMM::0066--22 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn nfsiod daemons that perform read-aheads and write-behinds. For the server side to function, the daemons portmap, mountd and nfsd must be running. The mountd daemon performs two important functions. 1) Upon startup and after a hangup signal, mountd reads the exports file and pushes the export information for each local file system down into the kernel via. the mount system call. 2) Mountd handles remote mount protocol (RFC1094, Appendix A) requests. The nfsd master daemon forks off children that enter the kernel via. the nfssvc system call. The children normally remain kernel resident, providing a process context for the NFS RPC servers. The only exception to this is when a Ker- beros [Steiner88] ticket is received and at that time the nfsd exits the kernel temporarily to verify the ticket via. the Kerberos libraries and then returns to the kernel with the results. (This only happens for Kerberos mount points as described further under Security.) Meanwhile, the master nfsd waits to accept new connections from clients using con- nection oriented transport protocols and passes the new sockets down into the kernel. The client side mount_nfs along with portmap and mountd are the only parts of the NFS subsystem that make any use of the Sun RPC library. 22.. MMoouunntt PPrroobblleemmss There are several problems that can be encountered at the time of an NFS mount, ranging from a unresponsive NFS server (crashed, network partitioned from client, etc.) to various interoperability problems between different NFS implementations. On the server side, if the 4.4BSD NFS server will be handling any PC clients, mountd will require the --nn option to enable non-root mount request servicing. Running of a pcnfsd2 daemon will also be necessary. The server side requires that the daemons mountd and nfsd be running and that they be registered with portmap properly. If problems are encountered, the safest fix is to kill all the daemons and then restart them in the order portmap, mountd and nfsd. Other server side problems are normally caused by problems with the format of the exports file, which is covered under Security and in the exports man page. ____________________ 2 Pcnfsd is available in source form from Sun Microsys- tems and many anonymous ftp sites. TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--33 On the client side, there are several mount options useful for dealing with server problems. In cases where a file system is not critical for system operation, the --bb mount option may be specified so that mount_nfs will go into the background for a mount attempt on an unresponsive server. This is useful for mounts specified in _f_s_t_a_b_(_5_), so that the system will not get hung while booting doing mmoouunntt --aa because a file server is not responsive. On the other hand, if the file system is critical to system operation, this option should not be used so that the client will wait for the server to come up before completing bootstrapping. There are also three mount options to help deal with inter- operability issues with various non-BSD NFS servers. The --PP option specifies that the NFS client use a reserved IP port number to satisfy some servers' security requirements.3 The --cc option stops the NFS client from doing a _c_o_n_n_e_c_t on the UDP socket, so that the mount works with servers that send NFS replies from port numbers other than the standard 2049.4 Finally, the --gg==_n_u_m option sets the maximum size of the group list in the credentials passed to an NFS server in every RPC request. Although RFC1057 specifies a maximum size of 16 for the group list, some servers can't handle that many. If a user, particularly root doing a mount, keeps getting access denied from a file server, try temporarily reducing the number of groups that user is in to less than 5 by editing /etc/group. If the user can then access the file system, slowly increase the number of groups for that user until the limit is found and then peg the limit there with the --gg==_n_u_m option. This implies that the server will only see the first _n_u_m groups that the user is in, which can cause some accessibility problems. For sites that have many NFS servers, amd [Pendry93] is a useful administration tool. It also reduces the number of actual NFS mount points, alleviating problems with commands such as df(1) that hang when any of the NFS servers is unreachable. 33.. DDeeaalliinngg wwiitthh HHuunngg SSeerrvveerrss There are several mount options available to help a client deal with being hung waiting for response from a crashed or unreachable5 server. By default, a hard mount will continue to try to contact the server ``forever'' to complete the system call. This type of mount is appropriate ____________________ 3Any security benefit of this is highly questionable and as such the BSD server does not require a client to use a reserved port number. 4The Encore Multimax is known to require this. 5Due to a network partitioning or similar. SSMMMM::0066--44 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn when processes on the client that access files in the file system do not tolerate file I/O systems calls that return -1 with _e_r_r_n_o _=_= _E_I_N_T_R and/or access to the file system is critical for normal system operation. There are two other alternatives: 1) A soft mount (--ss option) retries an RPC _n times and then the corresponding system call returns -1 with errno set to EINTR. For TCP transport, the actual RPC request is not retransmitted, but the timeout intervals waiting for a reply from the server are done in the same manner as UDP for this purpose. The problem with this type of mount is that most applications do not expect an EINTR error return from file I/O system calls (since it never occurs for a local file system) and get confused by the error return from the I/O system call. The option --xx==_n_u_m is used to set the RPC retry limit and if set too low, the error returns will start occur- ring whenever the NFS server is slow due to heavy load. Alternately, a large retry limit can result in a pro- cess hung for a long time, due to a crashed server or network partitioning. 2) An interruptible mount (--ii option) checks to see if a termination signal is pending for the process when waiting for server response and if it is, the I/O sys- tem call posts an EINTR. Normally this results in the process being terminated by the signal when returning from the system call. This feature allows you to ``^C'' out of processes that are hung due to unrespon- sive servers. The problem with this approach is that signals that are caught by a process are not recognized as termination signals and the process will remain hung.6 44.. RRPPCC TTrraannssppoorrtt IIssssuueess The NFS Version 2 protocol runs over UDP/IP transport by sending each Sun Remote Procedure Call (RFC1057) request/reply message in a single UDP datagram. Since UDP does not guarantee datagram delivery, the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) layer times out and retransmits an RPC request if no RPC reply has been received. Since this round trip time- out (RTO) value is for the entire RPC operation, including RPC message transmission to the server, queuing at the server for an nfsd, performing the RPC and sending the RPC ____________________ 6Unfortunately, there are also some resource allocation situations in the BSD kernel where the termination signal will be ignored and the process will not terminate. TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--55 reply message back to the client, it can be highly variable for even a moderately loaded NFS server. As a result, the RTO interval must be a conservation (large) estimate, in order to avoid extraneous RPC request retransmits.7 Also, with an 8Kbyte read/write data size (the default), the read/write reply/request will be an 8+Kbyte UDP datagram that must normally be fragmented at the IP layer for transmission.8 For IP fragments to be successfully reassem- bled into the IP datagram at the receive end, all fragments must be received within a fairly short ``time to live''. If one fragment is lost/damaged in transit, the entire RPC must be retransmitted and redone. This problem can be exagger- ated by a network interface on the receiver that cannot han- dle the reception of back to back network packets. [Kent87a] There are several tuning mount options on the client side that can prove useful when trying to alleviate perfor- mance problems related to UDP RPC transport. The options --rr==_n_u_m and --ww==_n_u_m specify the maximum read or write data size respectively. The size _n_u_m should be a power of 2 (4K, 2K, 1K) and adjusted downward from the maximum of 8Kbytes whenever IP fragmentation is causing problems. The best indicator of IP fragmentation problems is a significant num- ber of _f_r_a_g_m_e_n_t_s _d_r_o_p_p_e_d _a_f_t_e_r _t_i_m_e_o_u_t reported by the _i_p_: section of a nneettssttaatt --ss command on either the client or server. Of course, if the fragments are being dropped at the server, it can be fun figuring out which client(s) are involved. The most likely candidates are clients that are not on the same local area network as the server or have network interfaces that do not receive several back to back network packets properly. By default, the 4.4BSD NFS client dynamically estimates the retransmit timeout interval for the RPC and this appears to work reasonably well for many environments. However, the --dd flag can be specified to turn off the dynamic estimation of retransmit timeout, so that the client will use a static initial timeout interval.9 The --tt==_n_u_m option can be used with --dd to set the initial timeout interval to other than the default of 2 seconds. The best indicator that dynamic estimation should be turned off would be a significant ____________________ 7At best, an extraneous RPC request retransmit increases the load on the server and at worst can result in damaged files on the server when non-idempotent RPCs are redone [Juszczak89]. 86 IP fragments for an Ethernet, which has an maximum transmission unit of 1500bytes. 9After the first retransmit timeout, the initial interval is backed off exponentially. SSMMMM::0066--66 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn number10 in the _X _R_e_p_l_i_e_s field and a large number in the _R_e_t_r_i_e_s field in the _R_p_c _I_n_f_o_: section as reported by the nnffssssttaatt command. On the server, there would be significant numbers of _I_n_p_r_o_g recent request cache hits in the _S_e_r_v_e_r _C_a_c_h_e _S_t_a_t_s_: section as reported by the nnffssssttaatt command, when run on the server. The tradeoff is that a smaller timeout interval results in a better average RPC response time, but increases the risk of extraneous retries that in turn increase server load and the possibility of damaged files on the server. It is probably best to err on the safe side and use a large (>= 2sec) fixed timeout if the dynamic retransmit timeout esti- mation seems to be causing problems. An alternative to all this fiddling is to run NFS over TCP transport instead of UDP. Since the 4.4BSD TCP imple- mentation provides reliable delivery with congestion con- trol, it avoids all of the above problems. It also permits the use of read and write data sizes greater than the 8Kbyte limit for UDP transport.11 NFS over TCP usually delivers comparable to significantly better performance than NFS over UDP unless the client or server processor runs at less than 5-10MIPS. For a slow processor, the extra CPU overhead of using TCP transport will become significant and TCP trans- port may only be useful when the client to server intercon- nect traverses congested gateways. The main problem with using TCP transport is that it is only supported between BSD clients and servers.12 55.. OOtthheerr TTuunniinngg TTrriicckkss Another mount option that may improve performance over certain network interconnects is --aa==_n_u_m which sets the num- ber of blocks that the system will attempt to read-ahead during sequential reading of a file. The default value of 1 seems to be appropriate for most situations, but a larger value might achieve better performance for some environ- ments, such as a mount to a server across a ``high bandwidth * round trip delay'' interconnect. For the adventurous, playing with the size of the buffer cache can also improve performance for some environ- ments that use NFS heavily. Under some workloads, a buffer ____________________ 10Even 0.1% of the total RPCs is probably significant. 11Read/write data sizes greater than 8Kbytes will not normally improve performance unless the kernel constant MAXBSIZE is increased and the file system on the server has a block size greater than 8Kbytes. 12There are rumors of commercial NFS over TCP implementa- tions on the horizon and these may well be worth exploring. TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--77 cache of 4-6Mbytes can result in significant performance improvements over 1-2Mbytes, both in client side system call response time and reduced server RPC load. The buffer cache size defaults to 10% of physical memory, but this can be overridden by specifying the BUFPAGES option in the machine's config file.13 When increasing the size of BUF- PAGES, it is also advisable to increase the number of buffers NBUF by a corresponding amount. Note that there is a tradeoff of memory allocated to the buffer cache versus available for paging, which implies that making the buffer cache larger will increase paging rate, with possibly disas- trous results. 66.. SSeeccuurriittyy IIssssuueess When a machine is running an NFS server it opens up a great big security hole. For ordinary NFS, the server receives client credentials in the RPC request as a user id and a list of group ids and trusts them to be authentic! The only tool available to restrict remote access to file systems with is the exports(5) file, so file systems should be exported with great care. The exports file is read by mountd upon startup and after a hangup signal is posted for it and then as much of the access specifications as possible are pushed down into the kernel for use by the nfsd(s). The trick here is that the kernel information is stored on a per local file system mount point and client host address basis and cannot refer to individual directories within the local server file system. It is best to think of the exports file as referring to the various local file systems and not just directory paths as mount points. A local file system may be exported to a specific host, all hosts that match a subnet mask or all other hosts (the world). The latter is very dan- gerous and should only be used for public information. It is also strongly recommended that file systems exported to ``the world'' be exported read-only. For each host or group of hosts, the file system can be exported read-only or read/write. You can also define one of three client user id to server credential mappings to help control access. Root (user id == 0) can be mapped to some default credentials while all other user ids are accepted as given. If the default credentials for user id equal zero are root, then there is essentially no remapping. Most NFS file systems are exported this way, most commonly mapping user id == 0 to the credentials for the user nobody. Since the client user id and group id list is used unchanged on the server (except for root), this also implies that the user id and group id ____________________ BUFPAGES is the number of physical machine pages allocat- ed to the buffer cache. ie. BUFPAGES * NBPG = buffer cache size in bytes SSMMMM::0066--88 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn space must be common between the client and server. (ie. user id N on the client must refer to the same user on the server) All user ids can be mapped to a default set of cre- dentials, typically that of the user nobody. This essen- tially gives world access to all users on the corresponding hosts. There is also a non-standard BSD --kkeerrbb export option that requires the client provide a KerberosIV rcmd service ticket to authenticate the user on the server. If success- ful, the Kerberos principal is looked up in the server's password and group databases to get a set of credentials and a map of client userid to these credentials is then cached. The use of TCP transport is strongly recommended, since the scheme depends on the TCP connection to avert replay attempts. Unfortunately, this option is only usable between BSD clients and servers since it is not compatible with other known ``kerberized'' NFS systems. To enable use of this Kerberos option, both mount_nfs on the client and nfsd on the server must be rebuilt with the -DKERBEROS option and linked to KerberosIV libraries. The file system is then exported to the client(s) with the --kkeerrbb option in the exports file on the server and the client mount specifies the --KK and --TT options. The --mm==_r_e_a_l_m mount option may be used to specify a Kerberos Realm for the ticket (it must be the Kerberos Realm of the server) that is other than the client's local Realm. To access files in a --kkeerrbb mount point, the user must have a valid TGT for the server's Realm, as provided by kinit or similar. As well as the standard NFS Version 2 protocol (RFC1094) implementation, BSD systems can use a variant of the protocol called Not Quite NFS (NQNFS) that supports a variety of protocol extensions. This protocol uses 64bit file offsets and sizes, an _a_c_c_e_s_s _r_p_c, an _a_p_p_e_n_d option on the write rpc and extended file attributes to support 4.4BSD file system functionality more fully. It also makes use of a variant of short term _l_e_a_s_e_s [Gray89] with delayed write client caching, in an effort to provide full cache consis- tency and better performance. This protocol is available between 4.4BSD systems only and is used when the --qq mount option is specified. It can be used with any of the afore- mentioned options for NFS, such as TCP transport (--TT) and KerberosIV authentication (--KK). Although this protocol is experimental, it is recommended over NFS for mounts between 4.4BSD systems.14 ____________________ 14I would appreciate email from anyone who can provide NFS vs. NQNFS performance measurements, particularly fast clients, many clients or over an internetwork connection with a large ``bandwidth * RTT'' product. TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--99 77.. MMoonniittoorriinngg NNFFSS AAccttiivviittyy The basic command for monitoring NFS activity on clients and servers is nfsstat. It reports cumulative statistics of various NFS activities, such as counts of the various different RPCs and cache hit rates on the client and server. Of particular interest on the server are the fields in the _S_e_r_v_e_r _C_a_c_h_e _S_t_a_t_s_: section, which gives numbers for RPC retries received in the first three fields and total RPCs in the fourth. The first three fields should remain a very small percentage of the total. If not, it would indi- cate one or more clients doing retries too aggressively and the fix would be to isolate these clients, disable the dynamic RTO estimation on them and make their initial time- out interval a conservative (ie. large) value. On the client side, the fields in the _R_p_c _I_n_f_o_: section are of particular interest, as they give an overall picture of NFS activity. The _T_i_m_e_d_O_u_t field is the number of I/O system calls that returned -1 for ``soft'' mounts and can be reduced by increasing the retry limit or changing the mount type to ``intr'' or ``hard''. The _I_n_v_a_l_i_d field is a count of trashed RPC replies that are received and should remain zero.15 The _X _R_e_p_l_i_e_s field counts the number of repeated RPC replies received from the server and is a clear indica- tion of a too aggressive RTO estimate. Unfortunately, a good NFS server implementation will use a ``recent request cache'' [Juszczak89] that will suppress the extraneous replies. A large value for _R_e_t_r_i_e_s indicates a problem, but it could be any of: +o a too aggressive RTO estimate +o an overloaded NFS server +o IP fragments being dropped (gateway, client or server) and requires further investigation. The _R_e_q_u_e_s_t_s field is the total count of RPCs done on all servers. The nneettssttaatt --ss comes in useful during investigation of RPC transport problems. The field _f_r_a_g_m_e_n_t_s _d_r_o_p_p_e_d _a_f_t_e_r _t_i_m_e_o_u_t in the _i_p_: section indicates IP fragments are being lost and a significant number of these occurring indicates that the use of TCP transport or a smaller read/write data size is in order. A significant number of _b_a_d _c_h_e_c_k_s_u_m_s reported in the _u_d_p_: section would suggest network problems of a more generic sort. (cabling, transceiver or network ____________________ 15Some NFS implementations run with UDP checksums dis- abled, so garbage RPC messages can be received. SSMMMM::0066--1100 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn hardware interface problems or similar) There is a RPC activity logging facility for both the client and server side in the kernel. When logging is enabled by setting the kernel variable nfsrtton to one, the logs in the kernel structures nfsrtt (for the client side) and nfsdrt (for the server side) are updated upon the com- pletion of each RPC in a circular manner. The pos element of the structure is the index of the next element of the log array to be updated. In other words, elements of the log array from _l_o_g[pos] to _l_o_g[pos - 1] are in chronological order. The include file should be consulted for details on the fields in the two log structures.16 88.. DDiisskklleessss CClliieenntt SSuuppppoorrtt The NFS client does include kernel support for disk- less/dataless operation where the root file system and optionally the swap area is remote NFS mounted. A disk- less/dataless client is configured using a version of the ``swapkernel.c'' file as provided in the directory _c_o_n_- _t_r_i_b_/_d_i_s_k_l_e_s_s_._n_f_s. If the swap device == NODEV, it speci- fies an NFS mounted swap area and should be configured the same size as set up by diskless_setup when run on the server. This file must be put in the _s_y_s_/_c_o_m_- _p_i_l_e_/_<_m_a_c_h_i_n_e___n_a_m_e_> kernel build directory after the config command has been run, since config does not know about spec- ifying NFS root and swap areas. The kernel variable mount- root must be set to nfs_mountroot instead of ffs_mountroot and the kernel structure nfs_diskless must be filled in properly. There are some primitive system administration tools in the _c_o_n_t_r_i_b_/_d_i_s_k_l_e_s_s_._n_f_s directory to assist in filling in the nfs_diskless structure and in setting up an NFS server for diskless/dataless clients. The tools were designed to provide a bare bones capability, to allow maxi- mum flexibility when setting up different servers. The tools are as follows: +o diskless_offset.c - This little program reads a ``ker- nel'' object file and writes the file byte offset of the nfs_diskless structure in it to standard out. It was kept separate because it sometimes has to be com- piled/linked in funny ways depending on the client architecture. (See the comment at the beginning of it.) ____________________ 16Unfortunately, a monitoring tool that uses these logs is still in the planning (dreaming) stage. TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--1111 +o diskless_setup.c - This program is run on the server and sets up files for a given client. It mostly just fills in an nfs_diskless structure and writes it out to either the "kernel" file or a separate file called /var/diskless/setup. +o diskless_boot.c - There are two functions in here that may be used by a bootstrap server such as tftpd to per- mit sharing of the ``kernel'' object file for similar clients. This saves disk space on the bootstrap server and simplify organization, but are not critical for correct operation. They read the ``kernel'' file, but optionally fill in the nfs_diskless structure from a separate "setup." file so that there is only one copy of "kernel" for all similar (same arch etc.) clients. These functions use a text file called /var/diskless/boot. to control the netboot. The basic setup steps are: +o make a "kernel" for the client(s) with mountroot() == nfs_mountroot() and swdevt[0].sw_dev == NODEV if it is to do nfs swapping as well (See the same swapkernel.c file) +o run diskless_offset on the kernel file to find out the byte offset of the nfs_diskless structure +o Run diskless_setup on the server to set up the server and fill in the nfs_diskless structure for that client. The nfs_diskless structure can either be written into the kernel file (the -x option) or saved in /var/disk- less/setup.. +o Set up the bootstrap server. If the nfs_diskless struc- ture was written into the ``kernel'' file, any vanilla bootstrap protocol such as bootp/tftp can be used. If the bootstrap server has been modified to use the func- tions in diskless_boot.c, then a file called /var/disk- less/boot. must be created. It is simply a two line text file, where the first line is the pathname of the correct ``kernel'' file and the second line has the pathname of the nfs_diskless struc- ture file and its byte offset in it. For example: /var/diskless/kernel.pmax /var/diskless/ 642308 +o Create a /var subtree for each client in an appropriate place on the server, such as /var/diskless/var//... By using the to dif- ferentiate /var for each host, /etc/rc can be modified to mount the correct /var from the server. SSMMMM::0066--1122 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn 99.. NNoott QQuuiittee NNFFSS,, CCrraasshh TToolleerraanntt CCaacchhee CCoonnssiisstteennccyy ffoorr NNFFSS Not Quite NFS (NQNFS) is an NFS like protocol designed to maintain full cache consistency between clients in a crash tolerant manner. It is an adaptation of the NFS pro- tocol such that the server supports both NFS and NQNFS clients while maintaining full consistency between the server and NQNFS clients. This section borrows heavily from work done on Spritely-NFS [Srinivasan89], but uses Leases [Gray89] to avoid the need to recover server state informa- tion after a crash. The reader is strongly encouraged to read these references before trying to grasp the material presented here. 99..11.. OOvveerrvviieeww The protocol maintains cache consistency by using a somewhat Sprite [Nelson88] like protocol, but is based on short term leases17 instead of hard state information about open files. The basic principal is that the protocol will disable client caching of a file whenever that file is write shared18. Whenever a client wishes to cache data for a file it must hold a valid lease. There are three types of leases: read caching, write caching and non-caching. The latter type requires that all file operations be done syn- chronously with the server via. RPCs. A read caching lease allows for client data caching, but no file modifications may be done. A write caching lease allows for client caching of writes, but requires that all writes be pushed to the server when the lease expires. If a client has dirty buffers19 when a write cache lease has almost expired, it will attempt to extend the lease but is required to push the dirty buffers if extension fails. A client gets leases by either doing a GGeettLLeeaassee RRPPCC or by piggybacking a GGeettLLeeaassee RReeqquueesstt onto another RPC. Piggybacking is supported for the frequent RPCs Getattr, Setattr, Lookup, Readlink, Read, Write and Readdir in an effort to minimize the number of GGeettLLeeaassee RRPPCCss required. All leases are at the granularity of a file, since all NFS RPCs operate on individual files and NFS has no intrinsic notion of a file hierarchy. Direc- tories, symbolic links and file attributes may be read cached but are not write cached. The exception here is the attribute file_size, which is updated during cached writing ____________________ 17 A lease is a ticket permitting an activity that is valid until some expiry time. 18 Write sharing occurs when at least one client is modi- fying a file while other client(s) are reading the file. 19 Cached write data is not yet pushed (written) to the server. TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--1133 on the client to reflect a growing file. It is the server's responsibility to ensure that con- sistency is maintained among the NQNFS clients by disabling client caching whenever a server file operation would cause inconsistencies. The possibility of inconsistencies occurs whenever a client has a write caching lease and any other client, or local operations on the server, tries to access the file or when a modify operation is attempted on a file being read cached by client(s). At this time, the server sends an eevviiccttiioonn nnoottiiccee to all clients holding the lease and then waits for lease termination. Lease termination occurs when a vvaaccaatteedd tthhee pprreemmiisseess message has been received from all the clients that have signed the lease or when the lease expires via. timeout. The message pair eevviiccttiioonn nnoottiiccee and vvaaccaatteedd tthhee pprreemmiisseess roughly correspond to a Sprite server->client callback, but are not implemented as an actual RPC, to avoid the server waiting indefinitely for a reply from a dead client. Server consistency checking can be viewed as issuing intrinsic leases for a file operation for the duration of the operation only. For example, the CCrreeaattee RRPPCC will get an intrinsic write lease on the directory in which the file is being created, disabling client read caches for that direc- tory. By relegating this responsibility to the server, con- sistency between the server and NQNFS clients is maintained when NFS clients are modifying the file system as well.20 The leases are issued as time intervals to avoid the requirement of time of day clock synchronization. There are three important time constants known to the server. The mmaaxx-- iimmuumm__lleeaassee__tteerrmm sets an upper bound on lease duration. The cclloocckk__sskkeeww is added to all lease terms on the server to cor- rect for differing clock speeds between the client and server and wwrriittee__ssllaacckk is the number of seconds the server is willing to wait for a client with an expired write caching lease to push dirty writes. The server maintains a mmooddiiffyy__rreevviissiioonn number for each file. It is defined as a unsigned quadword integer that is never zero and that must increase whenever the corresponding file is modified on the server. It is used by the client to determine whether or not cached data for the file is stale. Generating this value is easier said than done. The current implementation uses the following technique, which is ____________________ 20 The NFS clients will continue to be _a_p_p_r_o_x_i_m_a_t_e_l_y con- sistent with the server. SSMMMM::0066--1144 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn believed to be adequate. The high order longword is stored in the ufs inode and is initialized to one when an inode is first allocated. The low order longword is stored in main memory only and is initialized to zero when an inode is read in from disk. When the file is modified for the first time within a given second of wall clock time, the high order longword is incremented by one and the low order longword reset to zero. For subsequent modifications within the same second of wall clock time, the low order longword is incre- mented. If the low order longword wraps around to zero, the high order longword is incremented again. Since the high order longword only increments once per second and the inode is pushed to disk frequently during file modification, this implies 0 <= Current-Disk <= 5. When the inode is read in from disk, 10 is added to the high order longword, which ensures that the quadword is greater than any value it could have had before a crash. This introduces apparent modifica- tions every time the inode falls out of the LRU inode cache, but this should only reduce the client caching performance by a (hopefully) small margin. 99..22.. CCrraasshh RReeccoovveerryy aanndd ootthheerr FFaaiilluurree SScceennaarriiooss The server must maintain the state of all the current leases held by clients. The nice thing about short term leases is that maximum_lease_term seconds after the server stops issuing leases, there are no current leases left. As such, server crash recovery does not require any state recovery. After rebooting, the server refuses to service any RPCs except for writes until write_slack seconds after the last lease would have expired21. By then, the server would not have any outstanding leases to recover the state of and the clients have had at least write_slack seconds to push dirty writes to the server and get the server sync'd up to date. After this, the server simply services requests in a manner similar to NFS. In an effort to minimize the effect of "recovery storms" [Baker91], the server replies ttrryy__aaggaaiinn__llaatteerr to the RPCs it is not yet ready to service. After a client crashes, the server may have to wait for a lease to timeout before servicing a request if write shar- ing of a file with a cachable lease on the client is about to occur. As for the client, it simply starts up getting any leases it now needs. Any outstanding leases for that client on the server prior to the crash will either be renewed or expire via timeout. ____________________ 21 The last lease expiry time may be safely estimated as "boottime+maximum_lease_term+clock_skew" for machines that cannot store it in nonvolatile RAM. TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--1155 Certain network partitioning failures are more problem- atic. If a client to server network connection is severed just before a write caching lease expires, the client cannot push the dirty writes to the server. After the lease expires on the server, the server permits other clients to access the file with the potential of getting stale data. Unfortu- nately I believe this failure scenario is intrinsic in any delay write caching scheme unless the server is required to wait ffoorreevveerr for a client to regain contact22. Since the write caching lease has expired on the client, it will sync up with the server as soon as the network connection has been re-established. There is another failure condition that can occur when the server is congested. The worst case scenario would have the client pushing dirty writes to the server but a large request queue on the server delays these writes for more than wwrriittee__ssllaacckk seconds. It is hoped that a congestion con- trol scheme using the ttrryy__aaggaaiinn__llaatteerr RPC reply after boot- ing combined with the following lease termination rule for write caching leases can minimize the risk of this occur- rence. A write caching lease is only terminated on the server when there are have been no writes to the file and the server has not been overloaded during the previous write_slack seconds. The server has not been overloaded is approximated by a test for sleeping nfsd(s) at the end of the write_slack period. 99..33.. SSeerrvveerr DDiisskk FFuullll There is a serious unresolved problem for delayed write caching with respect to server disk space allocation. When the disk on the file server is full, delayed write RPCs can fail due to "out of space". For NFS, this occurrence results in an error return from the close system call on the file, since the dirty blocks are pushed on close. Processes writing important files can check for this error return to ensure that the file was written successfully. For NQNFS, the dirty blocks are not pushed on close and as such the client may not attempt the write RPC until after the process has done the close which implies no error return from the close. For the current prototype, the only solution is to modify programs writing important file(s) to call fsync and check for an error return from it instead of close. ____________________ 22 Gray and Cheriton avoid this problem by using a wwrriittee tthhrroouugghh policy. SSMMMM::0066--1166 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn 99..44.. PPrroottooccooll DDeettaaiillss The protocol specification is identical to that of NFS [Sun89] except for the following changes. +o RPC Information Program Number 300105 Version Number 1 +o Readdir_and_Lookup RPC struct readdirlookargs { fhandle file; nfscookie cookie; unsigned count; unsigned duration; }; struct entry { unsigned cachable; unsigned duration; modifyrev rev; fhandle entry_fh; nqnfs_fattr entry_attrib; unsigned fileid; filename name; nfscookie cookie; entry *nextentry; }; union readdirlookres switch (stat status) { case NFS_OK: struct { entry *entries; bool eof; } readdirlookok; default: void; }; readdirlookres NQNFSPROC_READDIRLOOK(readdirlookargs) = 18; Reads entries in a directory in a manner analogous to the NFSPROC_READDIR RPC in NFS, but returns the file handle and attributes of each entry as well. This allows the attribute and lookup caches to be primed. +o Get Lease RPC struct getleaseargs { TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--1177 fhandle file; cachetype readwrite; unsigned duration; }; union getleaseres switch (stat status) { case NFS_OK: bool cachable; unsigned duration; modifyrev rev; nqnfs_fattr attributes; default: void; }; getleaseres NQNFSPROC_GETLEASE(getleaseargs) = 19; Gets a lease for "file" valid for "duration" seconds from when the lease was issued on the server23. The lease permits client caching if "cachable" is true. The modify revision level and attributes for the file are also returned. +o Eviction Message void NQNFSPROC_EVICTED (fhandle) = 21; This message is sent from the server to the client. When the client receives the message, it should flush data associated with the file represented by "fhandle" from its caches and then send the VVaaccaatteedd MMeessssaaggee back to the server. Flushing includes pushing any dirty writes via. write RPCs. +o Vacated Message void NQNFSPROC_VACATED (fhandle) = 20; This message is sent from the client to the server in response to the EEvviiccttiioonn MMeessssaaggee. See above. +o Access RPC struct accessargs { ____________________ 23 To be safe, the client may only assume that the lease is valid for ``duration'' seconds from when the RPC request was sent to the server. SSMMMM::0066--1188 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn fhandle file; bool read_access; bool write_access; bool exec_access; }; stat NQNFSPROC_ACCESS(accessargs) = 22; The access RPC does permission checking on the server for the given type of access required by the client for the file. Use of this RPC avoids accessibility prob- lems caused by client->server uid mapping. +o Piggybacked Get Lease Request The piggybacked get lease request is functionally equivalent to the Get Lease RPC except that is attached to one of the other NQNFS RPC requests as follows. A getleaserequest is prepended to all of the request arguments for NQNFS and a getleaserequestres is inserted in all NFS result structures just after the "stat" field only if "stat == NFS_OK". union getleaserequest switch (cachetype type) { case NQLREAD: case NQLWRITE: unsigned duration; default: void; }; union getleaserequestres switch (cachetype type) { case NQLREAD: case NQLWRITE: bool cachable; unsigned duration; modifyrev rev; default: void; }; The get lease request applies to the file that the attached RPC operates on and the file attributes remain in the same location as for the NFS RPC reply structure. +o Three additional "stat" values Three additional values have been added to the enumer- ated type "stat". NQNFS_EXPIRED=500 NQNFS_TRYLATER=501 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--1199 NQNFS_AUTHERR=502 The "expired" value indicates that a lease has expired. The "try later" value is returned by the server when it wishes the client to retry the RPC request after a short delay. It is used during crash recovery (Section 2) and may also be useful for server congestion control. The "authetication error" value is returned for kerberized mount points to indicate that there is no cached authentication mapping and a Kerberos ticket for the principal is required. 99..55.. DDaattaa TTyyppeess +o cachetype enum cachetype { NQLNONE = 0, NQLREAD = 1, NQLWRITE = 2 }; Type of lease requested. NQLNONE is used to indicate no piggybacked lease request. +o modifyrev typedef unsigned hyper modifyrev; The "modifyrev" is a unsigned quadword integer value that is never zero and increases every time the corre- sponding file is modified on the server. +o nqnfs_time struct nqnfs_time { unsigned seconds; unsigned nano_seconds; }; For NQNFS times are handled at nano second resolution instead of micro second resolution for NFS. +o nqnfs_fattr struct nqnfs_fattr { ftype type; unsigned mode; unsigned nlink; unsigned uid; unsigned gid; unsigned hyper size; unsigned blocksize; unsigned rdev; SSMMMM::0066--2200 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn unsigned hyper bytes; unsigned fsid; unsigned fileid; nqnfs_time atime; nqnfs_time mtime; nqnfs_time ctime; unsigned flags; unsigned generation; modifyrev rev; }; The nqnfs_fattr structure is modified from the NFS fattr so that it stores the file size as a 64bit quan- tity and the storage occupied as a 64bit number of bytes. It also has fields added for the 4.4BSD va_flags and va_gen fields as well as the file's modify rev level. +o nqnfs_sattr struct nqnfs_sattr { unsigned mode; unsigned uid; unsigned gid; unsigned hyper size; nqnfs_time atime; nqnfs_time mtime; unsigned flags; unsigned rdev; }; The nqnfs_sattr structure is modified from the NFS sattr structure in the same manner as fattr. The arguments to several of the NFS RPCs have been modified as well. Mostly, these are minor changes to use 64bit file offsets or similar. The modified argument structures follow. +o Lookup RPC struct lookup_diropargs { unsigned duration; fhandle dir; filename name; }; union lookup_diropres switch (stat status) { case NFS_OK: struct { union getleaserequestres lookup_lease; fhandle file; nqnfs_fattr attributes; } lookup_diropok; TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn SSMMMM::0066--2211 default: void; }; The additional "duration" argument tells the server to get a lease for the name being looked up if it is non- zero and the lease is specified in "lookup_lease". +o Read RPC struct nqnfs_readargs { fhandle file; unsigned hyper offset; unsigned count; }; +o Write RPC struct nqnfs_writeargs { fhandle file; unsigned hyper offset; bool append; nfsdata data; }; The "append" argument is true for apeend only write operations. +o Get Filesystem Attributes RPC union nqnfs_statfsres (stat status) { case NFS_OK: struct { unsigned tsize; unsigned bsize; unsigned blocks; unsigned bfree; unsigned bavail; unsigned files; unsigned files_free; } info; default: void; }; The "files" field is the number of files in the file system and the "files_free" is the number of additional files that can be created. SSMMMM::0066--2222 TThhee 44..44BBSSDD NNFFSS IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn 1100.. SSuummmmaarryy The configuration and tuning of an NFS environment tends to be a bit of a mystic art, but hopefully this paper along with the man pages and other reading will be helpful. Good Luck. 1111.. BBiibblliiooggrraapphhyy [Baker91] Mary Baker and John Ousterhout, Availability in the Sprite Distributed File System, In _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_n_g _S_y_s_t_e_m _R_e_v_i_e_w, (25)2, pg. 95-98, April 1991. [Baker91a] Mary Baker, Private Email Communication, May 1991. [Burrows88] Michael Burrows, Efficient Data Sharing, Technical Report #153, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Dec. 1988. [Gray89] Cary G. Gray and David R. Cheriton, Leases: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Distributed File Cache Consistency, In _P_r_o_c_. _o_f _t_h_e _T_w_e_l_f_t_h _A_C_M _S_y_m_p_o_s_i_u_m _o_n _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_n_g _S_y_s_t_e_m_s _P_r_i_n_c_i_p_a_l_s, Litchfield Park, AZ, Dec. 1989. [Howard88] John H. 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