Chapter 2. User's Guide for the DocBook DTD

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Object Content in Documents

Terms and Concepts
Paragraphs and Text Blocks
Admonitions and Sidebars
Lists, MsgSets, and Procedures
Callout Structures
Computer Examples
Figures and Graphics
Formal and Informal Tables
Formal, Informal, and Inline Equations

2.1 Terms and Concepts

In this document, ``in-line'' means ``occuring within a line of text, like a character or character string, not causing a line break.'' This term is sometimes used to refer to objects such as an illustration around which something like a paragraph is wrapped; here that arrangement is called ``in flow.'' There is no provision yet for indicating that an object is in flow, but one could make creative use of the Role attribute to do so.

A related point: formal objects have titles (with the possible exception of a formal equation, which doesn't require a title); informal objects do not. That an object is informal does not mean that it is in-line: these are two different characteristics.TBS: full-time and part-time (synopsis) inline objects.

[Prev] Tables of Contents and Lists of Titles
[Next] Paragraphs and Text Blocks
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