Orders/Results Technical Committee Meeting Minutes May 20, 1993 - Boston The Orders/Results Technical Committee Meeting was led by Dr. Clem McDonald and Dr. Robert Sidelli. The status of Chapters 4 & 8 - version 2.2 - were discussed by Dr. McDonald. In conjunction with this, the negative ballotting process was discussed. It was mentioned that there was one lengthy negative ballot and that all those that had voted in the previous round would be receiving a copy of it and have the opportunity to change their vote. As there were a large number of new attendees to this session, Dr. McDonald held a question and answer period. Attendees mentioned that they would like to be introduced to others who have interest in specific areas, such as dietary and pharmacy, to discuss implementation problems. The master file segments for laboratory procedures was discussed. Dr. Robert Sidelli was to fill in some holes on field lengths and optionality for balloting. The subcommittee voted all in favor with two absentions to send this section our for balloting as an appendix to chapter 7, with agreement that if it is negatively balloted the subcommittee would withdraw it from use with 2.2 rather than hold up the core chapter. Wayne Tracy proposed that the Orders/Results chapters adopt a trigger event model like that in the ADT chapter. There was discussion about the cost/benefit of this approach. Specifically, the trigger event model tends to make the message more atomic and bundling of events (e.g., complex orders with updates and deletions) becomes problematic. The general consensus was that the trigger event modifications would be appropriate for the 2.x versions and Wayne will bring a formal proposal to the committee at t he Dallas meeting. [{filename |NORMAL.DOT}]